15990 vid bacon wrappedhalibut

Put Fish on the Family Menu

Posted 11/9/2021
By Jolene Goodman

(Family Features) When meals at home get stale and boring, adding some excitement back to family dinners can be as simple as a protein swap. Despite fish being a no-go for picky eaters in some families, there’s a flavorful solution for adding it to the menu in your home.
If you’re hoping to introduce kids (or a picky spouse) to fish for an at-home shakeup, try wrapping it with a flavorful favorite. This Bacon-Wrapped Halibut recipe calls for lightly seasoned fillets wrapped with all-natural bacon served alongside your favorite grains and vegetables — an easy yet tasty way to put seafood on the table.
Sourced from American Humane Certified family farmers that raise animals 100% crate-free with no antibiotics or added hormones, the Coleman Natural bacon in this 20-minute dish contains no artificial ingredients or preservatives so you can feel good about feeding your family better. Plus, with no sugar, it’s paleo-friendly and perfect for those looking to reduce sugar intake.
To find more family-friendly recipes, visit ColemanNatural.com/Recipes.

 Jolene Goodman is the advertising director for Lake Panorama Times and vice president of Big Green Umbrella Media.


Bacon-Wrapped Halibut

Prep time: 10 minutes
Cook time: 10 minutes
Servings: 4

4 halibut fillets (6 ounces each), skin removed
salt, to taste
pepper, to taste
8 slices Coleman Natural Bacon
1 tablespoon canola oil
cooked rice or other grain (optional)
salad or other vegetable (optional)
Season halibut with salt and pepper, to taste, then wrap each fillet along shorter side with two bacon slices, tucking ends underneath to hold in place.
In large, nonstick skillet, heat oil over medium-high heat. Add fish and cook, turning once, until bacon is crisp, about 5 minutes on each side.
Serve fish with rice or salad.


Posted 11/9/2021
By Susan Thompson 
Lake Panorama Times

In April 2020, Friends of Lake Panorama received a $2,000 check from the Guthrie County Community Foundation (GCCF). This was in response to a grant application from Friends for help with a $70,000 project to install new playground equipment at both Boulder and Shady beaches. Fundraising began in November 2019, and the $70,000 goal was reached in October 2020. The play equipment at Shady Beach was installed that fall, with the Boulder Beach equipment in place by April 2021.
In the past, the foundation held annual receptions to recognize grant recipients. The COVID-19 pandemic led the GCCF board to look for new ways to connect with those receiving grants in 2020 and 2021. The result has been visits by members of the GCCF board to project sites, plus photos taken with the GCCF “Live Here…Give Here” signs and local grant recipients.
In 2020, Friends of Lake Panorama was one of 35 grant recipients. That year, the Guthrie County Community Foundation had $143,902 to give in grants to Guthrie County charitable organizations and projects. In 2021, 23 grant recipients in Guthrie County received a total of $118,632.
Funding for GCCF grants is provided by local donors, the County Endowment Fund Program, and Grow Greene County Gaming Corporation. Through Iowa’s County Endowment Fund Program and Grow Greene County Gaming, a percentage of gaming tax revenue is distributed to community foundations that do not hold a state-issued gaming license. GCCF is an affiliate of the Community Foundation of Greater Des Moines, a nationally accredited Community Foundation that provides GCCF access to the Endow Iowa tax credit and the County Endowment Fund Program.

PICTURED: Members of the Guthrie County Community Foundation (GCCF) board of directors and the Friends of Lake Panorama board gathered recently for a photo at the new playground at Boulder Beach. GCCF board members are visiting project sites where grant funds were used. Friends of Lake Panorama received a $2,000 grant in 2020 to help install new playground equipment at Shady and Boulder beaches. Shown at the Boulder Beach playground, left to right, back row, Kirby Klinge, Tammy Deal and JoAnn Johnson, GCCF board members. Front row, Jan Reinicke, Jody Muench, Jim Tibbles and Emily Spradling, Friends board members. 


Docks must be in compliance by July 1, 2022, to avoid citations.

Posted 11/9/2021
By Susan Thompson 
Lake Panorama Times 

Docks on Lake Panorama are governed by a State of Iowa law passed in 2008. Management of the program falls under the jurisdiction of the Iowa Department of Natural Resources (DNR).
Jeremy King is the Iowa DNR conservation officer for Guthrie and Audubon counties. King grew up in Guthrie County. While King was in high school, he worked for the DNR at Springbrook State Park for four summers. After high school, he attended Upper Iowa University.
Later he worked seasonal jobs for the DNR such as fisheries technician, natural resource educator, and water patrol officer. He was hired full-time by the South Dakota Game, Fish, and Parks as a park manager stationed in Mobridge before being hired by the Iowa DNR as a conservation officer in 2004.
In this month’s Q&A, King reviews the rules and regulations for dock permits as these impact Lake Panorama owners.

Q. Tell us about your duties as a conservation officer for the Iowa DNR. 
A. My job duties are very diverse. I primarily focus on people who hunt, fish, trap, ATV, snowmobile, and boat. However, I am a state-certified officer and have statewide jurisdiction to enforce all state laws. Each year during my primary enforcement, I arrest people for drugs, assist with domestic violence complaints, speeding, and other various law infractions I come across. I am also federally deputized to enforce certain fish and game laws.  

Q. Explain the reasons for the state law regarding dock permits and how this applies to Lake Panorama.
A. The intent of this law passed in 2008 was to have a numbering system on the water like there is on land. This law also provides guidance on distance from property lines, how big docks can be, how many slips are allowed, and other things. Lake Panorama is a unique lake that provides private access to public water. Since the water is public, docks need to be registered. This is to help locate houses or to provide an E911 address in case of an emergency, should it happen on land or on the water, so emergency crews can respond to the location faster.

Q. What are the various classes of docks, and which are most common on Lake Panorama?
A. There are four classes of docks. Generally, the only ones that affect residents of Lake Panorama are Class I and Class III. Class I docks are standard private docks that can have one dock with up to two hoists. There are additional restrictions on the size and configurations that can be used. There is no cost for a Class I permit, but it must be renewed every five years.
Class III docks typically are docks that don’t fall under Class I. The Class III permit application fee is $125 for one or more individual private docks. Each dock permit is issued for a term of five years unless a shorter term is needed due to specified circumstances. Here is an online link to the exact language regarding docks and how it may apply to your situation: https://www.legis.iowa.gov/docs/iac/chapter/03-18-2015.571.16.pdf

Q. If someone is new to Lake Panorama and putting in a new dock/lift, what do they need to do to get their first permit?
A. The best way is to go to https://www.iowadnr.gov/boatdocks. You will have to create a user name and password. Once you have done that and are logged in, it will walk you through the process of renewing, updating, or initially registering a dock.
If someone purchases a home or lot and the dock/lift comes with the purchase, the dock permit is automatically transferable to the new owner of the shoreline property upon request of the new owner.

Q. What about Lake Panorama property owners who may have had a dock for quite a while but never gotten the necessary permit? 
A. They need to go to the DNR online link provided in the last answer and get the dock registered. Failure to comply could result in being cited to court and a fine. I have been patrolling Lake Panorama for more than 14 years, and since the inception of the dock laws, unregistered docks have been a growing problem. With over 800 docks on the lake, and new construction going up daily, it is hard for me to keep up with all unregistered docks.
There are enough docks now that are not in compliance that action is needed. For property owners who have docks that are not in compliance, they have until July 1, 2022, to get everything that way. After that date, citations may be issued.

Q. Do dock owners receive notification when their dock permit is about to expire?
A. Dock permits are to be renewed every five years, which goes off of the date it was originally permitted, so the dates differ for each dock owner. If an email is on file for the dock owner, an email reminder is sent out. If there is no email, then a letter is mailed. Dock owners can begin renewing their permits on Dec. 15 of their renewal year.

Q When it is time to renew, what should the dock owner do?
A. To renew permits, dock owners need to log on to https://www.iowadnr.gov/boatdocks to access their account and renew their permit. They will need their A&A Account ID (or user name) and password to access their account. If they don’t remember their information, they will have to follow the prompts on the screen to recover it, or call the help desk at 515-281-5703 for assistance. 
Once in the system, users can renew their permit from the account home page. Users can always call the DNR district office and ask for Holly at 712-769-2400 and she can assist in renewing their permit, once they are in the system. Holly cannot help them with IT or login issues. Holly can help most people over the phone if they are having trouble accessing or renewing their permit.

Q. Any final thoughts?
 A. Swim platforms also need to be registered and can be done in the same manner as docks. Here is what Chapter 16 says about permit criteria for rafts, platforms, or other structures: “A raft, platform, or other structure maintained on a public water body requires authorization in a permit. The raft, platform, or other structure may not be placed more than 250 feet from the shoreline, shall be equipped with reflectors that are visible from approaching boats, and shall be subject to the winter removal requirement unless specifically exempted by the permit.”
So, these need their own registration and signage, along with reflectors on all sides. This would also include inflatable rafts people leave in the water. Some of the common ones we see at lakes are giant flamingos and swans. Those technically would have to be permitted if they are left in the water overnight. We have had people leave these in the middle of lakes, and boats run into them when it is dark. That is why there are distance and reflector requirements.
Dock and swim platform signs with the address must face out toward the middle of the body of water. There are a number of them that are facing down the bank and are hard to find or see.
It’s important to make sure you are getting the correct dock permit based on the number of slips, size of your dock, and other things. There are some docks that have a Class I permit, but should be a Class III because they have too many slips. Those will need to be brought into the correct class.
I recommend reviewing the DNR website link provided earlier to get caught up on all the dock rules and regulations. Anyone with questions can contact me either by phone at 712-250-0061 or email at Jeremy.king@dnr.iowa.gov.



Once a permit is received from the Iowa DNR, Lake Panorama dock and swim platform owners need to use that information to order a sign through the LPA office to attach to their dock. This is an LPA program that exists in addition to the DNR regulations.
After the dock permit law was passed in 2008, the LPA board wanted to ensure uniform signage for aesthetic and safety reasons. Calling an ambulance from the water is confusing, and these signs ensure addresses are easily identified by everyone.
The sign order form can be found on the LPA website or picked up in person at the LPA office. Some general information is needed, including your 911 address and the DNR permit number. There is a $50 fee to cover the cost of the sign. The LPA office will let the member know when the dock sign arrives, and can be picked up from the office.

WFPF hopes to be back doing the Christmas Home tour in December of 2022.

Posted 11/9/2021
By Susan Thompson 
Lake Panorama Times

The area service club Women for Panora’s Future (WFPF) normally sponsors a Christmas tour of homes the first Sunday in December. The tour was canceled in 2020 and also won’t be held this year.
“Out of an abundance of caution due to COVID, we chose not to pursue a Christmas Home Tour for 2021, and risk possibly exposing our hosts and hostesses to this virus, plus the more than 200 participants who support our tour,” says Debbie Rockwell, WFPF president.
Visitors tour the inside of host homes that have been decorated for Christmas. Rockwell says the group hopes to be back doing the WFPF Christmas Home tour in December of 2022.
“Anyone who loves to decorate for Christmas can contact me at rockwell2@netins.net to get on our list of upcoming homes,” she says. “We have a great committee that will reach out to you and answer all of your questions. Being a host for the tour is a good way to get your decorating out of the way early, so you can enjoy all of the Christmas activities while everyone else is frantically putting up their tree.”
The home tour normally raises enough money to award $500 scholarships to two graduating Panorama Community School students each spring. Brian Bahrenfus, head coach of the Panorama baseball team, has a collection area for cans by the recycling bins in Panora. The baseball team uses this income to fund things it needs. Bahrenfus has agreed to let WFPF collect the cans May and June of 2022 to use toward the student scholarships. Signs will be posted at the drop-off site those two months to remind donors of the change, and information will be provided through social and print media.
Another WFPF fundraiser involves selling raffle tickets for a monthly plate of cookies or a pie with the winning name drawn at the group’s September meeting.
WFPF members help decorate the Panora town square for Christmas and run the candy cane walk and cake walk during community events. They donate cookies for Memorial Day activities and the Haunted Village; clean the roadside ditches on Highway 4 north of Panora twice a year; hold two blood drives a year; and donate money to several local organizations. They also purchase Christmas presents for all residents of Panora Specialty Care.
The group meets the first Tuesday of each month and is always looking for new members. Contact Rockwell at rockwell2@netins.net for more information.

Lake Panorama RIZ election Dec. 7
Polls will be open from noon until 8 p.m.

Posted 11/9/2021
By Susan Thompson 
Lake Panorama Times

Voting for one position on the Lake Panorama Rural Improvement Zone (RIZ) board will take place Tuesday, Dec. 7. The polls will be open from noon until 8 p.m. in the lower level of the LPA office, 5006 Panorama Drive.
Or voters can request absentee ballots from the Guthrie County Auditor for the “Special Election” and fill in Lake Panorama RIZ. The last date to request an absentee ballot via U.S. Postal Service is Nov. 22. Voters also can vote absentee at the auditor’s office in the Guthrie County courthouse from Nov. 17 through Dec. 6.
Trustee Larry Petersen is running for re-election. Other trustees on the RIZ board are Bill Dahl, Doug Hemphill, JoAnn Johnson and Corey Welberg.
Voting is limited to individuals whose voter registration address is located within the Lake Panorama subdivision. LPA members who do not consider Lake Panorama their primary residence for voting purposes are not eligible to cast a ballot.
This is a government election, not an LPA election. Every eligible voter can cast a ballot. This differs from LPA elections, where each membership is allowed just one vote.
The trustees are responsible for administering the RIZ, which includes the platted portions of the Lake Panorama development. The Lake Panorama RIZ is a local government entity designed to manage erosion control and water quality at Lake Panorama and within its watershed.
The RIZ was formed in 1997 by the initiative of the LPA through legislation in Des Moines. The tax increment financing district allows tax growth dollars to stay within the Lake Panorama development for water quality purposes.
The board of trustees oversees the annual budget and associated expenditures. Estimated revenue for the 2021-2022 fiscal year is $2.6 million. These funds are used exclusively to fund improvements allowed under IA Code 357.H, which includes dredging operations, erosion control practices and water quality improvements.
A key focus of RIZ is the dredging of sediment from Lake Panorama. This ensures lake depth remains suitable for safe enjoyment by LPA members and their guests.
The most notable project approved this year is the expansion of the 180th Trail Basin, formerly known as the CIPCO Basin. This project will occur over multiple years and will represent an investment of about $4 million. The project will provide Lake Panorama with a sediment basin for use after the County Basin is full.
Also being completed in 2021 are the armoring of select areas in Burchfield Cove and the County Basin, as well as the replacement of the 15,000-gallon fuel barrel that serves the dredging operations. Development is underway for the fourth and fifth wetlands serving the lake’s watershed. For more information on Lake Panorama RIZ, visit its website at www.lakepanoramariz.org

Four current drivers typically drive a scheduled day every week. 

Posted 11/9/2021
By Susan Thompson 
Lake Panorama Times

The Guthrie County Hospital in Guthrie Center opened in 1951 and has been serving residents of Guthrie and neighboring counties ever since.
One reason for the hospital’s ongoing success is the Guthrie County Hospital Foundation, which was formed in 1995. The foundation was organized to generate and manage donations to the Guthrie County Hospital (GCH). It is a 501(c)(3) non-profit charity, which allows donors to receive tax benefits.
The Foundation’s mission is to provide financial support to the Guthrie County Hospital so it can offer quality healthcare close to home. One way it helps reach that mission is by providing free transportation to medical appointments.
In 2004, the Foundation launched the Guthrie County Hospital Courtesy Van. Besides purchasing the vans, all maintenance and operating costs are covered by the Foundation. One cost the Foundation doesn’t have for the van program is drivers, because volunteers do the driving.
There currently are four regular drivers, who typically drive a scheduled day every week. These volunteers include Reuben Hanson, JoAnn Johnson, Bill Sparks and Bob Subbert. There also are three substitute drivers, including Stan Landon, Ron Eike and Bruce Roenfeld.
Officials say there is a need for additional drivers. All drivers are required to pass a background check. Volunteer drivers can have a free lunch at Sneakers Café located in the hospital’s Healthy Living Center on their driving day, and can use the fitness center at no cost on days they aren’t driving.
“Driving the courtesy van is a wonderful, fulfilling opportunity to serve the community,” says JoAnn Johnson. “I can guarantee it will give you a feel-good day.”
Stan Landon has been a volunteer driver since November 2013.
“I have met many folks who have taken advantage of the shuttle service, and I am honored to be able to give back to my community in this way,” he says. “Without this program and volunteer staff, many patients would be hard-pressed to make it to appointments necessary to maintain their health.”
The shuttle service was placed on hold in 2020 because of the COVID pandemic.
“As a volunteer driver, I found myself missing the interaction and conversations with the clients and worried about the health of many,” Landon says. “Once the service was restored this year, it’s been nice seeing familiar faces. I believe the shuttle service has made a huge difference in the overall mental and physical health of the residents of Guthrie County.”
The clients who use the courtesy van service are equally pleased. Jackie Kilcoin of Adair recently used the van service to get to and from physical therapy appointments.
“It’s wonderful, since I wasn’t able to drive myself. All the drivers are very courteous and helpful. This is a service that is much appreciated in our community,” Kilcoin says.
Another client, Carol Seela of Casey, calls the courtesy van “one of the best services a small rural hospital can offer. More hospitals should offer this service.”
Annette Kent of Guthrie Center says the drivers are timely and professional. “They’re also very accommodating if I have last minute appointments,” she says.
Patrick Peters is the CEO of Guthrie County Hospital. “When I interviewed for this position, the fact that the hospital had a volunteer van driving service left a large and pleasant impression on me,” he says. “On my flight back to Arizona I was thinking about what a great community this must be to take such great good care of its people.”
Peters says the service is a symbol of pride for the hospital and the community it serves.
“On behalf of the employees of Guthrie County Hospital and the hospital’s board of trustees, I want to send out a huge thank you to our drivers who volunteer to perform this selfless and generous service to the people we serve,” Peters says.
In the beginning there was just one van, and it was only available to senior citizens 60 and older. Now there are two courtesy vans available for anyone living in Guthrie County who doesn’t have access to a car and is 18 years or older.
Anyone who fits these criteria can request a ride to and from an appointment at the Guthrie County Hospital, one of the GCH Clinics in Adair, Panora and Stuart, the Guthrie Family Medicine Center in Guthrie Center, or to congregate meals at Sneakers Café.
The vans operate Monday through Friday during regular business hours. Those needing a ride should contact Melissa at 641-332-3810 to submit a request. Those interested in volunteering as a van driver can call the same phone number to learn more.
Donations can be designated to the van program to help with operating expenses. Donations can be made by cash, check, wills, stocks, bonds, real estate, and many other charitable instruments. The Guthrie County Hospital Foundation mailing address is 710 N. 12th Street, Guthrie Center, IA 50115. For more information, call 641-332-2201 or stop by the front office of the hospital.

PICTURED: Three current volunteer drivers for the GCH Foundation courtesy van are, left to right, Reuben Hanson, JoAnn Johnson and Stan Landon. More volunteer drivers are needed, both those willing to drive on a regular basis one day a week and also substitute drivers to fill in when the regular drivers aren’t available. 
Lpahistorybook copy

Consider Lake Panorama history book for gift giving

Posted 11/9/2021
Looking for a holiday gift for family members or friends? Consider purchasing one or more copies of “Lake Panorama – The First 50 Years.” The book, authored by Susan Thompson, arrived at the Lake Panorama Association office July 19, 2019.
The full-color, hardcover 112-page book includes both historic and contemporary photos. Chapters in the book describe six decades of planning and development. There also are special topic chapters on Lake Panorama’s golf courses, infrastructure, and water quality efforts. Sidebar stories highlight various groups and activities such as HALO, Lake Panorama ski team, Fin and Feather, Fourth of July fireworks and more.
The LPA financed the book’s production. About 1,000 books were printed with 350 purchased online in advance, and another 325 purchased since the book’s arrival. About 325 remain in stock.
The book’s cost is $35, which includes tax. LPA will ship at an additional cost of $5 per book. Once ordered online, books will be shipped from Panora in seven to 10 business days.
Books are available for direct purchase at the front desk of the LPA Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. The book also is available at the Lake Panorama National front desk during daily business hours of 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Purchases can be made at the LPA and LPN via cash, check, or credit card. The book also is available at the Panora Library with purchases cash or check only.
Here is the link to order online and have one or more books shipped: https://lakepanorama.formstack.com/forms/order


Posted 11/9/2021
The annual LPN Holiday Brunch at Lake Panorama National Resort will be Sunday, Dec. 19. Service will be from 10:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. with reservations taken every half hour. The cost is $24 for adults, $11 for children ages 5 to 12, with children ages 4 and younger free.
The brunch will offer both breakfast and lunch items. Breakfast items will include scrambled eggs, egg casserole, biscuits and gravy, bacon, sausage, cheesy potatoes, hash browns, a waffle bar, and displays of both Danishes and fresh fruit.
Lunch items will include herb roasted chicken, seared pork loin with sage sauce, a poached salmon display, roast beef carving station, baked pasta, shrimp cocktail, roasted new potatoes, green bean casserole, sweet corn, dinner rolls, mixed green salad with dressings and toppings, caprese salad and pasta salad.
Desserts offered will include pumpkin pie, apple pie, assorted cream pies and brownies. The Links regular menu will not be available the day of the brunch. Reservations are required and can be made by calling the LPN front desk at 641-755-2080.

New LPA website to launch

Posted 11/9/2021
By Susan Thompson 
Lake Panorama Times

The first website for the Lake Panorama Association (LPA) came online in 2001. It underwent a major revision with a new host in 2009, which made it possible to send email to all registered members of the site. That LPA site still is in use today and provides information weekly through the Panorama Prompt e-bulletin to about 1,400 LPA members.
Over the years, the current website has become more difficult to navigate, as additional information and features were added. Now work is underway to launch a new LPA website that will be simpler to use, while continuing to provide the ability for LPA staff to communicate directly with members and provide the important documents they need.
LPA staff chose FRONTSTEPS to help develop and host the new website. FRONTSTEPS is a software and website hosting provider designed specifically for associations made up of property owners. Work began in late 2019 but was put on hold in early 2020 because of the COVID-19 pandemic.
“Our current website has fallen behind,” says Lane Rumelhart, LPA project manager. “I often receive comments from members who struggle to navigate our current site, whether it be searching for a document, or trying to find information on our amenities, rules, codes and other things. The new website will be much more intuitive, and will help members and non-members find all the information they need.”
As with the current site, there will be both public and private sides. The home page on the public site will include information about Lake Panorama and the LPA. Tabs will take visitors to the lake’s history and Frequently Asked Questions.
A “Documents” tab will make it possible for those wanting to learn more about the LPA to choose from a list of governing documents, including the association’s bylaws, covenants, rules and regulations, boating regulations, building codes and more.
A “Helpful Links” tab will provide direct links to Coulter’s Panorama Marine, the LPA Water Safety Video, Lake Panorama Rural Improvement Zone (RIZ), Lake Panorama National Resort, Friends of Lake Panorama, Fin and Feather, and Lake Panorama Times. Contact information for the LPA is easily found on the public site.
The LPA home page will have tabs for “Resident Sign-Up” and “Resident Sign-In.” The private side of the website will be restricted to Lake Panorama property owners.
Once the website has been launched, emails will be sent to all property owners who currently have an email address registered with the LPA office. This will provide details on how to use the “Resident Sign-Up” button to request access. Once an LPA staff person has verified the login request came from a property owner, access to the private side of the website will be approved.
LPA members who have not registered for the current website won’t receive an email invitation. Yet they also will be able to set-up an account through the “Resident Sign-Up” option and gain access to the private side of the website once they are verified as an LPA member.
The private side is simple to navigate, with the primary focus on information sharing. A “Documents” tab will take the member to a list of folders. Each one is named to easily see what can be found inside by clicking on the folder. For instance, the “Boating” folder contains a map of Lake Panorama coves, a map showing buoy placements, boating regulations, and documents related to invasive species, guest boaters, and vessel size and horsepower limits.
Other folders are related to LPA board meetings and minutes, building codes, LPA forms, governing documents, annual drinking water quality reports, hunting, yard waste locations and more. Those who register for the website will be signed up to receive the Panorama Prompt. One of the folders will hold a one-year archive of this weekly e-newsletter. 
Special bulletins, such as notifications of water line repairs or road work, will be created using the new website, distributed via email, and posted on the website. Community FAQs also will be available. Some of these will be similar to the FAQs on the public side, while some will be specific just to LPA members, such as hunting regulations and maps.
Advance notice of the launch date will be publicized in the Panorama Prompt, and members can expect to receive an email shortly after the launch with details on how to create their account and gain access to the website. This will be necessary for members to continue to receive the Panorama Prompt and other LPA bulletins, plus access LPA documents that will only be available on the private side of the website.
“This new website will not only make things easier and simpler for members, but it also will allow members to check and see if their current contact information is up to date with LPA,” Rumelhart says.
John Rutledge, LPA general manager, says it will be important for members to opt-in to the new website by registering.
“Members will be prompted to register via email, but they must complete the final step to ensure their information is up to date and they are in our system to receive weekly email bulletins and special announcements,” he says.
A date has not yet been set for the launch of the new website. Those with questions will be asked to call the LPA office at 641-755-2301 once the new website is online. 

The Panora Chamber held a Business After Hours event at Twin Vines on Oct. 18.

Posted 11/9/2021

Isom Tree Farm is located on Highway 25 north of Guthrie Center near Springbrook State Park.  

Posted 11/9/2021
By Susan Thompson 
Lake Panorama Times

Larry and Heather Isom grew up in California, her on the coast and him near Death Valley. They met as employees at a local pizzeria in San Luis Obispo where he was attending Cal Poly University. They married in 1998 and moved to the Midwest two years later.
Sixteen years ago, they settled into a home on Lake Panorama’s Burchfield Cove. Larry is director of engineering at Power Lift in Jefferson. Heather is trained in interior design but “retired” in 2009 when their daughter was born. The couple now has two children. Danica is 12 years old, and Clint is 8.
Larry’s father’s retirement plan was to own and operate a tree farm. Roland and Laura Isom learned to love Iowa when they visited Larry and Heather from their home in California.
“His retirement plan was planting 1,200 sugar maple trees,” says Larry. “Dad worked civil service as a programmer for the Navy for most of his career. My mom was a school teacher. In 2010, they bought the ‘Glades old place’ and started the tree farm.”
The tree farm is on Highway 25 north of Guthrie Center near Springbrook State Park. Larry and his father planted 1,200 sugar maples in 2010.
“He wanted to grow sugar maples because they are a nice, fast-growing hardwood tree, and because he wanted to produce maple syrup,” Larry says.
The 13 acres of land where the trees were planted was a pasture surrounded by mature trees on the east and west. The Middle Raccoon River, which flows into Lake Panorama, borders the south side of the tree farm. A house and large metal shed are on the north.  
Although they had a tree farm in Iowa, Roland and Laura continued to live in California. Within a couple of years, Laura retired from teaching and made the tree farm her semi-permanent location. Larry’s sister also moved to Iowa and lives in the Cedar Falls area.
Roland continued to work and make frequent trips to Iowa. He retired in 2017 and moved to the tree farm. But he didn’t get to enjoy his retirement plan for long; he passed away just short of one year after retirement.
“I helped Dad lay out and plant those first 1,200 trees,” Larry says. “We had been helping him on the farm since then and started doing all the work after he passed.” Last year, Larry and Heather purchased the farm from his mother, who still lives in the house there.
One part of Roland Isom’s retirement plan was to make maple syrup, and he was able to do that for about five years with his son’s help. Larry and Heather have continued the process.
“The sap flows in sugar maple trees when the temperature is above freezing in the days and below freezing at night,” Larry says. “We start in mid-February and go to mid-March. We stop when the trees start to flower, because the sap turns very dark and has a bitter taste.”
It takes between 40 and 60 gallons of sap to produce one gallon of maple syrup. The sap is reduced over a wood-burning firepit, then moved to a cooktop in the shed. When it reaches 66 percent sugar, it is maple syrup, ready to be bottled and labeled. The Isoms maintain a list of previous customers, plus friends and family.
“We sell what we have on a first-come, first-serve basis,” Heather says. “It doesn’t last long.”
In 2017, the Isoms started tree planting again.
“We had lost about 50 percent of the original trees, many to flooding from the Raccoon River that left half of the tree field under water,” Larry says. “Since we had to replant, we added red, amur flame and silver maples.”
Tree planting now is an annual event with 18” tall, bare root trees shipped to them in boxes each spring and fall. Conifers are planted in the spring, and deciduous trees in the fall. The family plants 400 to 600 trees per year and has about 2,000 trees in the field now.
Four years ago, the Isoms planted their first Christmas trees, adding Scotch pine, white pine and fir.
“It was always part of the plan to grow our own Christmas trees,” Heather says. “Christmas is an important holiday in our family.”
Eventually the family will offer a “choose and cut” Christmas tree operation. Customers will stop in the heated shop to check in before going to the field to choose their tree. They will be able to either take a saw to cut down the tree themselves, or find what they want and have it cut for them.
“We should be able to start selling pine trees in three years,” says Larry. “Our goal is to get to a place where we can sell about 200 Christmas trees each year.”
Also in the shop will be a variety of wreaths, something that was sold for the first time last year. Heather and Danica are the wreath-makers in the family. Larry created a special corner in the heated shop for them.
“Last year we sold 15. This year we are aiming for 50 wreaths,” Heather says. “We love doing it together. Danica has quite a talent for decorating them. For now we buy ‘Charlie Brown’ trees from other tree farms, but once we get going we will have enough greenery on our farm for wreaths.” The pair already has several preorders and will have a booth at the Holiday Craft Fair in Panora the Saturday after Thanksgiving.
Another part of the Isom Tree Farm business is transplanting trees people want moved on their property, plus selling and planting trees from their farm.
“We have 100 sugar maples available for sale now to plant for landscaping,” Larry says. “We move these with a tree spade. The cost is $300 for the tree and planting it within a 30-mile radius of the farm. Eventually, some of our Christmas trees also will be sold as windbreak trees.”
Tree transplanting is only done in the fall or spring and is most successful when done in the fall, Isom says. Spring is usually wetter, and that makes the process more challenging. He is taking orders now and expects to move trees from mid-October into December.
In addition to the farm, work and keeping up with their two children, Heather and Larry are active in the Iowa Christmas Tree Association where Larry serves on the board of directors. The family has both a ski boat and a pontoon on Lake Panorama and enjoy time on both. Larry, Danica and Clint all are members of the Lake Panorama ski team.
While Larry and Heather say running a tree farm wasn’t in their long-term plans, they both enjoy it. Larry says he just likes to “do stuff, and there’s always plenty to do here.”
“It’s good family time for us,” Heather says. “Bringing the kids to the farm gets them away from their screens and outside to enjoy the fresh air. They’ve turned into good helpers when we’re working in the field.”
For more information about purchasing trees, or having current trees moved, the Isoms say phone calls or texts are best. Larry can be reached at 641-757-9817, with Heather at 641-757-7882. The Isom Tree Farm also is on Facebook, plus has a website at IsomTreeFarm.com. Email is isomtreefarm@gmail.com.


Posted 11/9/2021
Submit items for UPCOMING EVENTS calendar at www.lakepanoramatimes.com
Event dates and times are subject to change. Contact hosts for updated details.

Veterans Day
Thursday, Nov. 11

Free Breakfast for Veterans 
Thursday, Nov. 11
8-11 a.m.
Lake Panorama National Resort is offering a free breakfast in the LPN conference center free to all veterans. Families and friends of veterans, or those who simply want to take this chance to thank veterans for their service, can purchase the buffet for $8. No reservations are needed.

No school
Thursday, Nov. 12

Furry Family Photos
Sunday, Nov. 21
10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Twin Vines

Panora City Council meeting
Monday, Nov. 22
6:30 p.m.

LPA monthly board meeting
Tuesday, Nov. 23
5 p.m.
Lake Panorama National

No school
Wednesday, Nov. 24 through Friday, Nov. 26

Thanksgiving Day
Thursday, Nov. 25

WSO Salad Luncheon
Friday, Dec. 3
St. Cecilia Catholic Church basement. Tickets are $15. 641-751-5956

RIZ election
Thursday, Dec. 7
Noon to 8 p.m.
LPA office lower level

No school
Friday, Dec. 10

Panora City Council meeting
Monday, Dec. 13
6:30 p.m.

Annual LPN Holiday Brunch
Sunday, Dec. 19
10:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. with reservations taken every half hour. Reservations are required.
Adults, $24; kids ages 5 to 12, $11; ages 4 and younger, free
Lake Panorama National Resort


Posted 11/9/2021
By Susan Thompson 
Lake Panorama Times

It’s never too soon to start planning a great party. That’s what Lake Panorama National Resort staff are doing, planning a great party to help ring in 2022.
Dec. 31 will bring events for both children and adults. A Noon Year’s Eve party for kids will involve cookie decorating, crafts, activities, and a milk and cookie toast at noon. This party will be 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. with a cost of $10 per child.
An adult New Year’s Eve party in the banquet room will begin with a cash bar and hors d’oeuvres at 6 p.m. Buffet dinner stations will be set up around the room from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. A chocolate fountain buffet will remain open until 11 p.m. and feature brownies, poundcake, fruit, pretzels and marshmallows.
A disc jockey will provide music throughout the evening with dancing starting at 8 p.m. The cost is $50 per person or $90 per couple. Ticket prices include social hour appetizers, buffet, chocolate fountain, party favors, dancing, and a champagne toast at midnight.
Room packages are available that combine overnight lodging and admission tickets. Attendance is being capped at 200. Dress code is anywhere from business casual to formal dress. To purchase tickets or reserve a room package, contact the LPN front desk at 641-755-2080. 
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Cove Cat

Posted 11/9/2021
By Cheryl Temple
Lake Panorama Times

Name: Archie
Age: 2
Breed: Tabby
Owners: Carol and Gerry Frank

Adopted from Panora Pets, Archie is a male Tabby that loves to play, run around on the wood floors and hang out on the deck. Archie enjoys treats but is still not trusting enough to eat out of anyone’s hand. According to Archie, dinner time begins around 1:30 p.m. Archie and Gerry are best buds, maybe because they are both guys and sport whiskers.
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Lake Dog

Posted 11/9/2021
By Cheryl Temple
Lake Panorama Times

Name: Monet
Age: 5
Breed: Cockapoo
Owners: Melissa and Milo Merical

Monet and her family have lived many years at the lake. The last 15 have been full-time. Monet enjoys swimming in the family pool and chasing turkey, deer, fox and even rodents, but her favorite activity is playing ball. Monet makes a great watch dog but eventually warms up to people.

Trish Hart’s nature photo of the month

Posted 11/9/2021
By Susan Thompson 
Lake Panorama Times 

There are 280 different species in the squirrel family that live throughout the world, 40 of which are tree squirrels. The most common tree squirrel in the Lake Panorama area are fox squirrels, named because of their coloration similar to red foxes that also inhabit the area. Local photographer Trish Hart snapped this photo of a fox squirrel on one of her birdfeeders.
“Our squirrels are little acrobats that climb up and down the pole to get to the feeder,” she says.
According to the Iowa DNR, squirrel paws are hand-like, with little, primitive thumbs and strong claws for grasping at tree bark. These features, combined with a squirrel’s ability to rotate its hind feet 180 degrees, allow the animal to descend head-first from a tree. These same nimble hands also make it easy for squirrels to steal from birdfeeders. To prevent a squirrel from getting to a hanging bird feeder like the one pictured here, try making the cord slick by coating it with vegetable oil.
Trish Hart offers custom prints of her photos on canvas, paper, metal and glass. For more information, visit NaturesCanvasPhotos on Facebook. 

Drumming for the Pulsating Pilgrims earned Reuben Hanson his second Iowa Rock ‘n Roll Music Association Hall of Fame induction this year.

Posted 10/5/2021
By Susan Thompson 
Lake Panorama Times

Lake Panorama resident Reuben Hanson and his wife, Karen, spent Labor Day weekend at Okoboji. The trip wasn’t to escape from this lake to that lake, but rather for Reuben to be inducted, for the second time, into the Iowa Rock ‘n Roll Music Association Hall of Fame.
The Iowa Rock ‘n Roll Music Association Hall of Fame & Museum is located at Arnold’s Park in Okoboji. The association annually inducts musicians, bands, DJs, ballrooms and others who have significantly contributed to rock and roll music in Iowa. More than 300 entities have been inducted since 1997 when the nonprofit was established.
Inductees must have a minimum of 25 years of experience in the music industry, criteria which Hanson easily meets. As a young child, he turned his mother’s pots and pans into drums. By the time he was 5, he was playing the real thing.
In the fall of 1960, Hanson, his cousin Jim Shea, and friends Mike Erskine and Rick Van Haitsma formed a rock and roll band. They were in the eighth grade in the Sioux City school system and called themselves the Rockets. To better reflect their music, they soon changed their name to The Rockers.
It was Hanson’s role as a founder and performer for The Rockers that first landed him in the Iowa Rock ‘n Roll Music Association Hall of Fame in August 2003.
After high school graduation, Hanson left Sioux City to attend Augustana University in Sioux Falls, where he found a home with another band. The Fabulous Jadesmen began performing in 1964 and played through 1966, when the other three band members graduated, leaving Hanson behind.
He spent his final year of college and several months after college playing with The Pulsating Pilgrims.
“We were what was known then as a ‘show’ band, because we had horns,” Hanson says. “And our front guys had choregraphed moves for each song.”
Another thing that set the Pilgrims apart was their costumes.
“We had three costume changes for each show,” Hanson says. “Our first outfits included blue silk paisley dinner jackets, white ruffled shirts and black pants. Next came brown business suits with ties. The final set had us in blue satin knickers, shirts and capes, like the Pilgrims wore, plus black buckled shoes and stovepipe hats, knee-high white leggings and big white collars.”
The Pilgrims toured throughout the upper Midwest, including many appearances in Iowa, such as the Val-Air Ballroom in Des Moines, Surf Ballroom in Clear Lake, and other ballrooms in Cedar Rapids, Storm Lake, Fort Dodge, Carroll and Rock Rapids.
Hanson says one criteria for induction into the Hall of Fame is how often someone was the opening act for better known talent.
“Whenever a big act came to town, the venue would hire local talent,” Hanson says. “We opened for many groups, including the Everly Brothers several times, the Beach Boys and others.”
It was his time drumming for the Pulsating Pilgrims that earned Hanson his second Iowa Rock ‘n Roll Music Association Hall of Fame induction this year. The Labor Day weekend affair included a meet-and-greet, autograph sessions, a formal induction ceremony with plaque presentations, and a concert at the Arnold’s Park Roof Garden. 
There were 30 bands and individuals inducted for 2021. Several of the bands performed during the concert, including the Pulsating Pilgrims.
“We played six songs,” Hanson says. “We never had a chance to practice, and it had been 10 years since we last played together. But I thought we sounded pretty good.”
A video taken of their performance at the Roof Garden shows the crowd agreed, with cheers and applause, plus a standing ovation.
Hanson also has been inducted twice into the South Dakota Rock and Roll Music Association Hall of Fame. The Fabulous Jadesmen were honored in 2009 and the Pulsating Pilgrims in 2011.
The Hansons have lived at Lake Panorama for nearly 20 years. Reuben had a long career in the financial services industry, and the family moved from Colorado to Iowa because of his position with Wells Fargo. Now retired, and 76 years old, Hanson jokes that is 186 in “drummer years.”
Hanson continues to play his drums. The Fabulous Jadesmen met for a “band camp” in Omaha in 1999. Several similar get-togethers fostered the idea of a reunion tour that took them to Omaha, the Twin Cities and Sioux Falls. In 2003, they played at the Sioux Falls Blues and Jazz Festival, which was headlined by Tower of Power and the Neville Brothers.
Hanson’s current band is the Four Shades of Grey. It was formed at the request of Ray Johnson, a former Lake Panorama resident who was the entertainment chairman for the 2013 Panorama Days. Johnson had lined up several musical acts but was looking for a rock-and-roll band, and asked Hanson if he could help.
Hanson talked with Bill Labath, who had played guitar and sang with the Overboard Band. Labath agreed to recruit some others with experience in bands to join him and Hanson. Mike Bowles from Yale, on keyboard, plus Kim Jackson of Perry and Earl Turner of Bagley, both on guitar, filled out the band.
The group tried a session in Hanson’s basement and decided they could make this work. They learned and practiced eight songs to perform at that year’s Panorama Days.  Several Panorama Days performances followed. Bowles and Turner eventually left the band and were replaced by Joel Ambrose and Dennis Trammel, both of Dallas Center.
The band continues to perform, with gigs at the Owl’s Nest, the Port, Lake Panorama National, PJ’s Drive-in for the Bacoon Ride, Kenny’s Garage in Waukee and many more.
The band recently played at the annual Dallas Center Days celebration and a private party in Minburn.
“We like to play,” Hanson says. “We say we would play for nothing, we just need paid enough to make it worth hauling all our equipment.” 

More than 80 walkers on 10 teams raised more than $20,000.

Posted 10/5/2021
By Susan Thompson 
Lake Panorama Times

The Raccoon River Valley Walk to End Alzheimer’s held in Panora Sept. 11 exceeded its fundraising goal. More than 80 walkers on 10 teams raised more than $20,000, well above the $12,500 goal set for the event.
These Alzheimer’s Association fundraising walks are held annually in more than 600 communities nationwide. There are 18 walks scheduled in Iowa this fall, with Panora being the smallest town to host one.
The walk began at the Michael Mills Memorial Park. Prior to the walk, Sue Bump and Traci Kauffman of Reshape Fitness Studio led the walkers in warmup exercises.
Barry Monaghan was the emcee for the opening ceremony. He said more than six million Americans are living with Alzheimer’s, and 11 million unpaid caregivers are helping loved ones who suffer from the disease. 
Spinning flowers in four colors were available for walk participants to place in a Promise Garden. Monaghan showed each flower and explained its meaning. Blue — someone living with Alzheimer’s or another dementia. Purple — someone who has lost someone to the disease. Yellow — a person currently supporting or caring for someone living with Alzheimer’s. Orange — a person who supports the cause and the Alzheimer’s Association’s vision of a world without the disease.
Monaghan also displayed a white flower, which will represent the first survivor of Alzheimer’s, once a cure is found.
The 2-mile route for the walk involved heading east from the park, north to PJ’s Drive-In, then south on the Raccoon River Valley Trail, before looping back to the park. 
Edwards Jones is a national presenting sponsor of the Walk to End Alzheimer’s. Dave Grove, an Edward Jones financial advisor based in Panora, and Melissa Loest, an Edward Jones financial advisor in Guthrie Center, were instrumental in getting the local walk scheduled.
“Alzheimer’s is a disease that affects almost every family,” said Grove. “We lost my grandmother, Kay, to Alzheimer’s in early 2019, and my family walked in her memory as Team Kay Grove. The walk was a great opportunity to show support for families impacted by the disease.”
In addition to Edward Jones, sponsors of the local walk included the Lakeside Village, the New Homestead, Guthrie County State Bank, Panora Specialty Care, Iowa Trust & Savings Bank, Wesley Life at Home, Panora Telco, Dowd Drug and St. Croix Hospice. Crafty’s Coffee and Hometown Foods of Panora provided coffee and bottled water at registration.
Nancy Wells, Melissa Borgeson and Jaime Waddle also served on the planning committee and gave many hours of their time to make the walk a success. Plans are in the works to hold a second Raccoon River Valley Walk to End Alzheimer’s in late summer of 2022.

Inflation is having an impact on budgets for the coming year with increases in the cost of materials and labor.

Posted 10/5/2021
By Susan Thompson 
Lake Panorama Times

At the Sept. 2 “Coffee with the GM,” John Rutledge, LPA general manager and LPN, LLC director of operations, said the annual budgeting process for both the Lake Panorama Association and Lake Panorama National is underway.
“We start working on budgets each September by determining what capital projects and purchases we need to make in the coming year to continue improving both the LPA and LPN, LLC,” Rutledge said. “In October, our staff works on operating budgets. The goal is to get LPA board approval of all 2022 budgets at its November meeting.”
Rutledge said this timeline makes it possible to get LPA dues statements and LPN golf membership forms out in December.
Inflation is having some impact on budgets for the coming year, with increases in the cost of materials and labor. Rutledge used fuel as an example.
“We purchase between 75,000 and 80,000 gallons of fuel each year,” he said. “Most of that goes to the dredging operation, but we need fuel all across our operations. We’re constantly looking at fuel prices and try to make purchases at times when we can get the best deal.”
Rutledge said staff incorporates biofuels and environmentally friendly lubricants into Lake Panorama’s strategy.
“We’re trying to be as environmentally conscious as possible,” he said.
Monitoring blue-green algae in the lake this year has been challenging.
“Drought, low flow and clear water have created ideal conditions for a ‘bloom’ of blue-green algae,” Rutledge said. “This has happened earlier than normal, and it’s happening across Iowa, not just at Lake Panorama.”
Rutledge said LPA has done testing for microcystin concentrations in blue-green algae blooms in previous years.
“This is the first year that test results have led us to issue safety warnings to not swim in the lake,” he said. “We don’t like sounding the alarm bell, and we don’t say the entire lake is dangerous. These tests take time to be processed, so conditions may have changed since a sample was taken.”
He encouraged the use of common sense, such as keeping dogs from drinking lake water in areas of heavy bloom. If conditions look scummy or the water has a colored film on top, swimming and water recreation should be avoided. Testing for the 2021 season has ended, but will resume in 2022 when conditions warrant.
Seal coating on Lake Panorama’s roads is complete. Because of issues with oil bleeding through in hot weather, the seal coat vendor recommended an alternative product that costs more but is less prone to bleed-through and tar splatter. Rutledge said the LPA is pleased with this new product and thinks this adjustment will help get the tar splatter issue under control.
Some earthwork is being done at the dam this fall between the concrete spillway and the auxiliary spillway, where water can go during a flood. Rutledge said this is a proactive step to ensure water going over the auxiliary spillway doesn’t impact the dam’s concrete spillway.
Rutledge said, as the 2021 boating season winds down, LPA staff and the water safety committee welcomes feedback on the current buoy map and any safety concerns.
“I think most people are happy with current buoy placements, but if you aren’t, get in touch to let us know what changes you’d like to see made,” he said. “We are hearing concerns about the waves that wake boats cause. The water safety committee this fall will be discussing this issue. One option that has been suggested is to set limits on the times these boats could be operated on the lake.”
Turning to the Lake Panorama Rural Improvement Zone (RIZ), Rutledge said it has been three years since the RIZ board approved $11 million in debt certificates for future projects.
“The RIZ program requires debt to be incurred for payments to be received, so we are always looking to ‘front load’ projects,” he said.
That previous funding commitment is being used this year to riprap the west side of the Burchfield stream, and create a “bench” that will allow an excavator to dredge sediment in that area. This project cost $300,000.
RIZ also is financing $375,000 in erosion repair work along the road near the county basin. A new fuel tank and cold storage shed at the dredge dock is another project being completed this fall.
Rutledge said the cold storage shed is needed because more parts of the dredge need to be kept on hand.
“Getting needed parts and supplies has become more difficult, with longer wait times,” he said. “With this new building, we’ll be able to store more items we know we’ll need in the future.”
Plans to raise the sides of the old CIPCO sediment basin at a cost of $4 million are in the works. The basin is located next to the dredge boat dock, above the debris trap.
“The LPA has owned this basin since the association made a broader purchase from CIPCO. We still tend to call it the ‘CIPCO Basin’ internally, but felt it was best to rename it the 180th Trail Basin for public bid documents. After all, CIPCO hasn’t had any involvement in the basin for decades,” Rutledge said. “We’ll continue to use the County Basin for sediment storage through the rest of this decade. We’re looking 10 years down the road to a time when we’ll need additional silt storage.”
Rutledge said emerald ash borers have reached the area, and LPA soon will need to budget for the removal of dead ash trees. The LPA is having about 100 trees in “critical locations” treated, in an attempt to save these.
“Removing trees not being treated will give those that are treated a better chance to survive,” he said. “Our staff will be able to remove some trees, but we will most likely need to hire contractors to take some trees out.”
At Lake Panorama National, Rutledge said Country Landscapes has been hired to build a wall this fall along the north end of the pond on LPN’s fifth hole. The approach area between the green and the pond has been deteriorating. “This is a big project for us,” he said.
“We believe a vertical wall will be more effective than the usual rock riprap.”
In response to an audience question, it was reported new restrooms for Shady and Sunset beaches are in the works. The goal is to have these completed before the 2022 season.
Another question for Rutledge was whether dredging coves would help reduce the blue-green algae issue.
“We try to dredge coves when we can,” he said. “But dredging requires everyone in the cove to remove their lifts and docks earlier than some want. If I were building this lake today, I would eliminate two or three lots at the back of every cove, because it’s tough to keep those areas from silting in.”
In response to another audience question, Rutledge reported hunting is allowed at two of the three wetlands funded by RIZ. The Helen’s Cove and Burchfield Cove wetlands are both open to the public for wetland and upland game bird hunting. The Hughes Cove wetland is not open for hunting because of its proximity to the Fin & Feather Shooters range and nearby buildings. 
The next GM coffee date hasn’t yet been set, but Rutledge said he will hold another one before the holidays and after the 2022 budgets have been approved.
Shane goodman headshot

Moe Russell, Scott Gonzales and some more lake humor

Posted 10/5/2021
By Shane Goodman
Editor and Publisher

I had the privilege of meeting two of the many wonderful people from Lake Panorama recently — both with experiences in the written word — and I wanted to share my experiences.

Taking the high road 
The first was Moe Russell, who told me that he had written a paperback entitled, “Take The High Road to Personal Accountability.” I told him I would buy a copy and check it out, and I did. At 46 pages, it is a short read but packed with personal stories from Moe about self-responsibility, character and integrity.
Moe is a cofounder of Russell Consulting Group, a provider of marketing and financial advice to crop and livestock producers. He has been a frequent business speaker on motivation, planning and entrepreneurship and has authored more than 200 articles for agricultural publications.
Here is a great nugget from his self-improvement book: “A very human tendency as a reaction to the problem is to have the attitude, ‘Who can I blame for this problem?’ When the first two people on earth got in trouble, what happened? The man blamed the woman and the woman blamed the serpent!”
And here is another:  “Jay, a West Point Academy graduate, says there are only four responses a lower-classman cadet can give to an upper classman. They are: ‘Yes, Sir’; ‘No, Sir’; ‘I don’t understand, Sir’; and ‘No excuse, Sir.’ ”
And one more: “I always ask myself, ‘What is right?’ rather than ‘Who is right?’ I have noticed that when I answer that question and act on the answer, people around me begin to change their behavior.”
“Take The High Road to Personal Accountability” is available for purchase on Amazon.com,  barnesandnoble and target.com, among other places.

The family business
The second was the former publisher of this newspaper, Scott Gonzales. I had seen his name for years but never had the privilege of meeting him. We spent a few minutes together after the last 10-Squared Plus meeting at Lake Panorama National Conference Center, and I look forward to more conversations. He offered several compliments on what we have done with the newspaper, as well as his take on some of my opinions about the industry. I appreciated hearing it all, as the input means a lot coming from him.
Like any good newspaperman, Scott asked me a lot of questions and listened attentively. I tried to do the same, and he shared some of the difficulties in seeing parts of his company, its employees and even its presses go away. Selling a family business is rarely an easy thing to do, especially when you continue to live in the area and see the changes others make to something you created.
I have often been called an “old school” publisher, and I take pride in that. I certainly am adept to change and seek it out, but I have a soft spot for history and a deep respect for the people who dedicated much of their lives to this newspaper, the lake community, Panora and all of Guthrie County.
Scott, I look forward to more conversations and sharing the history of this publication with all the residents and property owners of Lake Panorama.

A chuckle
And finally, another round of lake humor. Did you hear about the math teacher who took off all her clothes and went swimming in the lake? She came out with an algae-bra.
Have a great October, and thanks for reading.

Shane Goodman
Editor and Publisher
515-953-4822, ext. 305
Ash eric 556

Dr. Ash awarded Hospital Hero Award

Posted 10/5/2021
Dallas County Hospital and Family Medicine Clinics is pleased to announce Medical Director Dr. Eric Ash has been awarded a IHA (Iowa Hospital Association) Hospital Hero Award.
Dr. Eric Ash, MD, is a Family Medicine Specialist in Perry and has been with Dallas County Hospital since 1998. He also practices in Panora. He graduated from The University of Iowa College of Medicine.
Since 2007, IHA’s Hospital Heroes program has celebrated employees who have acted courageously in a moment’s crisis or who have selflessly served their hospitals and communities throughout their careers. Last year, IHA recognized all hospital employees for their heroic efforts during the COVID-19 pandemic and in response to the derecho windstorm in August 2020. For 2021, IHA will return to recognizing 10 hospital employees, including Dr. Ash, at the Annual Meeting who exemplify the passion and purpose of the community hospital mission every day.
Cards for Dr. Eric Ash may be directed to Dallas County Hospital, 610 10th St., Perry, IA 50220.
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Pop Up a Celebratory Snack

Posted 10/5/2021
By Jolene Goodman

(Family Features) Popcorn lovers rejoice: October is National Popcorn Poppin’ Month, a seasonal celebration of one of America’s oldest and most beloved snack foods.
As farmers head into the fields to harvest crops, families and friends gather to enjoy this ever-popular treat. Whether it’s prepared on the stovetop, in the microwave or ready to eat from the bag, Americans consume 15 billion quarts of this whole grain each year.
Celebrated for its seed-to-snack simplicity, popcorn is also non-GMO, vegan, gluten-free, sugar-free and naturally low in fat and calories, which makes it an easy fit for dietary preferences – and it’s budget-friendly.
Add in popcorn’s irresistible smell, taste and versatility, and it’s easy to understand its popularity. With so many different ways to eat it – plain, buttery or loaded with goodies like Toffee Almond Chocolate Popcorn – popcorn fits many moods and occasions.
Pop up a bowl and join the Popcorn Poppin’ Month celebration with more recipes at popcorn.org.

 Jolene Goodman is the advertising director for Lake Panorama Times.

Toffee Almond Chocolate Popcorn

Total time:
15 minutes, plus 30 minutes chilling time
Servings: 4

4 cups popped popcorn
3/4 cup chopped toasted almonds, divided
6 tablespoons toffee bits, divided
6 ounces milk chocolate, melted
1 ounce dark chocolate, melted

In large bowl, toss popcorn, 1/2 cup almonds and 4 tablespoons toffee bits. Drizzle with melted milk chocolate; toss until well coated.
Transfer to parchment paper-lined baking sheet. Drizzle with dark chocolate; sprinkle with remaining almonds and toffee bits. Refrigerate about 30 minutes, or until set; break into clusters.
Substitution: Use dark chocolate for milk chocolate, if preferred. 
Joseph roth

Joseph P. Roth

Posted 10/5/2021
Joseph “Joe” Patrick Roth passed away Sept. 22, 2021, at his home at Lakeside Village at the age of 85 of natural causes. He was born Sept. 4, 1936, in Audubon, Iowa, to John and Ida (Winters) Roth. Family and friends loved his stories of growing up in this small town with his dog Chub, cars that used as much oil as gasoline, town baseball games and town rivalries.
 He graduated from Audubon High School in 1954. On July 21, 1956, he married Mary Lou Redfern at her parents’ home in Guthrie Center, Iowa. His love of storytelling, sports and photography led him to his first newspaper job at the Audubon newspaper and a lifelong career. Joe was well known within the newspaper business throughout Iowa during his 45-year career. He worked in various capacities as a reporter, editor and business manager for newspapers in Audubon, Ames, Charles City, Clear Lake and Hampton before becoming the CEO of the Mid America Publishing media company (Des Moines) from his office at Hampton Publishing. The Iowa Newspaper Association presented him with its Distinguished Service Award for outstanding contributions to the Iowa newspaper industry in 1995. He also served in the Iowa National Guard in the 1960s, was active in Rotary Club, and served on many boards and other civic organizations throughout the years.
 Joe retired in 2001, and he and his long-time love and wife of 65 years, Mary Lou Roth (Redfern), chose to live full time at Lake Panorama, where they’d had a second home since the mid-1980s. Joe being from Audubon and Mary Lou from Guthrie Center meant they were surrounded by many family members. They loved hosting, playing cards and enjoying lake life. Joe also was able to spend more time pursuing his passions: golfing, hunting, reading and rooting for and attending ISU Cyclone games.
 He is survived by his wife, Mary Lou; son, Chuck (Diane) Roth; daughter, Becky (Scott) Rolfes; son-in-law, Kevin Jacobs; seven grandsons and nine great-grandchildren. Joe was preceded in death by his parents, daughter Teresa Jacobs and his 10 older siblings. (He was the youngest of 11.)
 Cremation has taken place and a Celebration of Life gathering with free food and drinks will be held Saturday, Oct. 16, 2021, from 4-6 p.m. at the Lake Panorama National Conference Center. Memorials may be left to the discretion of the family. Twigg Funeral Home, Panora, was entrusted with his services. 

Jeanne McDermott 

Posted 10/5/2021
Jeanne McDermott of Panora, passed away Aug. 31, 2021, at the Guthrie County Hospital after a long and caring life. She was the mother of seven: Virginia (Jim) Rasmussen of Manilla; Roberta (Allen) Mittelsted of West Union; Patricia McDermott of West Des Moines; John (Marsha) McDermott of Panora; Tim (Carol) McDermott of Jamaica; Mike (Jackie) McDermott of Tinley Park, IL; and Bill (Deb) McDermott of Panora.
Margaret Jeanne Gannon McDermott was born on July 9, 1924, in Greene County, Iowa. Jeanne, as she was called, was the second child in the family of Francis and Neoma (Garland) Gannon and had a soft spot for second children. She lived the early years of her life in the Grand Junction area with the family moving to Jamaica where she graduated from high school in 1942.
Following graduation, she enrolled in the nursing program at Mercy Hospital in Des Moines where she attained the status of registered nurse. She was first employed at Mercy Hospital and later worked at the Greene County Hospital in Jefferson and the clinic of Dr. William Seidler in Jamaica. She also did private duty nursing.
 She married James Edward McDermott on Nov. 9, 1946, at St. Joseph Catholic Church in Jamaica after Ed returned from WWII, and they made their home in Jamaica. Following his death in 1972, Jeanne later moved to the Lake Panorama area where she most recently was a resident of Lakeside Village.
 She was an active member of St. Cecilia Catholic Church, and her family could usually find her in her prayer corner reciting the Rosary on one of her many sets of Rosary beads or the Divine Word Chaplet, a very special prayer for her.
 Jeanne loved playing bridge with the women of Panora and continued to play well into her nineties. She was both an Iowa and Iowa State fan following the football and basketball teams. Her greatest joy was that of following the activities of her children, grandchildren and great grandchildren.
 She will be remembered by her family for the Snickers in the freezer, the pop or beer in the refrigerator and her insatiable taste for sweets, especially fine chocolates and fudge. She had her money ready for the annual Christmas card game, and Casey’s pizza was on the menu at family gatherings.
 Survivors include her seven children and spouses, sister-in-law Phyllis Gannon of Rippey, and numerous grandchildren and great grandchildren.
 She was preceded in death by her parents, husband, brother Eugene Gannon, sister Marie Gannon, brother-in-law Art McDermott and his wife Rita.
 Funeral services were held Sept. 4, 2021, at St. Cecilia Catholic Church, Panora. Burial in St. Mary’s Cemetery, Jamaica. Memorials may be made to St. Cecilia Catholic Church, Guthrie County Hospital, and the Jamaica Community Building.


Posted 10/5/2021
Paul Brewster had a hole-in-one at Panorama West on the 144-yard fifth hole in a practice round before men’s league Aug. 24. Witnesses were Jerry Pieper, Ron Wells, Scott Kurtz and Kevin Wellik.
On Sept. 10, Rick Strawn from Ankeny scored an ace using a pitching wedge on the 148-yard fourth hole. Witnesses were David Olberding, Ron Koppes, Mark Taylor and Brian Byrnes.
 Each year, those who get a hole-in-one at Panorama West have their name added to a sign in the pro shop and receive a handmade plaque in recognition of their achievement.

Jay and Jan Pattee thank everyone for their patronage over the years, and they hope there will be another variety store in Panora in the near future.

Posted 10/5/2021
By Susan Thompson 
Lake Panorama Times

It was 1998 when Jay and Jan Pattee opened a Ben Franklin store in Panora. They had owned the Perry Ben Franklin since 1983 and decided having a second store would be a wise business decision. They sold the Perry store in 2019 and soon will close the Panora location to retire after more than 40 years of working together in the “dime” store industry.
“Jay is 69 years old, and I’m 67,” Jan says. “We can’t do this forever. Although we still feel young, the best thing for us to do is retire and enjoy more family time.”
The Pattees have been looking for a buyer since November 2020. Several people have expressed interest, but to date no contracts have been signed. Liquidation will begin Oct. 14, and the store will close Dec. 22.
The family legacy of owning and working in Ben Franklin stores began with Jan’s grandparents, Walt and Blanche Soll. In the 1930s, they started buying and fixing up buildings across Iowa and opening Ben Franklin stores. They did this in Cherokee, Britt, Northwood, Belmond and Adel.
In 1952, their daughter, Betty Soll, met and married Philip “Chick” Schwarzkopf. The couple bought the Adel Ben Franklin in 1954, two weeks after their daughter Jan was born. They bought the Perry Ben Franklin in 1968. The Perry store operated under hired managers, while they focused on the Adel location.
Jay and Jan met in Dubuque. She was attending Clarke College and he was at Loras College. She was planning a career teaching music. He majored in German, while also taking some business classes.
“After growing up in the Ben Franklin stores in Adel and Perry, I told my dad when I left for college I would never work in a dime store again,” Jan says.
They had been married two years and were expecting their first child when Chick Schwarzkopf asked the couple in 1980 if they would take over management of the Perry store.
“We were just out of college and decided we’d give it a try for a little while,” Jay says.
They bought the store in 1983 from Jan’s parents.
“This was during the farm crisis, and local retail businesses were beginning to decline,” Jay says. “But we took a leap of faith and made it work.”
Jay says so-called “variety” stores like Ben Franklin peaked in 1979 and have been on a downward trend since. But the Pattees kept their two stores thriving by offering a wide selection of merchandise.
“We like to say, if you can’t find it here, you probably don’t need it,” Jay jokes.
The couple believes the future remains bright for a variety store in Panora, where shoppers can pick up a spontaneous birthday gift, buy a card for a friend, or get swim suits, life jackets and other summer items for lake living, without having to drive to the metro area or shop online.
Besides the wide variety, nostalgia is part of the appeal.
“Customers often talk about having shopped in a similar store with their grandmother,” Jay says.
Ben Franklin Retail Stores Inc., which was a full-line wholesale distributor, filed for bankruptcy in 1996. It closed company-owned stores, but franchises like the Perry Ben Franklin remained open. A company in Wisconsin purchased the name and continued to collect a franchise fee, without offering merchandise.
That led the Pattees to rename their Perry store Ben’s Five and Dime, and they used the same name for the Panora store.
“We copyrighted this name in Iowa, and it has served us well,” Jay says.
Dennis Jorgensen, a retired pharmacist now living in Kansas City, gets much of the credit for bringing the Pattees to Panora. He owned the building where their business is located.
“He wanted to build a new Medicap pharmacy on the east edge of town and was relentless about finding a new business to fill the building,” Jay says. “He didn’t want to have it sitting empty. He kept talking to us about the possibility of opening a Ben Franklin here and finally made us an offer we just couldn’t refuse.”
The center wall between what had been two buildings had already been removed, but the lower level of each side was unused cellar space. To accommodate the amount of merchandise the couple planned to carry, they knocked through the lower walls in two places. Two arches created in the brick walls allow customers to move throughout the lower level.
In 2009, a two-story addition was added to the south side of the building.
“We had to dig out behind the existing building, which gave us the chance to add parking and a back entrance,” Jay says. “We have customers who don’t like to use the stairs, so they shop upstairs, then drive around to the back to park and shop downstairs.”
The couple’s main supplier since the Ben Franklin bankruptcy has been Variety Distributors in Harlan. It is a buying cooperative, and both Jay and Jan have served on the cooperative’s board of directors. About half of their merchandise comes from Variety Distributors. The other half is purchased through up to 80 different vendors.
Merchandise offered in the Panora store has changed over time, with more home décor, apparel and items that appeal to Lake Panorama property owners added. Yet many favorites remain, including a large selection of fabric and crafting supplies, children’s books and toys, batteries, kitchen supplies and much more that fill every nook and cranny of the store.
The Pattees give credit to their employees for much of the success of the Panora business.
“We’ve had many great employees who have worked so hard for many years for us,” Jan says. “Some are retired now and some will be with us until closing day. They’ve had the same sense of pride in this business that we have, and we’re going to miss them.”
Jay says he’s enjoyed helping young people in their first work experience.
“It’s fun to help them learn the ropes in the retail business, while they also provide the labor we need,” he says.
Through the years, the Pattees have used a single word to help new employees.
“We ask them to think about getting the ‘GIST’ of what we do. The G stands for ‘greet’ the customer. The I is to ‘inquire’ if you can help. The S is to ‘suggest’ an item that might substitute for something they want if we don’t have it. And the T is to ‘thank’ the customer with a smile as they leave,” Jay says.
Jan says it’s going to be difficult to say goodbye.
“The people of Panora, Lake Panorama and many surrounding communities have been so supportive,” she says. “Though Jay has run this store for more than 20 years, I’ve really only been working here about three years, since we sold the Perry store. But I’ve met so many amazing people and have loved hearing the stories they share.”
Both Jan and Jay say they want to thank everyone for their patronage over the years, and they hope there will be another variety store in Panora in the near future.
“In the meantime, Andrea Tunink, who purchased the Perry Ben’s Five and Dime from us in 2019, is running a full-line variety store and would love to get to know you,” says Jan.
The Pattees say even though liquidation of the current merchandise will begin soon, new items will continue to arrive to keep the shelves stocked.
“We have Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas items coming,” Jan says.
The couple has three children and six grandchildren, all living in Minnesota. Jay also has a sister in Minnesota, and the couple owns a lake cabin there.
“The cabin is a grandkid magnet, so we’ll spend more time there in the summers,” Jay says.
Home base will continue to be Perry. They raised their children in a house there, and, since 2015, have lived in a loft over their former store. They also hope to travel.
“Although unlike some people, we’ll be traveling on a ‘dime store’ retirement budget,” Jay says with a smile. “We’ll have to wait and see how far that takes us.” 

The facility will be open to LPA members and their guests.

Posted 10/5/2021
By Susan Thompson 
Lake Panorama Times

The physical features of the Lake Panorama dog park are nearly complete including the fencing, gates and entrance. The ground within the park has been seeded and fertilized. Now rain is needed for the grass seed to germinate and establish a solid turfgrass base before winter.
Bryce Arganbright, Arganbright Construction of Panora, is the contractor handling the fencing, gates and covered entrance.
The park is located on the east side of Lake Panorama at the corner of Sage Trail and RV Road. A 6-foot-tall chain link fence 400 feet long and 150 feet wide surrounds the park. There are two sections, one for small dogs and one for large dogs. A single entrance will be protected by a keyless lock. Once inside this gate, users can choose a gate to either the large dog or small dog areas.
Crushed rock has been used to create a 4-foot-wide walking path along the inside of the fence and extends another 1-foot under and outside the fence to provide a weed barrier and keep dogs from digging.
The Lake Panorama Association has provided some in-kind contributions to the park. LPA staff used a skid loader with a soil conditioning attachment to prepare the ground for grass seed. The LPA also will install a driveway and gravel parking lot adjacent to the park to the east.
The LPA maintenance staff trenched a water line from the golf course to the main entrance of the dog park, which will supply two water fountains for dogs, one in each section of the park.
Because the LPA will be providing ongoing maintenance once the park is complete, the association is donating two picnic tables, one for each section. These will be the same types of tables used at the lake’s three beaches, which can be moved by the mower to different locations as needed.
Two red maple trees, donated by the Isom Tree Farm, will be planted in November, with one in the center of each of the two sections.
Amenities inside the park fence yet to be added are four stations where bags for dog waste will be available and a waste receptacle near the entrance gate. Signs will be posted for responsible use.
The facility will be open to LPA members and their guests. Once the park is ready to open, members will need to contact the LPA office to receive the key code. Opening of the park is expected for spring/summer 2022 and will depend on how quickly the turfgrass gets established and all amenities are in place.
At the time of the July 30 Beach Ball, private donations for the dog park stood at $45,000. The Friends board voted to provide another $5,000 from the Beach Ball proceeds to reach the $50,000 goal.
A sign recognizing donors of $500 or more will be posted at the dog park. Donations continue to be accepted to help with final construction expenses, plus future needs such as turfgrass fertilizer, weed control and dog waste bags.
Tax-deductible donations can be made at any time by check payable to Friends and mailed to Friends of Lake Panorama, P.O. Box 488, Panora, Iowa, 50216. Donations also can be made using Venmo @Friends-Panorama, or by credit card on the Friends website at friendsoflakepanorama.org.


Posted 10/5/2021
The committee that helped plan and raise funds for the Lake Panorama dog park will hold two fundraising events this fall, one in October and one in November.
First up is the Going to the Dogs Walk/Run, which will be Saturday, Oct. 16 at Lake Panorama National. Participants will use the cart paths on the back nine of the LPN golf course to walk or run, with or without a dog.
No advance registration is required. Participants are asked to sign in at Spikes between the first and 10th tee boxes between 8:30 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. Freewill donations will be appreciated and used by Friends of Lake Panorama for future costs of the dog park.
A similar event was held a year ago, which gave those interested the opportunity to donate money to Friends for the dog park and see the park’s planned location mid-way through the walk/run. This year, participants will see the park as it nears completion. Members of the dog park committee will be at the dog park to talk with those who stop to view the progress.
The second event is Furry Family Photos on Sunday, Nov. 21 at Twin Vines, 2821 Highway 44, west of Panora. Families can bring their pets for photos to be taken at decorated areas perfect for holiday photos. Families without pets also are welcome. Volunteers will assist with the photos, using a camera or smartphone provided by a family member.
Twin Vines is donating the use of their venue for this fundraiser. Free will donations will be accepted, with all funds going to Friends of Lake Panorama to support the dog park.
Reservations are recommended to provide separation between pets and families and to ensure there is adequate parking and volunteers present. Times will be available between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. Call Julie Tibbles, 515-480-9816.

A building purchased and renovated by Keith and Julie Fulton now houses two businesses. 

Posted 10/5/2021
By Susan Thompson 
Lake Panorama Times

In April 2018, Reshape Fitness Studio opened its doors on the east side of Panora’s town square, in a space that was about 1,600 square feet. A little more than three years later, the business settled in late July into a new 4,000-square-foot location on the east edge of Panora.
Sue Bump and Julie Fulton are co-owners of Reshape Fitness Studio. Fulton and her husband, Keith, moved to Lake Panorama five years ago and work together in their family business, Heartland Proteins. Bump and her husband, Neil, and family have lived in Panora for 11 years. Bump works as a dental assistant at Lakeshore Family Dentistry.
Sue and Julie built a friendship five years ago discussing health, fitness and wellness. Bump previously taught local fitness classes, and Fulton was completing her yoga certification.
“We started talking about creating a place where families and friends in our community could actively work together to reach their fitness needs and goals,” Bump says. “People like to be around other people, inspiring each other and helping keep each other accountable.”
In their first location, the pair was able to create the cozy studio feel they were after.
“As we got busier, more clients joined us, class sizes increased, and we decided we needed a bigger space,” Bump says.
Keith and Julie Fulton purchased an existing building on the east side of Panora that had been part of the Brokers International campus. They did extensive remodeling, both inside and out, with new paint, lighting and signage. Four large windows were added to the west side of the building to let in light, and two existing garage doors on the east were made functional again.
The new studio has a dedicated yoga room, new equipment that includes two treadmills, elliptical trainer and rowing machine, and a sauna. The larger space made it possible to offer 24/7 access memberships, plus more classes. Now two to three classes are held most mornings and afternoons, seven days a week. While both Bump and Fulton teach some classes, they also have seven other instructors — Sandy Leiferman, Brittany Harney, Janie Kokakis, Kellie Lewis, Traci Kauffman, Kari Sebern and Kim Kent.
Looking to the future, Bump and Fulton say they would love to create and provide class options for seniors and male clients. Currently, Kim Kent and Bump visit Lakeside Village to instruct a senior fitness class weekly.
With the Reshape Fitness Studio space determined, the Fultons turned their attention to the north side of the building.
“Keith and I love looking in consignment shops when we travel, and I’ve often thought something like that might be fun to try in Panora,” Julie says.
Once again, a friend of Julie’s is now her business partner, this time in Restyle Décor & Consigned Furniture.
Carol VanKirk and Fulton met a year ago through a mutual friend. They both are retired school counselors, so they quickly found plenty of common ground.
“Carol’s niche is home décor, and I like the consignment furniture aspect,” Fulton says. “The idea of opening this business together evolved, and we decided to combine our interests and give it a try.”
“People are always moving in and out of the area,” VanKirk says. “We’ve had many customers who have stopped in to shop and said Panora needs something like this.”
All the home décor in the store — including pillows, throws, rugs and wall art —  is new. There also is a wide selection of new gift items, including candles, kitchenware, lanterns, seasonal decor and lake-related pieces.
Most of the furniture is consigned, although sometimes they will purchase something directly for resale. They advertise all furniture in the store as “clean, gently used, affordable and finer quality.”
There is a special “sale” room, with items that have been marked down, or items a customer might consider refurbishing. This room includes a special Abigail Annie’s Corner, with décor that remained after that store closed in 2017.
“We keep our prices competitive,” VanKirk says. “I think we’re filling a need in western Iowa and have a place people can shop for home décor and furniture without having to drive to Des Moines. We hope they will stop in and take a look, because we think we’re offering something different and unique.”
A grand opening for both businesses was August 29. Restyle’s fall hours include a special “sip and shop” event each Wednesday 5 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.; Thursday-Friday 11 a.m. to 6 p.m.; and Saturday 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. To view the Reshape Fitness Studio schedule and pricing options, download the app MINDBODY, or go to clients.mindbodyonline.com.
2021 q3  chrismtas lights photo

Recent funds will be used to add more pedestals and poles for additional areas to plug in the Christmas displays and strings of lights in Guthrie Center.

Posted 10/5/2021
The 10 Squared Women of Guthrie County held its third quarter 2021 meeting both live and with the option of virtual attendance and voting. Three organizations were presented to the group.
First, Laura Stetzel spoke on the Guthrie Center Christmas Lights project, which is the annual Christmas lights that run all through Mitchell Park in Guthrie Center.
Next, Melanie Parker presented for the Guthrie Center and Panora Fire Departments. The Guthrie Center fire department is in need of several sets of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), including (but not limited to) boots, helmets, coats, pants, and self-contained breathing apparatus, or SCBA.
Last but not least, Paulette Chambers spoke on behalf of the Panora Garden Club. The women learned a lot more about what this club does, and several current goals include updating Heritage Park which is located near Lake Lumber along the bike trail. They would like to update the water fountain here as well for the biking traffic.
After hearing all three presentations, the group announced a lump sum of $10,500 was presented to Guthrie Center Christmas Lights project. This consists of 10 Squared Women member donations and several employer matches.
The Christmas Park Lighting representatives Pam Kunkle and Mary Jo Laughery were thrilled with the monetary donation received from 10 Squared Women of Guthrie County. The funds will be used to add more pedestals and poles for additional areas to plug in the Christmas displays and strings of lights. The committee will also be replacing the C-9 bulbs used in the milk jugs that light the path of the entire park along with new commercial drop cords. They hope to purchase at least one new display as well for this holiday season. Many Guthrie County businesses, civic groups, non-for-profit organizations, family memorials, youth groups, etc. set up displays at Mitchell Park every year. Any business, family or group is welcome to snag a spot at the park to put up a display as well. For more information about how to do this, or if you would like to volunteer with the set-up of the lights, displays, milk-jugs, etc., contact Pam Kunkle or Mary Jo Laughery.
Mitchell Park is located on the west end of Guthrie Center, just off Highway 44 (near the City’s swimming pool). The attraction brings visitors to Guthrie County from all over the state of Iowa and has gained state-wide media attention from The Des Moines Register and KCCI Channel 8 in the past. The Park is lit nightly beginning Thanksgiving evening and remains lit through mid-January. Every evening a line of cars can be seen slowly enjoying the displays at the park, and your family is encouraged to spend an evening or two doing the same.
“It really sunk in when we received the big check that ‘we DID win the vote.’ ” said co-organizer, Mary Jo Laughery. “With this donation, we hope to keep the Christmas charm alive in our small town for many more years to come. Thank you all so much. You make a difference to so many.”
10 Squared Women is focused on helping and donating to local organizations that vow to put those funds to work locally. The funds are used in various projects to benefit Guthrie County community’s projects and residents. This donation takes the 10 Squared Women’s donations since inception to $207,050.
The 10 Squared Women’s group holds meetings quarterly at Lake Panorama Conference Center the fourth Tuesday in February, May, August and November, subject to change. The last meeting for 2021 will be on Tuesday, Nov. 16 (held a week earlier due to Thanksgiving). Members in attendance hear from three nominated organizations, drawn from “the hat” of member-nominated organizations at random, and vote on the winning cause that night.
The group currently has approximately 95 members with 20 organizations nominated. They strongly encourage additional philanthropic organizations and new members to come forward. These have included Cities of Yale and Jamaica park improvements; City of Bagley (Library project); Daycare & Preschool programs in Adair and Guthrie Center (KidZone) and Panora (Little Panther); Guthrie Center and Panora Fire Departments; School Backpack programs a AC/GC, West Central Valley and Panorama; as well as programs that benefit residents from all corners of Guthrie County: Guthrie County Helping Hands (Habitat for Humanity projects in Stuart, Casey, Guthrie Center, Adair, Panora, Yale, Menlo, Jamaica, and Bagley), New Opportunities, Panora P.E.T.S., Guthrie Activity Center, Tori’s Angels Foundation, Guthrie County Sheriff’s Chaplains, Guthrie County Historical Village Foundation, Guthrie County Hospital Foundation, Guthrie County Arts Council, St. Thomas More Center, and now, the Guthrie Center Christmas Lights project.
10 Squared Women members are encouraged to talk to their friends, neighbors and family about the group and to share the group within their social circles. Members are not required to attend meetings, however, in order for their vote to count, must be in attendance at the live meeting or virtually. All members are expected to write their donation checks whether they can attend the meeting and vote or not.
The group is continuously looking for new members who are excited about helping their communities and Guthrie County. To learn how to get involved, visit their Facebook page at www.facebook.com/10squaredwomengc or email 10squaredgc@gmail.com. Membership Forms and Frequently Asked Questions can be found on their Facebook page or by contacting them through Facebook or email.
Tensquaredmenk9 copy

Guthrie County K-9 Program is recipient of 10 Squared Plus Men donation of $16,000

Posted 10/5/2021
The Guthrie County K-9 Program was chosen as the recipient of the most recent 10 Squared Plus Men donation for $16,000. Pictured from left is Deputy Jeremy Bennet, Sheriff Marty Arganbright, Dennis Flanery (who nominated them) and Deputy Shane Jones, along with K-9 Urs in the front row.
This was the second $16,000 donation by Ten Squared Men in 2021. The group will meet again on Nov. 18, and anyone interested in bettering Guthrie County is welcome to join the group by emailing b.monaghan@gcsbank.com. Ten Squared Men is closing in on gifts exceeding $250,000 since its inception. Combining  with Ten Squared Women, the two Guthrie County entities will exceed $500,000 of gifts in 2022. Your cost to be a member is less than $1 per day, and that will allow you to be a part of one of the most influential groups in Guthrie County. Ten Squared Men has a goal of 200 members.
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Learning about PRIDE

Posted 10/5/2021
By Curt Thornberry
PRIDE President

As the oldest community in Guthrie County, Panora has a long history of being a commercial center in the region. Today, the Panora and Lake Panorama Area Economic Development group, referred to locally as PRIDE, serves as the principal economic development group in the Panora and Lake Panorama area. PRIDE traces its roots in Panora to the 1980s and even earlier, beginning as an informal group of business leaders looking to attract, support and grow area businesses and promote housing.
In 1987 the corporation was formed called Panora Economic Development Corporation.  It was initially formed as a for-profit corporation.  After agreeing that the organization should be a non-profit, in 2000 the Panora Economic Development Corporation created the new corporation as a non-profit.  Prior to 1987 the group was an unincorporated entity known as “Panora Regional Industrial Development Enterprise” which is where the name PRIDE was derived.
Today, the organization is comprised of business and community leaders from Panora, Lake Panorama and surrounding areas. PRIDE also partners with other development groups, including Midwest Partnership and the Greater Des Moines Partnership, to gain greater access to development resources and the reach of larger organizations.
Our Board of Directors is made up of Chris Arganbright (Bryton Insurance Agency), Dave Beidelman, Jeff Bump (Bump & Bump Law Offices), Mark Cates (Guthrie County State Bank), Julie Dent-Zajicek (Iowa Trust & Savings Bank), Leo Etcheto (Nutriom), Dennis Flanery (Peoples Bank), Lisa Grossman (City of Panora), Dave Grove (Edward Jones Company), Shawn Holloway (Panorama Community Schools), Tom Neel (Lake Lumber Company), Andy Randol (Panora Telco), John Rutledge (Lake Panorama Association), Steve Roe (Raccoon River Watershed), Dave Ryan, Frank Teale and myself.
The Officers are President: Curt Thornberry (Panora Telco), 1st Vice President: Mark Cates (Guthrie County State Bank), 2nd Vice President: John Rutledge (Lake Panorama Association), 3rd Vice President: Chris Arganbright (Bryton Insurance Agency), Secretary: Jeff Bump (Bump & Bump Law Offices), Treasurer: Andrew Randol (Panora Telco), Revolving Loan Fund: Julie Dent-Zajicek (Iowa Trust & Savings Bank), Ex officio Past President: Shawn Holloway (Panorama Schools).

The PRIDE Membership includes:
Ben’s Five and Dime
BH Appraisal Services, LLC
Brian & JoAnn Johnson
Bryton Insurance Agency
Bump & Bump Law Offices
City of Panora
Dallas County Hospital – Panora Clinic
Dan & Bette Donahey
Dave Beidelman
DICA Marketing Company
Edward Jones Company
EyeCare Associates
Farmers State Bank
Frank Teale
Garnet Enterprises, LLC
Guthrie County State Bank
GCSB Investment Center
Guthrie County Extension
Guthrie County Hospital
Guthrie County REC
Hometown Foods
Iowa Trust & Savings Bank
Lake Lumber Company
Lake Panorama Association
Lake Panorama Barge
Lake Panorama Realty
Lake Panorama Times
Panora Auto Parts – NAPA
Panora Nursing & Rehab
Panora Telco
Panora Telecommunications
Panorama Schools
Panorama Gardens
Peoples Bank
Raccoon River Watershed
Stan Landon
Total Financial Solutions
Twigg Funeral Home
Twin Vines
Whitetail Properties
We typically meet the first Wednesday of each month from noon to 1 p.m. at Lake Panorama National Conference Center. If you are interested in joining PRIDE or learning more, please reach out to me at 641-755-2424 or via email at curtthornberry@panoratelco.com.

Lane Rumelhart, project manager for the Lake Panorama Association who oversees projects financed by RIZ, talks about each of the undertakings.  

Posted 10/5/2021
By Susan Thompson 
Lake Panorama Times 

The Lake Panorama Rural Improvement Zone (RIZ) is a local government body formed in 1998 under Iowa Code Chapter 357H. RIZ works to improve Lake Panorama and its watershed through funding of erosion control, sediment removal and water quality improvements.
The tax increment financing district allows tax growth dollars to stay within the Lake Panorama development for water quality purposes. At the time the Lake Panorama RIZ was formed, it was estimated this could mean up to $75,000 a year coming back to Lake Panorama. Today, estimated revenue for the current fiscal year is $2.6 million.
The Lake Panorama RIZ is managed by a five-member Board of Trustees who are elected to three-year terms by residents of the Rural Improvement Zone.
A key focus of RIZ is the dredging of sediment from Lake Panorama. This ensures lake depth remains suitable for safe enjoyment by LPA members and their guests. But in addition to the dredging, RIZ has financed a number of water quality improvement projects.
Lane Rumelhart is project manager for the Lake Panorama Association and oversees projects financed by RIZ. In this month’s Q&A, Rumelhart talks about three current projects.

Q. Tell us about the three RIZ projects underway in 2021.
A. These projects are the Burchfield Shore Armoring Project, the County Basin Shore Armoring Project, and the 180th Trail Basin expansion project.
Work on the Burchfield Shoreline Project began the first week of August. JNC Construction from Clearfield was awarded the contract in June. This project is finishing up on the west side of the Burchfield channel, just south of the bridge along Sage Trail.
The contractor placed limestone rip rap along the entire west side from the bridge all the way south to the end of LPA property, which amounted to about 1,700 feet of shoreline. The contractor also created a bench for future long-reach excavator work with a pit on the backside for future sediment storage. This will allow better access for LPA crews in the future and create a convenient location for dredge material coming out of the channel.
Work on the County Basin Shore Armoring Project will begin soon. JNC Construction also was awarded this bid, and will shift their operation to this project as the Burchfield project wraps up. The County Basin is located northwest of Lake Panorama along the west side of Poplar Avenue and south side of 190th Street.
This basin is where our dredge sediment currently is being stored. Since this basin is our active storage location, we raised the water level to its maximum height to maximize the amount of storage space available. With high water levels, strong winds from the south and west caused large waves to eat into the embankment of the basin.
In addition, this past spring, large amounts of broken up ice pushed into the embankment and cut out more soil than anticipated. The bank now needs to be protected and will be rip rapped with the same material as the Burchfield shoreline. About 2,300 feet of rip rap will be placed along the shore’s most vulnerable area.
There also will be several yards of concrete poured around the walkway that leads to the outlet structure. If members travel this direction, expect some travel restrictions and one lane traffic control in mid-to-late fall. The contractor will be using the west half of the road to place rip rap along the edge.
Our next and by far the largest project is the expansion of the 180th Trail Basin. Some refer to this as the CIPCO basin, as CIPCO developed it back in the 1980s. The basin is located just south of 180th Trail on the northeast end of the lake. You can see the south edge of the basin if you are in the Upper Basin portion of the lake and look directly north beyond the debris trap.
For this project, Spring Lake Construction of Polk City will raise the dam elevation of the basin by about 17 feet. This basin has been expanded before, so will require a two-phase approach to be fully complete.
The contractor will first borrow dirt from surrounding areas to add and compact on top of the existing dam. Geotechnical engineers require the newly compacted dirt to sit for at least six months before adding a new layer on top, so contractors will work over a two-year period to add, compact and repeat the process to get the embankment up to 17 feet high.
The current dam has two outlet structures that can raise or lower the water level in the basin by adding or removing stop logs. These structures will be abandoned at the end of this project, and a new outlet structure will be built in the center of the new dam embankment.
Shive Hattery engineers expect the contractor to move more than 750,000 yards of dirt to build up this embankment. RIZ has spent a lot of time and resources over the past couple years to make this project happen. Spring Lake Construction should have most of their equipment on site and begin excavating in October.

Q. All of these projects involve sediment storage. Why is sediment storage so important for Lake Panorama?
A. You are right, these projects all deal with sediment storage either directly or indirectly. The future of Lake Panorama relies heavily on the ability to store dredge spoils. Without a place to store sediment, the lake would eventually fill up with silt and become a very glamorous wetland.
RIZ will always encourage eco-friendly farming tactics and silt control projects upstream, but until the lake receives less silt runoff, projects like expansion of basins and creation of wetlands and new basins will be a priority.

Q. Does RIZ have future plans to build more basins and wetlands?
A. Yes, RIZ recently acquired some land on the west side of Burchfield Cove that will eventually be built into a wetland and silt basin. RIZ also plans to try and build another wetland north of the Smith wetland, which was installed to help protect water flowing into Burchfield Cove. This project is still up in the air, as permit requirements with the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers have slowed progress.
For more information on Lake Panorama RIZ, visit its website at www.lakepanoramariz.org.

Trish Hart’s nature photo of the month:

Posted 10/5/2021
By Susan Thompson 
Lake Panorama Times 

Sunsets over Lake Panorama are popular photographic subjects. This one snapped by local photographer Trish Hart is a great example as a sunset reflects in the waves made by her and her husband’s boat. As the days shorten, these colorful sunsets are cherished more than ever as the 2021 boating season draws to a close. Hart offers custom prints of her photos on canvas, paper, metal and glass. For more information, visit NaturesCanvasPhotos on Facebook.
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Posted 10/5/2021
By Cheryl Temple
Lake Panorama Times

Chocolate Lab
2 years old

Blood Hound
6.5 years old

Golden Retriever
6 months old

Owners: Marc and Dana Miller

The Millers have had a home at the lake for 11 years and have lived here full-time for two years. They enjoy spending warm summer days on the boat wakeboarding and wake surfing. The dogs like the boat, but only Maizie, the Golden, likes the water. The other two prefer to enjoy the lake from the comfort of the dock or in the boat. The Millers have four grown daughters as well.

RRVT is the 35th inductee into the Rail-Trail Hall of Fame and only the second Iowa trail to receive this honor.

Posted 9/3/2021
By Susan Thompson 
Lake Panorama Times

The 89-mile Raccoon River Valley Trail (RRVT) is the oldest and longest paved loop trail in the United States. On Aug. 12, the Rails-to-Trails Conservancy (RTC) announced the RRVT as its 2021 inductee into the Rail-Trail Hall of Fame.
RTC began recognizing rail-trails around the country in 2007. Nominations for the Rail-Trail Hall of Fame are accepted annually with potential inductees chosen based on such things as scenic value, high use, amenities, historical significance and community value.
Also nominated for 2021 were Delaware’s Georgetown–Lewes Trail and Junction & Breakwater Trail, and New Hampshire’s Northern Rail Trail.
Next came a public vote, beginning July 30 and ending Aug. 6. More than 38,000 votes were cast, which broke the record for the number of votes in a year. The Raccoon River Valley Trail received more than 16,000 votes, for 42% of the total.
Panora is one of 14 communities along the trail. A group from Panora representing the Raccoon River Valley Trail Association can claim some of the credit for that impressive voter turnout. Sandy Lowe of Panora is board chairperson for the association. She and others set up a booth at the RAGBRAI expo in Le Mars on July 24, the day before the annual ride across Iowa began.
Lowe, Barb Wollner and Robin Dorr handed out 2,500 drawstring backpacks to those attending the expo and encouraged them to vote for RRVT in the contest. Lowe, Wollner and Dorr earlier had filled the backpacks with the RRVT mileage card, Guthrie County and Lake Panorama maps provided by Guthrie County Tourism, and City of Adel maps provided by the Adel Partners Chamber of Commerce.
The three women were joined in the booth by Pat and Maria Steele of Adel. Pat Steele also is a member of the RRVT board and the person who suggested applying for the Rail-Trail Hall of Fame. Once a decision was made to apply, there wasn’t much time to get the necessary materials submitted.
“The process to submit marketing was challenging,” Lowe says. “There was a very short time period to get the video created. Deb Bengtson of Adel Partners Chamber helped us with marketing materials and script for the video. Zach Steele, the son of board member Pat Steele, took several photos to create a slide show to be used for the video. Kevin Cooney, former KCCI news anchor, was about to leave on vacation but took time to record the narration for the video in his son’s recording studio before leaving.” 
Once the RRVT Association was notified the trail Hall of Fame nomination had been made public, the scramble was on to promote votes. Lowe created posters to hang at the booth that included a QR code for the RTC site. RRTV board members Roz and Stan Boyer used the posters to make larger signs and posted one at each trailhead. They also delivered a poster to each of the bicycle shops along the trail and in the Des Moines area.
“I am so excited the Raccoon River Valley Trail is being inducted to the Rail-Trail Hall of Fame,” Lowe says. “This recognition will bring more visitors. The RTC has members all across the United States who plan cycling vacations based on the Hall of Fame trails. It is like a bucket list of trails for cyclists. Even before the voting started, a Pennsylvania cycling tour company contacted us to get information for a trip they are planning for late September 2021. We are so blessed to have this extraordinary trail in Guthrie County.”
The RRVT is owned and managed by the conservation boards in Greene, Guthrie and Dallas counties. The three county conservation directors — Dan Towers in Greene, Brad Halterman in Guthrie and Mike Wallace in Dallas — are members of the RRVT Association board of directors. Sandy Leiferman, who lives at Lake Panorama, also serves on the association board. Another board member with a local connection is Jason Tuel. He lives in Waukee but is vice president of business banking at Iowa Trust & Savings Bank in Panora.
The RRVT opened in 1989 and offers views of woodlands, prairies, public art and a lighted bridge that crosses the Raccoon River east of Adel. The trail connects rural communities like Panora, Linden and Yale to larger towns and cities such as Adel, Jefferson, Perry and Waukee.
Plans are in the works to connect the RRVT to the High Trestle Trail. The RRVT also is a segment of the Great American Rail-Trail, which will connect Washington, D.C., and Washington State across 3,700 miles of trail.
One section of the RRVT south of Jefferson that has been closed since March 2019 recently reopened. A bridge collapsed when large chunks of ice hit the wooden pilings that support the 600-foot bridge, and about 70 feet of the bridge fell into the Raccoon River. A ribbon cutting was held Aug. 25 at the bridge to celebrate its reopening after more than two years.
The Raccoon River Valley Trail was developed using the former right-of-way of a railroad built in the 1870s. Artwork on the trail highlights the region’s railroad history, including restored depots and a 350-foot-long trailhead gateway in Waukee. More than 350,000 people use the trail annually. That number is expected to increase with this new designation.
The RRVT is the 35th inductee into the Rail-Trail Hall of Fame, and only the second Iowa trail to receive this honor. The Wabash Trace Nature Trail in southwest Iowa was inducted in 2011.
An induction ceremony for the RRVT is planned for Sept. 30. A short program will begin at 9 a.m. at the Waukee trailhead. This will be followed by a group bike ride to Perry and a ceremony at the Hotel Pattee.
“I want to thank all who helped make the nomination possible and all who helped get out the vote, especially Barb and Robin,” says Lowe. “There are many people who love the RRVT and appreciate how much of an asset it is to all the communities along the trail.”
Hall of Fame rail-trails receive a variety of honors, including special signage to place along the trail and a feature in the “Rails to Trails” magazine. Learn more about the Rail-Trail Hall of Fame at railstotrails.org/halloffame. More information about the RRVT is at raccoonrivervalleytrail.org.

Lake Panorama residents honored at Iowa State Fair 
Bill and Connie Ridgley were named “Iowans of the Day.”

Posted 9/3/2021
By Susan Thompson 
Lake Panorama Times

On Aug. 19, Bill and Connie Ridgley of Panora were named “Iowans of the Day” at the 2021 Iowa State Fair. The Ridgleys have been full-time Lake Panorama residents since 2005.
The couple is best known for their work with Tori’s Angels. This non-profit foundation assists families of Iowa children with life-threatening medical challenges by paying travel expenses to treatment, as well as medical copays, deductibles and medications not covered by insurance.
The foundation’s namesake is Tori Heckman of Panora, who had life-saving heart surgery in 2011 at the age of 5 after several other heart surgeries. Ten years later, the foundation has provided assistance to 84 children. Sponsorship of a child can begin at birth with sponsored children aging out at 19.
The Ridgleys were nominated for the Iowa State Fair honor by Brian and JoAnn Johnson, also Lake Panorama residents.
“In nominating Bill and Connie, Brian and I were only serving as the messengers for the entire community,” JoAnn says. “We wanted to recognize their humanity and good work, thank them for their service, and hopefully give Tori’s Angels an even wider audience.”
Bill Ridgley has served as chairman and CEO of the Tori’s Angels Foundation board of directors since its inception. He and Connie, along with other board members and many volunteers, conduct a host of fundraising efforts throughout the year. At fundraising events, the Ridgleys are known to be the first ones to come and the last ones to leave, always helping to prepare the food and clean up after.
Connie Ridgley leads the Children’s Clothes Closet in Panora, better known as 3 C’s, assisted by many volunteers. The couple also is involved in Habitat for Humanity, Make a Wish, the Panora United Methodist Church, and the Panora Lions Club.
The foundation’s budget for the current year is $340,000. All money donated to the foundation goes to support sponsored children and their families. No foundation expenses are taken from donations; instead, members of the foundation board cover all operating expenses.
Donations can be mailed at any time to Tori’s Angels Foundation, 4677 Panorama Drive, Panora, Iowa, 50216. Online donation options are available on the foundation’s website, www.torisangels.org, and its Facebook page. To request an application for support of a child, contact Bill Ridgley at bridgley@netins.net or 712-249-6423.
“With Tori’s Angels, Bill and Connie have stepped in to ease the burden on so many families, and, with their volunteers, are continuing to grow the mission,” says JoAnn Johnson. “After they were named the Iowa State Fair’s Iowans of the Day, I received a message from a good friend from Lytton who has a relative that is being helped by Tori’s Angels. His comment said it all — ‘It’s an amazing organization.’ ”
The Ridgleys were recognized with a presentation on the Anne & Bill Riley stage. Along with accommodations at the Des Moines Marriott Downtown, they received a gift bag, grandstand concert tickets, use of the Iowan of the Day golf cart, a cash prize, Iowa State Fair admission tickets and VIP parking.
Founded in 1997, the Iowan of the Day program allows the Blue Ribbon Foundation to honor Iowans who make a difference in the lives of others. The award is co-sponsored by Cookies Food Products of Wall Lake.



The recognition Bill and Connie Ridgley received wasn’t the only good news for the Tori’s Angels Foundation during the Iowa State Fair. Ten nonprofit organizations each won $1,000 from MidAmerican Energy during daily drawings at the fair. One of those 10 organizations was Tori’s Angels Foundation.
About 11,000 nonprofits from around Iowa were nominated during the 10 days of the fair, with people submitting entries both in-person at the Iowa State Fair and online. Money for the daily winners, plus a final $10,000 winner chosen on the last day from the 10 daily winners, came from MidAmerican Energy’s corporate citizenship program called MidAmerican Energy CARES.
MidAmerican Energy CARES assists nonprofits in the communities MidAmerican serves. CARES stands for Community Enhancement, Arts and Culture, Environmental Respect, Education/STEM and Safety.

Business news to come, ski team impresses and lake humor returns

Shane goodman headshot
Posted 9/3/2021
By Shane Goodman
Editor and Publisher

A couple new ideas
From time to time, we share local business stories about lake residents and what they do for a living, as well as stories about merchants in Panora and Guthrie County. And if you read this column regularly, you know how strongly I feel about the need to support our local businesses.  With that in mind, we are planning to bring a business page to this newspaper each month with business stories, photos, columns and event listings. If you have items to share or ideas to suggest, please send to me.
We are also working on a service directory, providing a simple, low-cost advertising option for service industry professionals like deck builders, plumbers, electricians, inspectors, tree trimmers and more. We hope this will be a helpful resource for readers who need to hire folks to do this work and professionals who need to find customers.
Look for more on both of these features next month.

Ski team impresses
Hats off  (or maybe skis up?) to the Lake Panorama Ski Team for an impressive show at Panorama Days. I had seen skiers (mostly from prior generations) at a show a few decades ago, but I could not recall exactly what to expect. My wife, Jolene, was part of the team in the early years, and she gave me the play-by-play of how difficult the various displays were. The skiers had 17 performances in Act I and another nine in Act II, including barefoot, flags, pyramids, slalom tricks, trick skis, swivel skis, ski lines, dock slides, saucers and much more. A big thanks to Dan and Kathy York for the years of work they have put into this and to all the skiers who made the show so entertaining. While the show is free to attend each year, and all members are amateur volunteers, they do graciously accept donations to help fund the cost of gas, skis and repairs. Check out www.lakepanoramaskishow.com for photos, details on each performance, or to make any donations.

Join me at The Daily Umbrella
If you appreciate my columns and can’t wait till next month, join me at www.thedailyumbrella.com where you will find my daily posts, news stories, things to do, sports scores, photos, weather, job listings and a joke of the day — all delivered to your email inbox each weekday morning. Subscribe or unsubscribe anytime at www.thedailyumbrella.com.

Lake humor
I haven’t shared any cheesy lake jokes for a while, so here’s one for you: A couple of men were on the lake in a kayak when they started getting cold. When they lit a fire in their craft, it immediately began to sink, proving once and for all that you can’t have your kayak and heat it, too.
Enjoy the remainder of your summer, and, as always, thanks for reading.  n

Shane Goodman
Editor and Publisher
515-953-4822, ext. 305

Project is expected to be complete by mid-September. 

Posted 9/3/2021
By Susan Thompson 
Lake Panorama Times

Work is underway on a project near the mouth of Burchfield Cove, funded by the Lake Panorama Rural Improvement Zone (RIZ). The project involves modifying an old silt basin downstream of the Burchfield Bridge to accommodate long-reach excavator access and rip rap bare shoreline. JNC Construction, Clearfield, Iowa, was awarded the contract in June with a bid of $269,338.50.
This project is taking place on the west side of the Burchfield channel, between Panorama Drive and the stream that flows into Burchfield Cove.
The contractor is nearing completion on the bench for future long-reach excavator work with a pit on the backside. The pit parallel to the bench and channel is where material dredged in the future with a long stick excavator will be placed.
Next, JNC Construction will be placing limestone rip rap along the entire west side from the bridge south to the end of LPA property. This will amount to about 1,700 feet of shoreline. The work being done will allow better access for LPA crews and create a convenient location for dredge material coming out of the channel.
LPA crews previously have used a long-reach excavator to dig sediment from this area, but access has been tight for this size of equipment, and the ability to dewater sediment has been marginal. These improvements will create a safer bench for the excavator, while also improving LPA’s ability to dewater removed sediment.
Weather permitting, this project is expected to be complete by mid-September. 

2021 Beach Ball funds will complete 3 projects
Friends board plans to hold its next Beach Ball on Friday, July 22, 2022. 

Posted 9/3/2021
By Susan Thompson 
Lake Panorama Times

The Friends of Lake Panorama’s Beach Ball fundraiser July 30 had a profit of $25,000. At its Aug. 16 meeting, the Friends board of directors voted to spend the Beach Ball proceeds to complete three projects.

Dog park
First is the Lake Panorama dog park. Fundraising for this project kicked off in September 2020. The idea of a dog park on LPA property had been discussed for nearly a decade. In April 2019, Friends conducted a survey to gather input from LPA members on possible future projects. The Friends board reviewed and discussed the survey results, and approved several action items.
One action item dealt with the possible development of an LPA dog park. In September 2019, Friends recruited volunteers to serve on a dog park task force to study location, design, costs and rules. The Friends board received the task force report at its June 2020 meeting and voted unanimously to endorse the project and advance the report to the LPA board.
The LPA board reviewed the dog park proposal at its July meeting and gave unanimous approval at its August meeting for Friends to begin fundraising. A goal of $50,000 was set to build the park and provide all desired amenities.
At the time of the July 30 Beach Ball, donations for the dog park stood at $45,000. The Friends board voted to provide another $5,000 from the Beach Ball proceeds to reach the $50,000 goal.
Construction on the park is underway. It is located at the corner of Sage Trail and RV Road. A 6-foot-high chain link fence 400 feet long and 150 feet wide is being installed. There will be two sections, one for small dogs and one for large dogs. A single entrance will be protected by a keyless lock. Once inside this gate, users can choose a gate to either the large dog or small dog areas.
Crushed rock will create a 5-foot-wide walking path along and under the fencing to provide a weed barrier and keep dogs from digging. A gravel parking lot will be adjacent to the park to the east. Once construction is complete, the park area will be fertilized and grass seeded. Two red maple trees, donated by the Isom Tree Farm, will be planted.
Amenities inside the park fence will be a picnic table in each of the two sections, a dog water fountain in each section, stations where bags for dog waste will be available, and waste receptacles. Opening of the park is planned for spring/summer 2022, and will be dependent on how quickly the turfgrass establishment is complete and all amenities are in place.
The facility will be open to LPA members and their guests. Signs will be posted for responsible use. A sign recognizing donors of $500 or more also will be posted at the dog park.

Trail enhancements
Another project that will receive Beach Ball funding involves enhancements to an existing trail near the Panorama West golf course. This project has been estimated at $5,500. Donations of $700 already have been received. The Friends board voted to provide $5,000 from the Beach Ball proceeds to complete fundraising for this project.
The existing trail is used by the Panorama School District as a cross-country track site and covers a variety of terrain including timber pathways, golf fairways and roadways. A task force of volunteers has developed plans that include marking a portion of this trail and designating it as the “official” multi-use trail.
For safety reasons, and in compliance with current LPA rules, users of this 2.5-mile trail, which includes a 1.5-mile out-and-back section, and an optional 1-mile loop, may include hikers, runners, cross-country skiers and dogwalkers, but no motorized vehicles.
The newly marked trail will wind its way through grassy open areas and timber but will not cross any portion of the golf course or roadways. A trail map will be developed, and placed on an informational kiosk that will double as a trail head sign. The trail head, with limited parking, will be located at the end of the Nicholl Drive cul-de-sac just east of the Panorama West clubhouse.
Low profile 4x4 recycled plastic lumber posts with directional signage, recreational symbols, and distance markers will be installed along the multi-use portion of the trail. To avoid confusion, these park-style, recreational markers will be different from the cross-country signage. One or two recycled plastic benches will be placed along the trail.
Task force team members will meet soon to finalize design details for the kiosk, markers and benches. Product orders will be placed this fall, with installation and project completion planned for spring 2022.

Sunset Beach swings
The third project to receive proceeds from the 2021 Beach Ball is the addition of three swings to the Sunset Beach playground. These will be the same swings as the ones now at both Boulder and Shady beaches and will be placed directly west of the existing playground. The budget for this project is $8,000, and the Friends board voted to provide the full amount to this project.
The swings were ordered Aug. 20 from Boland Recreation of Marshalltown, the same vendor that now has provided new play equipment at all three of Lake Panorama’s beaches. The swings will be delivered and installed in spring 2022.
The Friends board voted to hold the remaining $7,000 raised by the Beach Ball in reserve until these three projects are complete, in case costs increase beyond what has been budgeted. If the funds are not needed for any of these three projects, the money will be applied to a new project.
Because of the success of the 2021 Beach Ball, the Friends board plans to hold its next Beach Ball on Friday, July 22, 2022.
Tax-deductible donations can be made at any time by check payable to Friends and mailed to Friends of Lake Panorama, P.O. Box 488, Panora, Iowa, 50216. Donations also can be made using VENMO @Friends-Panorama, or by credit card on the Friends website at friendsoflakepanorama.org. 

Ski Show!

Posted 9/3/2021
The Lake Panorama Ski Team performed on Saturday, Aug. 7 at 2:30 p.m. near the South Shore of Lake Panorama as part of Panorama Days. The team started 37 years ago when a group of friends whose passion for skiing drove them to start a show performance team. The group learned stunts like pyramids and barefooting and since then has passed on their knowledge and enthusiasm to other members of the Lake Panorama community. The team now includes skiers of all ages and talents and continues to put on a show during the first weekend of August every year. Learn more at www.lakepanoramaskishow.com.

Robert DeHaan

Robertdehaan bw
Posted 9/3/2021
Robert DeHaan, 87, of Panora, died Monday, Aug. 16, 2021, at the Guthrie County Hospital in Guthrie Center following complications from hip replacement surgery and a stroke. Memorial services were held at Faith Bible Church in Panora on Aug. 20, 2021.
Bob was born Dec. 9, 1933, the son of John and Freida DeHaan, in Kalamazoo, Michigan. He graduated from Kalamazoo Central High School in 1951. He graduated from Western Michigan University with a degree in industrial management in 1955. He then enlisted into the U.S. Army in October of 1955 and served in Germany for two years and four more in the reserves.
On June 28, 1958, he married Gerrie Pitman, also from Kalamazoo Central class of ’51.
 Bob began his career in heating and cooling when he joined his dad’s company, DeHaan Heating. He spent several years with Rheem Manufacturing. In 1969 Bob accepted a job offer from Amana Refrigeration in Cedar Rapids and moved his family there. He retired from Amana in 1991 as vice president of engineering, then immediately went to work for Frigidaire as the director of engineering where he retired again in 1995.
 Bob loved the Lord with all his heart. He attended 3rd Christian Reformed in Kalamazoo, Hope Reformed Church in Kalamazoo, Cedar Hills Community in Cedar Rapids, First Methodist in St. Cloud, and Faith Bible in Panora. Bob shared his leadership abilities in all churches he attended. He was a youth sponsor, financial planner, building team chair, deacon, VP of consistory at these churches and always supported the pastors at the church he attended.
 Bob’s faith permeated his entire life. His model of husband, father and son are examples of a Christ filled life. He loved his family and extended family with his whole heart as evidenced by his lake life, tubing escapades, fierce croquet games and card shark abilities with pinochle and cribbage. Bob enjoyed wood working and creating household items. He was an accomplished mechanic and built a 1939 Jaguar from scratch. He loved tinkering in his shop and nightly boat rides with his wife and family.
 Bob DeHaan shared his faith with all his children and grandchildren. His kindness, generosity and willingness to serve showed his love for Christ. His compassionate spirit continues on in his family and friends. Bob will be remembered for his quick wit, easy laugh and loving demeanor.
 Bob is survived by his loving wife, Gerrie; three children, Michael (Jane DeBoer), Deb and Mark (JoAnn) DeHaan. His seven grandchildren include Ali  (Andree Salcedo Galazzo) DeHaan, Lindsey DeHaan, Robert DeHaan, Kallie (Mason) Kleitsch, Karly (Mack) Kleitsch, Katelyn (Jason) Rex, and Ashley (Anthony) Morelli. Bob was blessed with six great-grandchildren, Camillo, Easton, Kimber, Bella, Brooklyn and Barrett.
The family would like to thank The New Homestead Care Center in Guthrie Center for their excellent care given to Bob and his family. Memorials may be directed to Faith Bible Church, Panora, in memory of Bob. 

Game Day chicken wings

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Posted 9/3/2021
By Jolene Goodman

I love game day. I grew up in Ames, and my parents were true Cyclone fans, attending games and tailgates every Saturday for decades. Iowa State fans tailgate in style with an abundance of food, games and friends gathering for one common purpose: to cheer on their team.  Through the years, I have learned the good, the bad, the easy, the hard and then the most loved food choices at a tailgate. It is undeniable that chicken wings are always a hit. Try this recipe out for your next gathering!

Jolene Goodman is the advertising director for Lake Panorama Times.


(Family Features) To find more gameday recipe inspiration, visit Culinary.net.
Total time: 50 minutes
Servings: 4

1/2 cup butter, cubed
1/3 cup flour
2 teaspoons paprika
1 teaspoon garlic powder
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon black pepper
10 chicken wingettes, thawed
dipping sauces (optional)
fresh parsley (optional)

Preheat oven to 425 F.
Line baking sheet with foil. Arrange butter cubes on foil.
In medium bowl, combine flour, paprika, garlic powder, salt and pepper.
Coat both sides of wings in flour mixture then evenly space among butter cubes on baking sheet.
Bake wings 30 minutes.
Turn wings over and bake 15 minutes, or until crispy and fully cooked.
Serve with dipping sauces and sprinkle with fresh parsley, if desired.

RSVP administers four programs, and all are free services.

Posted 9/3/2021
By Susan Thompson 
Lake Panorama Times

An organization that helps coordinate volunteer opportunities recently expanded into Guthrie County. The Retired and Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP) is one of the largest volunteer networks in the nation for people 55 and older with about 700 programs nationwide. In Iowa, 37 programs are offered in 66 counties.
Key funding for the program comes from a federal grant through AmeriCorps Seniors, yet a local sponsoring entity is needed; that sponsor is Boone County Hospital. RSVP in Boone County began in 1987. Services were expanded into Greene County in 2004 and into Guthrie County in late July 2021.
Michele Hull of Boone is the director for the RSVP 55+ Volunteer Program now offered in these three counties. She’s been with the organization since 1997.
“This got started because I received a call from an individual in Panora asking if there was a way to get any of the services we provide in Boone County into Guthrie County,” Hull says. “I wrote an expansion grant in 2020 to allow us to expand into Guthrie to help the county’s elderly population and also explore other partnerships.”
The approval of that grant made the Guthrie County expansion possible. Iowa received 19 RSVP expansion grants.
Mary Porter of Guthrie Center has been hired as the Guthrie County coordinator for the program that helps senior volunteers find opportunities to help others locally, while also taking requests from those in need of assistance. The Lakeside Village, 2067 Highway 4, north of Panora, is providing in-kind office space on the facility’s fourth floor.
“Mary is very enthusiastic and looking forward to meeting and talking to people about the RSVP services,” Hull says. “People can meet her at her office, or she can meet those interested elsewhere, in their homes or a public location such as a library. She’ll also be spreading the word through meetings with churches, businesses, pharmacies, medical clinics, hospital departments and local clubs and organizations.”
RSVP administers four programs, and all are free services. RSVP Respite provides the gift of time, rest and relief to a full-time caregiver of an adult family member or friend who cannot be left alone. Respite volunteers offer quality companionship to care recipients; no personal care of the recipient is involved.
The In-Home Visitation and Phone Friend programs provide friendship and companionship for older adults who are socially isolated, who may be lonely, or just want good conversation. In-home and phone friend volunteers brighten someone’s day by bringing some friendship and fun into their life. Recipients can participate in either program or both.
The Grocery Assistance Program (GAP) helps disabled adults of any age and individuals 60 and older who may have difficulty getting groceries from the store to the kitchen. Participation may be short term, such as during a temporary illness or recuperation period, or long term. GAP volunteers shop for groceries to help individuals eat healthy, maintain their independence and remain in their home.
Additional programs will be available through two partnerships. Elderbridge, which is the area agency on aging for Guthrie County, offers an Errand Buddies/Transportation program and a Telephone Reassurance program. Volunteers will be recruited through RSVP and referred to Elderbridge to help with these programs.
Fraud Fighters is a partnership with the Iowa Insurance Division. Recruited volunteers will be trained by officials in the insurance division to give short presentations on fraud and scams targeted to the population audience of people aged 50 and older.
Hull says they hope to build other partnerships with nonprofits, education and health entities as they grow.
“Through these partnerships, community needs will be met or enhanced through volunteerism,” she says.
RSVP volunteers choose how, where, and how often they want to serve, says Hull.
“Also, volunteers do not have to be retired to volunteer. Folks can be fully working, semi-retired or retired. The volunteer opportunities we currently have can be done day or evening,” she says. “Becoming an RSVP volunteer is as simple as visiting about your interests and the volunteer opportunities, fill out an enrollment form, and we connect you to where you will volunteer.”
In addition to providing valuable services to individuals and communities, Hull says older volunteers also are living active lives through volunteering.
“A growing body of research shows an association between volunteering and mental and physical health benefits,” she says. “In particular, older volunteers report lower mortality rates, lower rates of depression, fewer physical limitations, and higher levels of well-being than those in the same demographic who do not volunteer.” 
When requesting grant funds to expand into Guthrie County, Hull was required to set certain goals. One of those was to have 85 volunteers working with RSVP programs and community partnerships in Guthrie County within three years.
“We hope to get to that sooner,” she says.
To learn more about how to get involved by volunteering or receiving services, contact Mary Porter at 641-431-0132 or rsvpguthrieco@gmail.com.

Paula Hansen and Mary Kay O’Grady each had a hole-in-one.

Posted 9/3/2021
Two women each had a hole-in-one within two days at the Panorama West golf course in August. Paula Hansen aced the seventh hole Aug. 23. Lyle Hansen and Bill and Karen Eby were witnesses. She used a five-wood for the 132-yard shot. This was Hansen’s third hole-in-one.
A day later, Mary Kay O’Grady aced the fifth hole during the Tuesday morning women’s league, using her five-wood for the 125-yard hole. Her feat was witnessed by Coop Rickert. This was O’Grady’s first hole-in-one.
Each year, those who get a hole-in-one at Panorama West have their name added to a sign in the pro shop and receive a handmade plaque in recognition of their achievement. 

This is the 14th year for this free social time and dinner recognizing Lake Panorama volunteers.

Posted 9/3/2021
By Susan Thompson 
Lake Panorama Times

Volunteers play a big role at Lake Panorama. Many maintain landscape beds at the lake’s three beaches, two golf courses and lake entrances. Others organize the Lake Panorama ski team and serve on the board of directors for the Lake Panorama Association, Lake Panorama National, and Friends of Lake Panorama.
Board members for the Southern Panorama Sewer District, On-Site Waste Water Management, and the Lake Panorama Rural Improvement Zone also volunteer many hours. The same is true for members of four committees appointed annually by the LPA board — appeals, building codes, land sales, water safety.
To celebrate the many volunteers who help make the Lake Panorama community great, a special event is planned for Thursday, Oct. 7 at the LPN Conference Center. This is the 14th year for this free social time and dinner recognizing Lake Panorama volunteers. The last one was held in October 2019, as COVID led to a cancellation of the 2020 event.
Social time begins at 5:30 p.m. with a “comfort food” dinner at 6 p.m. featuring fried chicken, meatloaf, mashed potatoes, additional sides and chef’s choice dessert.
Invitations will be mailed to known volunteers. But if you volunteered in the last two years and didn’t receive a formal invitation, please know you’re invited and can bring one guest. Reservations are due by Oct. 4 and can be made by calling the LPN front desk during business hours of 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily at 641-755-2080.

Booster dose will be available in Guthrie County as soon as it is FDA-approved and CDC-recommended. 

Posted 9/3/2021
By Susan Thompson 
Lake Panorama Times 

Jotham Arber, an epidemiologist, is executive director of health services for the Guthrie County Public Health department. While his position in the public health department covers many areas, since January 2020, much of his focus has been on COVID-19. In this month’s Q&A, he provides an update on the impact of COVID-19 in Guthrie County and beyond.

Q. What is the current recommendation on getting a third shot, and how will these be available in Guthrie County? 

A. On Aug. 13, 2021, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) recommended an additional (third dose) COVID-19 vaccine for moderately to severely immunocompromised people in order to provide sustained boosted protection. This includes people who have the following:
• Been receiving active cancer treatment for tumors or cancers of the blood (currently receiving chemotherapy or radiation)
• Received an organ transplant and are taking medicine to suppress the immune system
• Received a stem cell transplant within the last two years or taking medicine to suppress the immune system
• Moderate or severe primary immunodeficiency (such as DiGeorge syndrome, Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome); currently receiving IV treatment with Immune Globulin (IgG) medication
• Advanced or untreated HIV infection
• Active treatment with high-dose corticosteroids or other drugs that may suppress a person’s immune response (prescribed oral steroids for longer than two weeks or prescribed oral steroids more than three times over a one-year period)
This vaccine can be received 28 days after your second dose. The additional dose is the same dose as the first two, and it is recommended you receive the same brand as your first and second dose. These are currently available in Guthrie County at all of our pharmacies and through the health department. You can go to healthyguthrie.com to make an appointment or go to any of our pharmacies for a walk-in appointment. Make sure to bring your vaccination card so the third dose can be noted on the card.
The CDC also has indicated it is working toward FDA approval and has provided recommendations for a booster dose, which CDC officials would like to see initiated in September of this year. The booster dose would be given to people who have fully functioning immune systems. The hope is that providing this booster dose six-to-eight months after the second dose will increase the level of neutralizing antibodies to provide a longer and more robust protection against Sars COV2.
This booster dose will be available in Guthrie County as soon as it is FDA-approved and CDC-recommended. The health department will send reminder cards and is putting people on a waitlist for the booster dose. You can get on the list by calling 833-833-4600. Currently we are waiting for the full guidance for the booster shot to be provided.

Q. If someone received their first two shots in Guthrie County, will they be contacted directly about the third? What about people who received their first two shots elsewhere?

A. Once we have the full recommendations for the booster dose, the health department will work to get reminder cards out with recommended dates to every Guthrie County resident who received a shot, regardless of where they got their first shots. Individuals who received the shot at the health department will be directly contacted at the beginning of the month that they are due for a booster.

Q. What is the prevalence of the Delta variant in Guthrie County, and what is the trend line?

A. Over the last three months, the Delta variant has become the most prevalent variant in Guthrie County. It makes up 90 percent of all cases we are seeing in the county. Cases have been steadily rising, and, in the past month, we are seeing case numbers very similar to last year.

Q. Can we be confident the current vaccines available are effective against the Delta variant?

A. The current vaccines provide great protection against the Delta variant. Although there has been a decrease in overall efficacies from 95 percent to 92 percent, these vaccines still are keeping people from severe illness and hospitalizations. When we look at the data on who is getting severely ill and hospitalized, the majority of cases are amongst those who are not vaccinated.

Q. What is the percentage of new COVID cases in Guthrie County for those who are vaccinated vs. those who are not?

A. Currently less than 10 percent of COVID cases in Guthrie County are in those who are vaccinated. And 95 percent of those vaccinated individuals who have tested positive report very mild symptoms, with most making comparisons to allergies or sinus infections. Ninety percent of cases in Guthrie County are in unvaccinated individuals.
More than 85 percent of all hospitalizations in the last three months have been in unvaccinated individuals. In the hospitalizations that occurred in vaccinated individuals, all patients had immunocompromising conditions that made them much more vulnerable to hospitalization.

Q. What percentage of Guthrie County residents are vaccinated?

A. Countywide more than 60 percent of all residents have been vaccinated. In residents 65 and older, this percentage is more than 98 percent. In adults over 18, more than 65 percent are vaccinated, and we are closing in on 28 percent of residents under 18 and older than 12.

Q. Some people who have been vaccinated are getting COVID. Why do you think it’s still important to get vaccinated?

A. Vaccines are not 100 percent effective, and we expected some people who were vaccinated would still get COVID-19. Even still, vaccines are the key to keeping people from getting severely ill and staying out of the hospital. When we get vaccinated, we are giving our body the ability to defend itself from the virus with neutralizing antibodies and to rapidly respond when its defense is broken through to prevent severe disease.

Q. What do you think is ahead for us in the coming weeks and months?

A. Over the next few weeks, I think we will see cases continue to rise. We have started seeing that trend already. There are close to 4,000 individuals in Guthrie County who remain unvaccinated. Some may have already had a COVID-19 infection, providing some protection. But those who have had neither the vaccine nor an infection are the most vulnerable to severe infection. With the Delta variant being up to three times more transmissible than the variant we saw last year, and having a fairly large pocket of vulnerable residents, we anticipate the virus transmission rates to remain high.
We have seen several hospitalizations in the last two weeks of August and anticipate seeing more primarily in our unvaccinated population while transmission rates remain high. We have also seen breakthrough cases in vaccinated residents and will most likely see more as high transmission rates increase exposures to both vaccinated and unvaccinated residents.

Q. What are your recommendations about masking and social distancing?

A. There are things we always recommend to reduce virus transmission and keep people healthy. These include social distancing when transmission is high; wearing masks in indoor, large gathering, high-risk areas; and, most importantly, staying home when you are sick. When we are symptomatic, we are most infectious and most likely to spread sickness, so please stay home when you are sick!
We know not everyone can be vaccinated, and there are people who are much more vulnerable to sickness. So I recommend we all protect our community by getting vaccinated and taking extra precautions when necessary. We can all do our part to keep each other healthy and safe, because in the end, the only way we get through this pandemic is together. n


Posted 9/3/2021
By Susan Thompson 
Lake Panorama Times 

Hummingbird sightings at Lake Panorama bird feeders became more frequent in August, as these tiny birds began to prepare for their winter migration. There are about 360 species of hummingbirds. Their heart beats up to 1,200 times per minute, and they’re the only bird that can fly backwards.
Trish Hart is a local photographer who specializes in Lake Panorama wildlife. Many of Hart’s photos are of birds, which she captures digitally as they sit on feeders on the deck of her home. She says activity at her hummingbird feeder was busy in August, as the birds “bulk up for their long migration south.
“Increased activity at the feeders is an early signal that fall migration is underway. They sense changes in the daylight duration, and the decline in flowers, nectar and insects. These brightly colored beauties fly thousands of miles south to winter in Mexico and Central America,” Hart says.
Ruby-Throated hummers are the most frequently seen breed at the Hart feeders. The males have a bright rose-colored throat. The throat color of females is more muted, yet they have brighter back feathers that shimmer an emerald-green.
Hart offers custom prints of her photos on canvas, paper, metal and glass. For more information, visit NaturesCanvasPhotos on Facebook. 
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Lake Dog

Posted 9/3/2021
By Cheryl Temple
Lake Panorama Times

6 years old
Standard Poodle, parti-color
Owners:  Jan and Don Graham

The Grahams are avid boaters and campers at the Lake Panorama west campground. They plan to build in the next year or two. Gidget enjoys doing anything with people, including camping and boating. She likes to travel, go for walks, chase birds and eat cucumbers. Yes, cucumbers. Her pet peeves are fireworks, rain and being brushed (which is not handy for grooming). She is pictured with the Graham grandchildren: Owen, Elijah and Paige Martin.
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Cove Cat

Posted 9/3/2021
By Cheryl Temple
Lake Panorama Times

4 months old
Maine Coon Cat
Owner: Taylor Schwartz

Mowgli enjoys visiting his grandparents, Tammy and Dave Schwartz, at the lake. So far, his favorite things are bird watching, chasing bugs, watching boats go by and sunbathing in the windows that overlook the lake. His extended fur family includes Solita and Diego (both ragamuffins), Mateo (a ragdoll), and Judge (a Bernese mountain dog). Mowgli may be small now, but watch out, Judge, he might outgrow you! The expected weight of a Maine Coon cat is 25-30 pounds when full grown.