Unforgettable Fruity Flavor

Fruit dessertc
Posted 06/07/2023
By Jolene Goodman
Lake Panorama Times

Summertime often brings cravings for fresh fruits that add a hint of sweetness to warm-weather gatherings. Serving up a delicious dessert for family and guests starts with favorite produce in this Lemon Cheesecake with Fruit.
The touch of tangy tartness is enough to bring loved ones to the dessert table even after a filling meal as fresh lemon juice in the cheesecake base is complemented perfectly when topped with orange slices and raspberries. Garnished with mint leaves, this brightly colored treat is even sweeter when shared with loved ones.

Jolene Goodman is the advertising director for Lake Panorama Times and vice president of Big Green Umbrella Media.

Lemon Cheesecake with Fruit
Servings: 6-8

• 1 1/4 cups graham cracker crumbs
• 1/4 cup sugar
• 1/4 cup butter, melted
• 2 packages (8 ounces each) cream cheese, softened
• 1 can (14 ounces) sweetened condensed milk
• 3 eggs
• 1/4 cup fresh lemon juice
• 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
• 1 orange, peeled and separated
• 8 raspberries
• 3  mint leaves, for garnish

Preheat oven to 350 F.
In medium bowl, combine graham cracker crumbs, sugar and melted butter. Press firmly into 9-inch springform pan.
In large bowl, beat cream cheese until fluffy. Gradually beat in sweetened condensed milk until smooth. Add eggs, fresh lemon juice and vanilla extract; mix until combined.
Pour into pan. Bake 50-55 minutes, or until center springs back when lightly pressed.
Chill in refrigerator until completely cooled. Arrange orange slices around border of cake and place raspberries in middle. Top with mint leaves.

David Finneseth was re-elected to a second, three-year term, and Sue Thompson was newly elected to the board for a three-year term.

Posted 06/07/2023
By Susan Thompson
Lake Panorama Times

The 54th annual meeting of the Lake Panorama Association was May 13 at the Lake Panorama National events center. About 90 people attended, representing 51 voting members. It was announced the LPA currently has a total membership of 1,727, with 11 of those inactive, because 2023 dues have not been paid.

Finneseth and Thompson elected to board
A total of 562 ballots were cast in the election for two people to serve on the LPA board of directors. There were four people running for the two seats. David Finneseth was re-elected to a second, three-year term. Sue Thompson was newly elected to the board for a three-year term.

Financial and audit reports
Dennis Flanery, LPA board treasurer, provided the 2022 financial and audit report for the LPA and its subsidiary, LPN, LLC. The CPA firm of Meriwether, Wilson and Company conducted the LPA annual audit, reviewing financial statements and balance sheets from 2022 and 2021 of the LPA and LPN, LLC.
Flanery said the auditor’s report stated the financial statements, consolidated reports and consolidated cash flows for both entities were in order, and that the methods used by staff to create the documents were in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards.
LPN’s 2022 operations showed a loss of $358,348. With other income and expenses, the overall loss was $428,348. Flanery said the LPN kitchen was closed in July of 2022, and outings and events were catered to finish the year. He noted the 2021 numbers showed a lower financial loss because $223,616 was received that year from the federal Paycheck Protection Program.
LPA reported net income of $255,553 for 2022. The budgeted operating income for 2023 shows a loss of $154,801. Flanery says the amount of depreciation on the new maintenance shop and water plant project is the reason the budget shows a loss.
“The amount of this non-cash item — depreciation — has increased greatly with the recent capital improvement projects completed,” Flanery said. “The 2023 budget also shows an increase in interest expense because these two projects are now complete. This makes our budget look worse in comparison to previous years. We can assure the membership cash flow remains viable and on track with respect to these important capital projects.”
Flanery said the LPA does not create its annual operating budget with the expectation of selling land. In light of recent bank failures, he also stated all LPA and LPN funds are 100% covered by FDIC.

President’s report
Rich Schumacher, LPA board president, chaired the meeting. To open his president’s report, Schumacher thanked those who volunteer on four standing LPA committees, including water safety, building codes, land sales and appeals. He also recognized the four volunteers who counted ballots for the 2023 annual meeting.
“These volunteers don’t do this for their personal gain, but rather because they know they are helping LPA members have a better experience here at Lake Panorama,” he said.
Schumacher also thanked the LPN, LLC board of managers for their help guiding this LPA subsidiary. He said replacement of turf equipment has been the most recent focus, with supply chain delays causing some issues. Plans for course enhancements at Lake Panorama National are being developed.
Turning to the LPA, Schumacher said the board takes a very serious look at the annual budget.
“While each area of the staff looks at their numbers, projecting out needs for up to five years, the board considers the needs, and questions if it can wait or what is a priority,” he said.
For many years, the LPA board has been restricted by a past membership vote to raising annual dues no more than 5%.
“I’ve had members ask the board to not increase the dues, and newer members say our dues are not high enough for what they receive,” Schumacher said. “When we looked at this year’s budget, we knew the 5% increase was necessary because of our increasing costs. That 5% increase will generate an additional $102,802.”

GM’s report
John Rutledge, LPA general manager and LPN, LLC director of operations, began his report with a look at the LPN.
“We do have a new model for LPN food and beverage for this year,” he said. “Nick and Lynn Kuhn have leased the kitchen and operate The Links Lounge, the event space and Spikes. We’re excited to welcome them and encourage membership support as they navigate their first season. Golf continues to be an important element of our community, and we thank you all for your continued support as we adapt to new strategies and approaches.”
Rutledge said the LPN welcomes feedback on dining, golf or lodging experience; send an email to
Shifting gears to the LPA, Rutledge said the annual process of seal coating lake roads is suffering from inflation.
“The 2023 cost will be $31,000 per mile, and we will be doing seven miles of roadway,” he said. “For comparison, the cost in 2021 was slightly under $23,000 per mile, and we did about nine miles. This is an area where we will need to increase our budget in 2024. We need to get back to seal coating nine miles each year to keep up.”
The LPN maintenance department continues to work on a diverse range of projects.
“One issue we’ve discussed a lot in the last year has been roadway maintenance,” Rutledge said. “Members are encouraged to remember LPA owns not only the roadway, but also the shoulders and ditches. We work to maintain these in an aesthetically pleasing manner, but these also have a number of essential functional purposes — ensuring drainage off roads and adjacent properties, providing a place to store snow during the winter, and accommodate underground utilities.”
Rutledge said LPA Security handles water safety, land patrol, deer hunt management and other responsibilities that play a critical role for the association.
“One item to highlight is the importance of invasive species rule enforcement. Members who travel with their boats must comply to ensure the health of Lake Panorama into the future. This also applies to any used docks or lifts that are purchased from other bodies of water,” Rutledge said. “LPA occasionally receives some pushback on this topic, but we stand firm. The lake is the lifeblood of this community, and we must do our part to avoid the negative impact of invasive species.”
Rutledge said LPA Security officers now are equipped with both dash cameras and body cameras.
“2023 is a remarkably different environment for security than it was even three years ago,” Rutledge said. “These cameras are for the protection of the membership and the staff. A reality of today’s world is that you always have the potential to be on camera.”
The most recent inspection of the dam identified a few items to work into the LPA budget, but Rutledge said it remains in good shape.
“The overall health of the dam remains very impressive,” he said. “We consider the dam as one of our most important assets and responsibilities and are proactive about keeping it in good repair.”
Rutledge reported a new concrete wall has been installed at Sunset Beach, to replace the deteriorating wall made of railroad ties. He thanked members of the Panora Garden Club and other volunteers for their work to manage landscape beds at the lake’s three beaches.

A thanks to Mary Jane Carothers
Rutledge recognized Mary Jane Carothers, whose second three-year term on the LPA board ended with the annual meeting. Carothers served as board president for two years.
“I want to offer a personal thanks to Mary Jane for her past efforts as our board president,” Rutledge said. “She provided important leadership through the heart of the COVID-19 pandemic, which was a challenging task. State and federal rules and recommendations seemed to change daily. Her professional background and sound judgement provided me an important partner as we navigated uncharted territory. I will forever be grateful for her support.”

Rural Improvement Zone update
Next Rutledge turned his attention to the Lake Panorama Rural Improvement Zone (RIZ), which is projected to receive $3 million in revenues in the 2023-24 fiscal year.
Expansion of the 180th Trail Basin continues and will be used for sediment storage once the current basin is full. Two new wetlands to help protect water quality in Burchfield Cove are in the planning stages, but are bogged down because of current U.S. Army Corps of Engineers requirements. Rutledge said he hopes these two wetlands can move forward in the next 24 months.
The project to rip rap Lake Panorama’s south shore is complete. This project cost $862,000 and was funded by RIZ.
Rutledge said dredging being done this spring in the Narrows would end before Memorial Day weekend. The dredge crew then will turn its attention to assessing coves and spot dredging. Rutledge said he will be working in the coming months with the RIZ trustees to make plans for 2024 and beyond.

Donor-funded projects
Rutledge highlighted some recent donor-funded projects led by Friends of Lake Panorama, including the dog park, playground equipment at all three beaches, the sports courts at Boulder Beach, a new sports court at Sunset Beach, and the Shade Sails project near Spikes on the LPN golf course.
Now the Friends nonprofit is working with LPA on south shore improvements.
“Much of what Friends proposed in 2022 was on hold until the rip rap was completed,” Rutledge said. “Now we will revisit the details of the trail, parking and related improvements. We greatly appreciate the efforts of Friends and all the donors who support our community, and look forward to working with them in the coming months to finalize details for the south shore.”
New officers elected
Shortly after the annual meeting adjourned, the LPA board of directors convened a special meeting to elect officers for the coming year. A slate of officers was nominated and elected unanimously to take office upon adjournment of the special meeting. LPA board officers now are Emily Donovan, president; Rich Schumacher, vice president; David Finneseth, secretary; and Dennis Flanery, treasurer.

During his remarks at the 2023 LPA annual meeting, John Rutledge, LPA general manager and LPN director of operations, announced dates for two upcoming GM coffees for the remainder of 2022. The dates fall on Fridays, and are July 7 and Sept. 1. Meetings begin at 10:30 a.m. and are held at the Lake Panorama National event center.
Coffee and other refreshments are available at these informal gatherings, where Rutledge provides an update on current happenings, then takes questions from members in attendance.
If members have questions they would like covered about LPA policies or developments, they can email to give Rutledge an opportunity to prepare in advance. LPA members with questions specific to their own membership or property should call the LPA office during regular business hours at 641-755-2301.


Posted 06/07/2023
By Susan Thompson
Lake Panorama Times

For many years, volunteers have helped maintain annual flower beds near Lake Panorama National tee boxes, plus areas around the event center and Spikes. This year, some additional attention is being given to Spikes and the east side entrance of the event center.
Near Spikes, several ash trees were removed last year. Now all vegetation surrounding the building, including patches of poison ivy, is being removed. Once the area is cleared, three ornamental Cleveland pear trees will be planted, and the entire area will be mulched. A couple of small perennial flower beds may be added.
At the LPN event center, ornamental trees near the east entrance were removed several years ago because of age and storm damage. A decision was made to replace those with two redbud trees, plus add perennial flowers in the mulched areas surrounding the trees.
A request to purchase these five ornamental trees was presented to the Friends of Lake Panorama board, which voted to use $1,200 in general funds for this project.
The plantings at the event center were done May 16. Work at Spikes continues, with those three trees to be planted in early June.


Posted 06/07/2023
By Susan Thompson
Lake Panorama Times

Boating is one of the most enjoyed activities at Lake Panorama. With the main boating season in full swing, the LPA security team is emphasizing water safety. Corey Larsen has been the LPA Security Chief since March 2021. In this month’s Q&A, Larsen talks about boating on Lake Panorama.

Q. What are some things boat owners need to consider as they get started each season?
A. A good place to start is to watch the LPA water safety video that outlines specific rules related to Lake Panorama. Go to the LPA website at, and click on the Helpful Links tab to access this video. Also, information about Iowa boating laws is on the DNR’s boating website at
Water safety needs to begin before a boat is launched for the first time each year. Members must have their Iowa DNR registration up to date and their current LPA stickers on the vessel before it goes in the water.
Since both fire extinguishers and floatation devices are key safety items, these are priorities for the Iowa DNR and LPA. Boats with greater than 10 horsepower are required by Iowa law to have at least one Type B-I fire extinguisher onboard the vessel. Some larger boats are required to have one B-II fire extinguisher, or two B-I fire extinguishers. Boat owners also need to check their extinguishers periodically to make sure these are ready if needed.
All vessels are required to have at least one United States Coast Guard approved life jacket for each person on board. In addition, vessels more than 16 feet in length must have a throwable floatation device, excluding kayaks and canoes. Also, Iowa Law requires children younger than 13 years of age to wear their life jacket while the vessel is underway.
Boat operators often misunderstand boat capacity rules. Most boats are rated for a maximum number of persons and a maximum total weight. Boaters must remember they are not allowed to exceed either of these numbers. This is especially relevant with young people who weigh less than adults. Regardless of how small the passenger is, everyone counts as one passenger in the boat capacity limit.

Q. Once LPA members have their boats on the lake, what are some things they need to know?
A. When a watercraft is anchored, at least one person must be on board the water vessel at all times. This goes for personal watercraft as well as boats. This is important when boaters decide to anchor and take a swim, or tie together with another boat.
Also, it’s critical for boaters to understand the various types of buoys deployed by the LPA staff each spring and obey rules related to these buoys. Centerline buoys mark the channel of the lake, with boaters travelling on the right-hand side of the buoys. These buoys are marked with a flashing or steady white light to be visible at night. Hazard buoys are placed in areas that are known to be shallow or hazardous. These buoys are not a guarantee of exact hazard location, but are a warning to steer clear of that general area. Hazard buoys are marked with a flashing or steady amber lights to ensure boaters steer clear of these areas. Remember, when boating at night, avoid amber lights, and stay immediately to the right of white lights.
In 2018, a map showing the type and location of all buoys was proposed by the water safety committee and approved by the LPA board. The buoy map is available on the LPA website. Go to the Documents tab, then the Boating Items tab to access the buoy map.
It is important for LPA members to make sure their guests are familiar with the different types of buoys, plus Iowa DNR and LPA rules and requirements, before they are allowed to operate the member’s vessels.
Boaters who don’t obey the rules related to buoys risk being stopped by a security officer and being given either a warning or a ticket. Also in place is a rule adopted by the LPA board concerning the moving of buoys by members. Intentional vandalism or relocation of buoys will result in an automatic third offense, which under LPA rules is a $500 fine and loss of boating privileges for the season.
There was a lot of vandalism done to LPA property on the lake last season. There was damage to signs, docks, swim ropes and buoys. The LPA will pursue the maximum penalties for someone damaging or moving LPA equipment. The equipment is in place to keep people safe while they are enjoying lake activities.

Q. What rules are in place to help prevent invasive species from entering Lake Panorama?
A. Any vessel leaving any other lake must be cleaned, all compartments drained, and the vessel should dry at least five days before re-entering Lake Panorama. The vessel owner will need to contact LPA Security to schedule an inspection. They must be able to show they have not been on an infested lake, have no water in compartments, no plant debris or mud, or any other sign of potential contamination. This is an Iowa law and is enforceable with a $500 fine. The LPA also has set fines for violators and for falsified information on questionnaires.
Another LPA rule related to invasives species prevention requires members who want to bring in used pieces of equipment like docks or lifts to have the equipment inspected by LPA security. From the date of inspection and pending the equipment has been cleaned, members must find an offshore location to store the equipment for a minimum of 30 days. This allows any potential invasives to perish before the equipment enters the lake. Members should always call the LPA office ahead of time if they are considering purchasing a used dock or lift.

Q. What is the rule regarding towing in the Narrows, and why was this implemented?
A. The Narrows is limited to no towing (tubes, skiers, or any other towed devices) or wake surfing from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. on weekends and holidays from Memorial Day to Labor Day. If boat traffic is especially heavy at times beyond those already designated, security officers have the authority to put orange flags on the markers to show no towing is allowed. Two platform signs remind boaters of this restriction.
The reason for no towing in the Narrows at certain times is to promote safety. This is the narrowest part of the lake. During times of high boat traffic, we need to keep people safe. If security officers see you towing in the Narrows during the regular hours, or other times when it is deemed unsafe, they can issue a warning or a citation.

Q. What fines are in place to help enforce the LPA rules that promote water safety?
A. It’s important for the membership to know LPA Security has the right to stop a boat at any time if a rule violation is suspected or to make sure all required equipment is aboard. This year, the Security Department has implemented body cameras. All officers on water patrol will be wearing body cameras. The use of these cameras will help to monitor the interactions between officers and people they come in contact with.
There is a rule against harassment of an LPA security officer. This means no one should use foul language, threaten or try to intimidate a security office. A member or guest may have their boating privileges suspended or terminated for up to one year and be fined according to the LPA schedule of fines. That schedule includes $100 for the first offense, $250 for the second offense and $500 for third offense, plus loss of privileges on the lake.
While it may seem like the LPA has a lot of rules related to boating, much of it is just common sense. All boaters should practice safe boating. Stay far enough away from other boats and people being towed or wake surfing. Have a plan for the boating party, which includes having a sober person operate the vessel.
Again this season, I am making it a priority to get security boats out on the water. We will do our best to make sure the water patrol security officers are enforcing the rules and keeping people safe.
LPA Security’s phone number is 641-757-9035. I encourage members to contact LPA Security with questions or concerns. In the case of a fire, medical or police emergency, call 911.


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Posted 06/07/2023
Special to the Lake Panorama Times

The annual “Fire in the Sky” fireworks display sanctioned by the Lake Panorama Association, and put on by the Joe Scheiring family, will be at dusk on Saturday, July 1. The fireworks will be set off from the traditional spot at Shady Beach. For safety reasons, the LPA Lake Patrol and the Iowa DNR require boats anchored during the display to have running lights on during the show.
Consumer fireworks can be legally purchased in Iowa because of a bill passed in the 2017 Iowa legislative session. In May 2017, the LPA Board of Directors passed a motion that states the LPA does not consent to the use of fireworks on LPA-owned property, such as beaches, campgrounds, parking lots, roads, the marina, golf courses and community areas.
Each year in advance of the Fourth of July, guests of Lake Panorama National Resort are notified of this action. Both LPA members and guests can be found in violation of LPA rules if they use fireworks on LPA property and could be subject to a monetary fine.
LPA members also are reminded they are responsible to avoid any activity that could be declared a nuisance to their neighbors, and they are liable for any damage or injury they or their guests cause to neighbors and their property.


Posted 06/07/2023
Special to the Lake Panorama Times

Each year, the Panora Women’s Service Organization (WSO) conducts fundraising activities to make it possible to provide a scholarship to a Panorama Community School graduating senior. This year’s recipient is Jazmyn Sellers. Sellers plans to attend the University of Northern Iowa this fall, majoring in speech pathology, with minors in Spanish and sign language. She is the daughter of Curtis and Monique Sellers of Panora.
The WSO’s annual home tour is the group’s major fundraiser and funds a renewable scholarship each year, making four scholarships paid annually. This year’s home tour is Friday, June 2. Five Lake Panorama homes will be featured. Tickets are $30, and include the home tour and lunch at the Lake Panorama National event center. Tickets are available by contacting Mary Beidelman at 641-757-0425.


Posted 06/07/2023
Special to the Lake Panorama Times

A summary of 2022 LPA projects and activities was included in the packet distributed at the 2023 LPA annual meeting May 13. Some highlights of 2022 were:

Boat Inspections
216 boat inspections were performed by LPA Security.

Property transfers for 2022 were 61 homes and 76 lots, totaling 137 properties.

Water Plant
The water department installed a new water crossing between Sunset Beach and the 4300 side of the lake. TIMCO was hired to drill a new, eight-inch HDPE pipe between both sides of the lake. The main has been connected and live since last summer. The water department has one more crossing that needs to be replaced to keep up with expiring infrastructure around the lake. An additional crossing at Boulder Beach is on the long-term plan.

The inspection on LPA’s dam was completed in late July of 2022. Initial findings were minimal work needed for regular and routine repairs. A dive team later found a scour on the upstream side of the dam’s bascule gate, which will be addressed in the next one to two years. A scour can be defined as an area washed or dug out due to constant current flow over the gate. LPA is working with Shive Hattery to get cost estimates and design a plan to fill the scour in 2024.
New Amenities
Friends of Lake Panorama funded construction of a new sports court on the west side of the lake at Sunset Beach, where members can play basketball and pickleball. Friends also added signage and benches to the Panorama West walking trail, and is working with LPA to design trail signage and a map for South Shore walking trails.

Rural Improvement Zone (RIZ)
Spring Lake Construction (SLC) continued work on their contract to raise the dam elevation on the 180th Trail Basin. Work began in fall of 2021. Dry conditions allowed SLC to work many days last summer. The soil variability proved to be more complex than originally anticipated, and slowed progress some, but the project is still moving forward and could wrap up in 2023. RIZ also hired JNC Construction to rip rap the entire south shore, a 7,500-foot-long project. JNC got most of the work completed in 2022 and wrapped things up this spring. Dolomite was used under the water level and in the area around the dam. Salvaged fieldstone was used above the water level to retain its aesthetic appeal. RIZ continues to work with Shive Hattery on future wetland and sediment basin development.

Veliger Testing
In 2022, LPA tested for zebra mussel veligers. No veligers were present, and there have been no indicators showing any evidence of zebra mussels in Lake Panorama. LPA continues to put a large emphasis on invasive species control and will continue to test annually for veligers.


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Posted 06/07/2023
By Cheryl Temple
Lake Panorama Times

Name: Bear
Age: 9 months old
Breed: Cocker Spaniel Poodle mix
Owners: Jeremy and Stephanie David
Bear enjoys trying to keep up with big sisters, Reece and Delaney. He travels to their softball games, goes with them on golf cart rides and family car rides, will soon have his first boat ride of the season. He really likes the freedom of the lake’s dog park. His owners anticipate being frequent visitors. The Davids live near Sunset Beach in a yellow B lot home with a deck facing the road. If you’re a frequent walker/jogger of the area, you’ll be sure to see Bear’s head poking through the deck railing saying, “Hello!” The girls both attend Panorama School district.

Trish Hart’s nature photos of the month

Posted 06/07/2023
By Susan Thompson
Lake Panorama Times

Spring brings new life to Lake Panorama. The lake ice disappears, grass starts to grow, buds form on trees and shrubs, and early flowers pop through the ground. Spring also brings baby wildlife to the lake. Trish Hart is a local photographer who captures Lake Panorama wildlife with her camera. This month she chose to offer not just a single photo but several featuring some of the baby wildlife she has photographed. Hart offers custom prints of her photos on canvas, paper, metal and glass. For more information, visit Natures Canvas Photos on Facebook.


Lpt may 2023
Posted 05/10/2023

Since you have made it to page 5, you have hopefully noticed a new look to your Lake Panorama Times. We decided to freshen up the design with a magazine style and convert to a tabloid format rather than the traditional newspaper broadsheet. We hope you find this easier to read and will refer back to it often throughout the month.
Those of you who have a home in the Des Moines suburbs are likely familiar with our Iowa Living magazines. My original intent when I bought the Lake Panorama Times a few years ago was to convert it to Lake Panorama Living magazine, much like the other 14 community magazines we publish. And although that may sound reasonably simple, it is more complicated than one might think — and more expensive to produce. The business models we created for each of our new publications have been centered around creating affordable and effective advertising solutions for local businesses, and we didn’t want to stray from that. So we decided to be patient (which isn’t easy for me) and proceed as normal with what had been done in the past by the prior owner. And, for the most part, that is what we did. We added additional content and distribution, but we stuck with the same look and the broadsheet format.
Then, last July, I bought the Guthrie County Times Vedette, a traditional paid subscription weekly newspaper that some of you also subscribe to (thank you). The Times Vedette is also in a full broadsheet format, and our hopes were to package these publications together for easy advertising options and some shared editorial purposes. The Times Vedette is the only paid subscription newspaper we publish, as all our other publications are available for free. That packaging sounded logical, but it has not been effective for a number of reasons, so we are now working on new ideas that will incorporate much of what we have learned and had success with in the last two decades. It all starts with the redesign of the Lake Panorama Times, and I am pleased to present our first issue. More to come soon.
Change is rarely easy, and this one involved many adaptations to make it happen. I want to thank Susan Thompson (who writes the bulk of the content), Michael Woody, Cheryl Temple and Trish Hart for their ongoing editorial contributions to this publication and Beckham Miller for designing it so nicely. I also want to express my appreciation to Kerry Jacobsen and Jolene Goodman for working with area businesses and showing them how our readers can become their customers, and to Jayde Vogeler for designing the wonderful ads. As always, my many thanks go to our postal carriers who bring this to your homes and to Mike Chiston for delivering it to area businesses. And many other thanks go to all those who submit editorial items, ideas or contribute in other ways to make this all possible. But, most of all, I thank all of you for reading this publication and making it part of your lives.
As always, I appreciate your feedback, so shoot me a note and let me know what you think as we continue to work to provide news and information that is relevant to you and provide advertising that will encourage you to buy your products and services locally.
Have a great May, and thanks for reading.

Shane Goodman
Editor and Publisher
Lake Panorama Times
515-953-4822, ext. 305


Posted 05/10/2023
By Susan Thompson 
Lake Panorama Times

An event hosted by the Guthrie County Hospital Foundation April 14 raised more than $22,000. The Handbags & Bingo fundraiser at Lake Panorama National Resort was attended by nearly 240 women.
Dennis Flanery, foundation director, says he got the idea from a former co-worker who had heard about a fundraising event hosted by the City of Clive.
“Clive has been doing something similar for scholarships for their area high schools,” Flanery says. “I thought this might work as a fundraiser for us. Clive officials were gracious and sent me information on the event.”
Flanery put together a committee to help him plan the event, including foundation board members Maggie Armstrong and Mary Jane Carothers, and Guthrie County Hospital staff members Heather Martens and Emily Irwin.
“When we first started planning for the event, I was hoping for 120 women and thought that would be a great number,” Flanery says. “We advertised by word of mouth and flyers for a few months. Once registration opened, we sold out in about 10 days. We were overwhelmed by the support and plan to make this an annual event.”
A total of 22 handbag packages were donated or sponsored, each with a minimum value of $150. Each bingo game winner received additional raffle tickets and a gift certificate from a local business, plus there were other ways to win raffle tickets. The women put their raffle tickets into boxes that corresponded with handbags they wanted to win. Tickets then were drawn to see who would take home each of the handbag packages.
“I knew nothing about handbag types or brands before planning this event,” Flanery says. “I put together a team of handbag shoppers of all ages to ensure we had a nice selection. We had several from Kate Spade, Coach and Michael Kors. I also had one each from Saks Fifth Avenue, Fossil, Tory Burch, Dooney & Burke and Harley Davidson. In addition, local providers put together packages from Tribe, Pearls & Lace and Molly’s.”
Tickets cost $45 per person or $350 for a table. A bingo card, meal and five raffle tickets were included with the registration fee. An additional bingo card and five more raffle tickets could be purchased for $20. Money also was raised through the sale of GCH Foundation drink glasses, a dessert auction, two side games, a “bribe the bingo caller” auction and a mulligan auction.
The more than $22,000 raised will benefit the Guthrie County Hospital nursing department and nursing programs at the hospital and area clinics.
“Nurses are the backbone of healthcare; they make up the largest single profession within the industry and are a key trusted advocate between the patient and doctor,” Flanery says. “There is a national shortage of nurses, and that trend looks to continue for some time. The GCH Foundation wants to support the Guthrie County Hospital and Clinics with attracting, retaining and supporting our quality nursing staff. We hope to build an endowment that will assist the hospital for years to come.”
Two tables of nurses attended the event at no cost. These Daisy Award winners and Top 100 Iowa Nurse award winners were recognized by Flanery during the program.
Flanery says he “caught some grief” because the event was advertised as a women-only event. Besides him, there were three other men in attendance. Mike Underwood, the Guthrie County Hospital Trustees Chair, was the evening’s bingo caller. Steve Smith, GCH Foundation Chair, helped with registration and other tasks throughout the evening, as did Kirby Klinge, who is a foundation board member.
Key corporate sponsors were Peoples Bank, Guthrie County State Bank, Farmers State Bank, Iowa Trust & Savings, Panora Fiber and Rolling Hills Bank & Trust. Additional sponsors helped support the Bingo games, two other side games, and desserts.


Posted 05/10/2023
By Susan Thompson 
Lake Panorama Times

A special event to introduce more users to the Panorama West Nature Trail is planned for Sunday, June 4. Friends of Lake Panorama encourages LPA members and guests to “take a hike” on the trail during that day. Bottled water, coffee and cookies will be available in the Panorama West golf course clubhouse 1-3 p.m. Trail visitors are invited to stop in during those hours before or after their hike.
A total of $5,000 from the 2021 Beach Ball was committed by the Friends of Lake Panorama board of directors to the Panorama West Nature Trail, plus some private donations were received. A volunteer task force identified portions of an existing trail being used by a limited number of people and the Panorama school’s cross-country track teams to create this designated nature trail.
In late October 2022, seven posts with directional signage and a trailhead sign were installed, plus two benches. Parking is in a cul-de-sac at the end of Nicholl Drive, which intersects with Panorama Road just south of the Panorama West clubhouse. Signs pointing to the trail were installed on the same post as the Nicholl Drive street sign.
The trailhead sign at the end of Nicholl Drive features a drawing of the trail. Users are encouraged to take a photo of the drawing to help guide them on the trail. Users also are encouraged to begin their hike at this location, rather than attempting to join the trail from the north, because no trail markers have been placed at previous access points. 
At the three-quarters mile mark, there is an optional three-quarters of a mile loop. Those who use the official trail, plus the optional loop, will complete 2.25 miles. The trail winds through grassy open areas and timber and does not cross any portion of the golf course or roadways. For safety reasons, and in compliance with current LPA rules, users of the trail may include hikers, runners, cross-country skiers and dogwalkers, but no motorized vehicles.
By this fall, the Panorama Community Schools cross country team will be practicing and competing on a new trail on Lake Panorama’s south shore. The cross country trail will begin on school property, continue onto the south shore for much of the course, and loop back to end on school property. This will be part of a larger trail system that is in the works for the south shore. 


Posted 05/10/2023
All seating will be in the LPN banquet room.

By Susan Thompson 
Lake Panorama Times

The Friends of Lake Panorama’s sixth Beach Ball fundraiser is Friday, June 16 at the Lake Panorama National event center. Twenty tables of eight now are filled with another five pending. Attendance will be capped at 240 people, so those interested are encouraged to finalize their plans by June 1.
All seating will be in the LPN banquet room, with tables tastefully decorated by volunteers using a common nautical theme. Registration will be at 4:30-5:30 p.m. with a buffet dinner served beginning at 6 p.m. The menu includes pork loin, chicken, Church Lady potatoes, garden salad, fresh mixed vegetables, dinner rolls, and peach cobbler with fresh whipped cream. Beverage service offering coffee, tea and water is included with the meal. There will be a cash bar.
There are several options for those interested in attending the event. Members of the Friends Beach Club provide additional financial support to Friends of Lake Panorama beyond the cost of the meal. Prices for Beach Club memberships are:
Friends Beach Club - Premier: $700 — includes table sponsorship, eight dinner tickets, name in the 2023 Beach Ball program; Friends Beach Club - Couple: $250 — includes two dinner tickets, name in the 2023 Beach Ball program; and Friends Beach Club - Sponsor: $150 — includes table sponsorship, name in the 2023 Beach Ball program.
There will be a limited number of individual meal tickets available for $50 each. The 2023 Beach Ball will include a 50/50 raffle and both live and silent auctions.
A few items already committed for the live auction are a set of four passenger car tires for any vehicle, up to a $1,400 value, donated by Scott Politte, president of Stivers Ford Lincoln of Waukee; a Cyclone football package for the Sept. 23 ISU vs. Oklahoma State game, which includes four tickets in the ISU Athletic Director Suite with Jamie Pollard, food and soft drinks during the game, and a parking pass; custom made pendant necklace donated by Ames Silversmithing; football and basketball signed by ISU coaches and donated by Jay and Sue Merryman; and a six-course gourmet meal for six with wine pairings, prepared and donated by Bill and Karen Fitzgerald.
The silent auction will feature several gift baskets filled with local products and donated by local businesses; gift cards; three bottles of InGeniOz Vodka donated by Hans Van Leeuwen; set of custom WeatherTech floor mats, any make and model, donated by Stivers Ford Lincoln of Waukee; and two bluebird houses, one for Iowa State University fans and one for University of Iowa fans, handcrafted and donated by Steve Brannan.
Funds raised at this year’s Beach Ball will support enhancements to a trail system on Lake Panorama’s south shore. Funds also may be used for additional low-impact recreational amenities on the south shore, which are under discussion between Friends of Lake Panorama and the LPA board of directors.
For those who can’t attend the Beach Ball, yet want to support recreational enhancements on the south shore, tax-deductible donations can be made by check payable to Friends of Lake Panorama, and mailed to Friends of Lake Panorama, P.O. Box 488, Panora, Iowa, 50216. Donations also can be made through Venmo @Panorama-Friends or by credit card on the Friends website at
Additional items for both the live and silent auction are needed. As of May 1, reservations were at about two-thirds capacity, leaving room for perhaps 80 additional participants. Those interested in becoming a Friends Beach Club member, purchasing dinner tickets, or donating items for the live and silent auctions can contact Susan Thompson,, 515-240-6536. 


Posted 05/10/2023
Emma Johnston offers advice to graduating seniors.

By Susan Thompson 
Lake Panorama Times

On April 19, members of the Panora Women’s Service Organization (WSO) descended on the Panora Church of the Brethren armed with totes and boxes of white tablecloths, cups, saucers, plates, tiered serving plates and teapots. Within an hour, they had transformed the Fellowship Hall into an inviting tearoom.
The WSO women reconvened at 1:30 p.m. to arrange an assortment of small tea sandwiches, cookies and mints on the servers. Then it was time to welcome the Panorama Community Schools senior girls, plus their mothers and grandmothers.  
Everyone gathered in the sanctuary and was welcomed by WSO President Toni Wright. Michelle Leonard, pastor of the Brethren church, welcomed and congratulated the girls, shared a few words of wisdom, and then a prayer to bless the occasion.
Wright asked each senior to stand, introduce herself and her guests, and tell something about her future plans. Wright then introduced Emma Johnston, a 2021 Panorama graduate who missed out on her class senior tea, which had to be canceled because of the COVID pandemic.
Johnston offered five pieces of advice to the graduating seniors. The first was to make the most of their final weeks at Panorama. Second was to “stay true to who you are and don’t change for anyone. After graduation, you will begin a new chapter in your life,” Johnston said. “Do what you want to do and what you’re passionate about. One of the nice things about graduating and having this transition period is that you have a clean slate.”
Johnston’s third piece of advice was to get out of their comfort zone, something she said she did in the last three months as she participated in a college study abroad program in Greece. “I was so nervous because leaving home and living out of the country for three months with people I didn’t know was totally out of my comfort zone,” she said. “And yet, it was truly one of the best decisions I have ever made.”
Her fourth piece of advice was on a related topic, and that was to “explore the world and travel.” Finally, Johnston encouraged the senior girls to write thank-you cards to people in their family and at the school who have impacted their lives.
Following Johnston’s speech, the group moved to the reception area for a group photo, then to the Fellowship Hall for tea sandwiches, cookies, tea and lemonade.
As guests departed, each senior girl selected a small glass basket and a white tulip, which is the designated class flower for the 2023 Panorama graduating class, as mementos of the occasion. 


Building (cropped)
Posted 05/10/2023
Dave and Ilene Olson have been married 45 years and owned the business about the same length of time.

By Susan Thompson 
Lake Panorama Times

The business slogan for Panorama Gardens is “serving greater Guthrie County since 1956.” Current owners Dave and Ilene Olson have been married for 45 years and owned the business about the same number of years. Dave’s parents, George and Harriett Olson, started the business, which is located on the east edge of Panora on Highway 44.
“My parents lived on West Lane in Panora,” Dave says. “They had a small greenhouse and a bunch of outside cold frames where they could start plants. In 1956, they bought the Panora Greenhouse from Edgar and Mary Thorpe. The original building was east of our current location, at the top of the hill. They bought this land and moved the building here.”
The couple named their new business Panorama Gardens. It was another 10 years before the same name was chosen for the nearby lake.
Dave Olson was a 1-year-old when his parents started their new business.
“My playpen was a flower box,” he says. “In the beginning, their business was mostly floral. In 1960, they joined FTD, the Florists’ Telegraph Delivery, which made it possible for customers to send flowers anywhere by using florists in the FTD network. That increased their business, and we still are FTD members today.”
Ilene grew up on a farm north of Panora and was two years behind Dave in school. They both were born at the Guthrie County Hospital. During high school, Ilene worked a couple of summers at Panorama Gardens, but the two weren’t interested in each other.
“She thought I was an obnoxious twit, and she was probably right,” Dave says.
After high school, Dave attended Des Moines Area Community College in horticulture. After graduation, he worked at Boesen’s Greenhouse in Boone and Bach Wholesale in Des Moines before returning to Panorama Gardens.
“I always knew I would buy the family business eventually,” he says. “I grew up in it; I didn’t know anything else.”
When Ilene graduated from high school, she attended floriculture school at Kirkwood Community College in Cedar Rapids. A requirement before she could graduate was to work two rotations in floral shops. One was at Beckers Flowers in Fort Dodge.
Dave picks up the story. “She was the valedictorian, first in her class at Kirkwood. Her advisor wanted her to work in a big city and found her lots of opportunities,” he says. “But for some reason, she decided to come back to Panora for her second rotation and work for my parents. In 1978, I was beginning the process of buying my parents out. She and I started to talk more, found we had common interests, and the rest is history. I say I married my greatest asset.”
Dave’s parents had been running Panorama Gardens for many years as a husband-and-wife team.
“Ilene and I decided we wanted to do the same thing,” he says. “Against my mother’s advice, we jumped in.”
Olson says as people started to build homes at Lake Panorama, it changed the business.
“We used to run wholesale routes, selling plants to retail operations in Des Moines and many smaller communities across central Iowa. As both Lake Panorama and our business grew, we were able to stop the wholesale routes. Now almost all of our sales are done through our own retail outlet, and we rely on people throughout Guthrie County, and into Dallas County, for our customer base,” he says.
Panorama Gardens grows and sells live plants and has a fresh flower shop. In the past, they raised cut flowers and perennials, but they couldn’t keep up with demand. Now they purchase cut flowers and perennials from suppliers, while still growing most of the annual vegetable plants and flowers they sell. They have seven employees, with most being part-time during the busiest times.
The busy summer season starts in late March, when customers are looking for onion sets, cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower and seed potatoes. The business offers a large selection of both bulk and packet seeds for both vegetable gardens and flower pots and beds. Also available are grass seed, fertilizer, mulch, soil and a wide selection of garden tools and pots.
The average central Iowa frost date is May 15, so Dave tells customers it’s usually safe to plant frost-sensitive plants such as tomatoes, peppers and flowers around Mother’s Day. Business hours expand to seven days a week in May.
“We do more business in six weeks each spring than we do the rest of the year,” he says.
The fresh flower business is year-round, with an uptick on holidays and special occasions.
“We’re always busy, and we don’t have set hours for ourselves,” Dave says. “If there is a funeral on Monday, we’re working on Sunday.”
Both Dave and Ilene say one thing they’ve enjoyed about the past 45 years at Panorama Gardens is having their business in a rural community.
“We’ve seen people born, married and pass away, and we’ve provided flowers for all those occasions,” Dave says. “We had a mother come in with a photo of the bridal bouquet we did for her, because she wanted us to recreate it for her daughter when she was getting married.”
“Being in a small town has allowed us to get to know at least a couple of generations in many families,” Ilene says. “There are lots of good people here. We’ve been able to learn what our customers like and what they don’t like, so we’re more prepared to help them when they come in or call.”
The Olsons are well-known in the community for their civic mindedness. They donate garden items and plants for numerous fundraisers and give deep discounts on plants used to spruce up the community. One example is the large pots filled with pink petunias that will be seen around Panora again this year.
The couple has two children and four grandchildren. All of them grew up working in the business when extra hands were needed, yet none has an interest in continuing the family business.
“We’ve had the business for sale for a while,” Dave says. “We’re not getting any younger, and we’d like to retire. But we’re not going anywhere. We plan to stay in the community, and we’ll keep the business going until it sells.”
When the day does come to turn over the business keys to someone else, what will they miss? Ilene says it will be the greenhouses that are filled with light and where there is always something growing.
“We don’t get the winter blues here,” she says.
Dave says he’ll miss the relationships they’ve built over the past four decades, and counting. “We’ve been really blessed,” he says. “Plus, I’ll miss growing baby plants.” 


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Posted 05/10/2023
By Jolene Goodman
Lake Panorama Times

A few weekends ago when it was dreadfully cold and flurries frustrated us occasionally, the weather put us in the mood for soup. One of my favorite soup recipes comes from an old church cookbook, hamburger vegetable soup. The church that published this 40 years ago is, ironically, the church we now belong to and attend today, St. Cecelia Catholic Church in Panora.  I didn’t grow up Catholic. I converted before Shane and I married 28 years ago. My mother received the cookbook as a gift from a family friend in the early 1980s. My folks bought their first lot at Lake Panorama in 1971 and owned a few different properties until they retired, permanently, to Arizona in 2000. My cherished cookbook is tattered, splattered, written in and well used, with the cover accidentally torn off many years ago. The illustrations were drawn by Debbie Moylan, and I share two here along with the recipe for Hamburger Vegetable Soup submitted by Norene Abrahamson and and Lillian Carlson, and a recipe for pumpkin bread submitted by Mildred Matern.

Jolene Goodman is the advertising director for Lake Panorama Times and vice president of Big Green Umbrella Media.

Vegetable Soup
(Norene Abrahamson
and Lillian Carlson)

1 lb. ground beef, browned
1 T. salt
1 c. chopped onion
¼ tsp. pepper
3 c. water
¼ tsp. thyme
1 c. sliced carrots
¼ tsp. basil
1 c. diced potatoes
1 bay leaf
1 c. cabbage
1 c. celery
1 can tomatoes

Simmer a long time, 2 hours on the stove top or 5 hours in crockpot. Enjoy and thanks for reading.

Pumpkin Bread
(Mildred Matern)
3 ½ c. flour
1 c. Vegetable oil
2 tsp. soda
4 eggs
1 ½ tsp. salt
2/3 c. water
1 tsp. cinnamon
1 can pumpkin
1 tsp. nutmeg
1 c. chopped nuts
2 or 3 c. sugar
1 c. raisins

Mix until smooth. Stir in nuts and raisins. Divide into two loaf pans or 3 muffin tins which have been greased and floured. Bake at 350 degrees for 1 hour and 10 minutes for loaf pans or 30 minutes for muffins. This freezes well.


The links logo 1
Posted 05/10/2023
By Susan Thompson 
Lake Panorama Times

Gift cards now can be purchased for use at The Links Lounge at Lake Panorama National Resort. Nick and Lynn Kuhn are operating The Links and managing events at the LPN through 2023. They have developed gift cards specifically for use in The Links when customers order using the QR code on tables or when ordering at the bar. The cards can be purchased from the bartender in any denomination during normal business hours. All cards purchased before Memorial Day will receive a 10% savings at the time of purchase. For now, the cards can only be used in The Links, not at Spikes or the bar carts. That option may be added at a later time. The cards also cannot be used to give tips.
Hours for The Links in May remain the same as in April. The Links is open Wednesday, Thursday and Friday from 3 p.m. to 10 p.m., and Saturday from 11 a.m. to 10 p.m. The kitchen closes at 9 p.m. 


Gardenboatloading (cropped)
Posted 05/10/2023
By Susan Thompson 
Lake Panorama Times

For the second year, the Panora Garden Club is providing an opportunity for people interested to see featured landscaping and gardens along Lake Panorama’s shoreline. The event is planned for Wednesday, June 21. The club hosted this fundraiser for the first time in 2022 and now plans to make it an annual event. 
Funds raised will be used to continue the many projects club members conduct to beautify the community. Final details are being worked out, including ticket pricing and how to purchase. More details will be available by late May.
Guests will remain onboard for a lake tour that will begin at the Boulder Beach docks. Food trucks and other refreshments will be available, plus some vendors present for participants to visit before and after their boat tour.
A member of the Panora Garden Club will be on board each pontoon to answer questions and point out highlights throughout the tour. Planners say the 2023 tours will be longer than last year so those participating will have a more leisurely ride. The number of passengers on each pontoon also will be smaller than in 2022 to make the ride more comfortable. 
Signs along the tour route will highlight the gardens and landscaping of Panora Garden Club members. Maps marking the coves will be distributed.
A rain date of Wednesday, June 28 has been set. If the tour needs to be moved to that day, tour times will remain as originally set. If weather prevents this event, money paid for tickets will be a tax-exempt charitable donation to the Panora Garden Club. 


Posted 05/10/2023
By Susan Thompson 
Lake Panorama Times

For the last few years, the number of American white pelicans visiting Lake Panorama each spring and fall has increased. In early April, a flock of these big birds spent a few days on the water retention pond near the mouth of Jones Cove.  American white pelicans pass through Iowa in April on their migration to northern Minnesota and Canada. A few months later, usually mid-August through September, they migrate south to spend winter along the Gulf Coast, California and Mexico.  The Iowa Department of Natural Resources says white pelicans have always migrated through Iowa, but until the late 1980s, they were usually seen only in the western counties. Pelican populations were killed off in the mid-1900s by chemicals found in the fish the pelicans ate, thus poisoning the birds. Since those chemicals have been eliminated, pelican populations are increasing.The American white pelican is the biggest bird in Iowa, weighing 20 pounds and having a nine-foot wingspan. The birds are pure white except for black flight feathers on their wings. The American white pelican is the only species of pelican to migrate through the Midwest. Brown pelicans are the other major pelican species in North America, but they live along the Atlantic Coast.


Posted 05/10/2023
GCCB Director Brad Halterman shares amenities that exist
in Guthrie County beyond Lake Panorama.

By Susan Thompson 
Lake Panorama Times

Brad Halterman has been the Guthrie County Conservation Board (GCCB) director for three-and-a-half years. Prior to that, he spent three years as the Lake Panorama Association project manager. In this month’s Q&A, we catch up with Halterman to learn more about his position and what recreational opportunities exist in Guthrie County, beyond Lake Panorama.

Q. Give us a sense of your job responsibilities.
A. I really enjoy the diversity of the GCCB director position and meeting and talking to new people, as well as the regulars who use our areas. I manage all aspects of GCCB operations, supervise the department staff and work performed in all county parks, recreational areas and wildlife areas. I also plan and administer the department budget, which is done in conjunction with both the Guthrie County Conservation Board and the Guthrie County Board of Supervisors.
I coordinate, plan and administer conservation and recreational programs in the county, at the discretion of the conservation board. That also covers the planning, development, acquisition, and management of county parks, recreational areas, wildlife habitats, and department programs and services.

Q. Tell us more about the Guthrie County Conservation Board.
A. The GCCB members are appointed by the county board of supervisors to five-year, staggered terms. They are volunteers, and monthly meetings are held. The board is a decision-making and policy-making body. The board’s authority includes the acquisition and development of land, adoption of rules and regulations, comprehensive planning of an overall county conservation board program, and specific site plans for individual areas.
Other functions of the board include hiring an executive director, developing a budget, and working with other governmental subdivisions to provide programs for the public. The primary consideration of the GCCB is to provide a balanced conservation, recreation and education program to the citizens of the county through proper planning and identification of needs and demands. The board is the primary county agency dealing with natural resource issues in Guthrie County.

Q. What are the various places within Guthrie County that are managed by GCCB, and how many staff people are involved?
A. We operate, manage and take care of many diverse areas. These include 22 miles of the Raccoon River Valley Trail, the Guthrie County Historical Village and Museum in Panora, Nations Bridge Park and campground, Lenon Mill Park and campground, four river accesses, two prairie areas, and wildlife areas totaling 650 acres.
Besides me, there are three additional full-time staff members. Ted Schuermann is our maintenance technician, Tylor Nelson is the county natural resource manager, and Kristine Jorgensen is the Guthrie County Historical Village curator. We also fill one seasonal position each summer.
Ted, Kristine and Tylor are very talented, dedicated and hard-working employees. They put the public first and make sure Guthrie County conservation and recreation areas are taken care of for all to enjoy.

Q. There are two county parks that offer camping and other amenities; tell us about Lenon Mill and Nations Bridge.
A. Lenon Mill Park sits along the scenic Middle Raccoon River on the south side of Panora and is the original site of the old Lenon Mill, built in 1863. The mill no longer stands, but visitors can view the one grindstone that remains to mark the historic spot, or sit by the river and watch the river flow over the old dam.
Lenon Mill Park features primitive camping, RV camping with electric hookup, water, bathrooms, a shelter house, swing set, horseshoe pit, picnic tables, the first point of access on the Middle Raccoon River Water Trail Route A for canoes and kayaks, and excellent fishing. Species of fish commonly caught at Lenon Mill include both smallmouth and largemouth bass, crappie, bluegill, walleye, channel catfish and an occasional northern pike.
Nations Bridge Park north of Stuart features primitive camping, RV camping with 45 electrical hookups, modern showers, water, flush bathrooms, a dump station, two shelter houses, playground, disc golf course, horseshoe pit, grills and picnic tables, a canoe access, and excellent fishing.
The park has a total of 81 acres. Wildlife is abundant, with deer, turkeys, squirrels, rabbits, quail, raccoons, coyotes, and a variety of songbirds often seen. Nature trails can be found throughout the park and a self-guided interpretive nature trail is located on the east side of the park.

Q. Share some details about the Guthrie County Historical Village and Museum.
A. The Historical Village is located on a 4-acre complex on the southwest side of Panora near the Middle Raccoon River and Lenon Mill Park. It features 10 buildings, numerous exhibits and thousands of artifacts that explore the history of Guthrie County from 1850 to the early-20th Century. The majority of the collection has been donated by families and friends in the surrounding communities.
The museum started in 1968 with the acquisition of the Panora Depot from the Milwaukee Railroad. The depot was moved 10 blocks to its current location. Since then, the Village has grown from one building staffed only by volunteers to a countywide museum featuring buildings from all over Guthrie County that have been carefully restored. We still have volunteers, but Kristine Jorgensen, the museum curator, is in charge of all projects and programs, new exhibits, and the gardens.
Current projects include the continuing restoration of the 1910 Marchant House. The Village Foundation purchased the Marchant House from the Marchant Family in 2014 and has been restoring the house to its early Victorian glory in phases. By the fall of 2022, the exterior was almost complete and now work is starting on the inside.
In 2022, the Youtz Carriage House was gifted to the Foundation by the current owners of the property at 117 N. First St. The brick home at that location was built by the Youtz Family in 1913 and was used as both a residence and a store for the Youtz Millinery. The carriage house will be relocated and placed behind the Marchant Home.
The Village is a 2023 “Paint Iowa Beautiful” award recipient. The paint will be used for the exterior of the main museum building, which will be a welcome improvement to the overall appearance of the Village. This work is planned for this summer.
The Historical Village opened May 1 and will close for the season Oct. 15. It is open Tuesday through Friday, 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. and 1-4:30 p.m. Saturdays and some holidays. It is closed Sundays and Mondays. Admission is $2 for adults, $1 for children 6 to 17, and free for children 5 and younger.

Q. Tell us about the Raccoon River Valley Trail.
A. The Raccoon River Valley Trail is an 89-mile, paved, multi-use recreational trail that extends from Clive to Jefferson. The 33-mile “North Loop” was completed in 2013, making this trail one of the longest in the United States. The trail is built on the former Milwaukee Railroad track and is owned by the Dallas, Greene and Guthrie county conservation boards.
The trail winds its way through the Middle and North Raccoon River corridors with areas of prairie and canopies of timber that remind us of what Iowa was like in the 1870s. Common uses for the multi-recreational trail are hiking, biking, walking, in-line skating, jogging, bird watching, plus in the winter, cross-country skiing and snowmobiling.
We spend a lot of time on the trail mowing, trimming trees, performing bridge and trail surface upkeep and repairs, and doing general maintenance work.

Q. How do you think the natural resources and recreational opportunities in Guthrie County stack up against others?
My wife and I both were raised in Guthrie County and chose to raise our family here. We have been to all 99 counties in Iowa, and each has some fantastic things to see and do. The Iowa County Conservation System is a pioneer system that many states have used as a template.
I would put the recreational opportunities in Guthrie County up against any other county in our state. Guthrie County offers both state and county-owned public ground. Parks, recreational trails, water trails, wildlife areas, two unique river systems, wetlands, prairies, rolling hills, flatlands, timber, scenic roadways, farmland, historic towns and friendly, welcoming people and businesses. Who would want to live anywhere else?

To find more information on Guthrie County conservation areas and programs, visit:


Posted 05/10/2023
By Susan Thompson 
Lake Panorama Times

Lake Panorama National Resort is targeting a Memorial Day weekend opening for its 1,500-square-foot heated swimming pool and eight-person spa. Once open, public swimming will be available starting at 10:30 a.m. seven days a week. Plans are to have the pool remain open until Sept. 30.
All members and guests of the swimming pool must check-in at the LPN pro shop counter where they will sign in and pay a daily fee of $5, unless they have purchased an annual pool pass. After checking in, everyone will be given a wristband to wear in the pool area.
A variety of annual pass categories are available including single, couple, family and grandparent. Passes are available to LPA property owners starting at $125 for a single, $150 for a couple and $175 for a family. A fourth category is available to adults 55 and older with grandchildren up to the age of 12. Grandparent memberships are $225.
Non-LPA members also can purchase annual pool passes in the same categories for an additional $15 for any of the four options.
The pool membership form is available online and can be mailed or dropped off with payment to the LPN. The form is here: 


Img 5699 (cropped)
Posted 05/10/2023

The Lake Panorama Times hosted a Summer Kick-off Party for the business community on Friday, May 5 at The Links. Publisher Shane Goodman shared details on the new look of the Lake Panorama Times. He and his wife, Jolene Goodman, who serves as the company’s advertising director, unveiled a prototype of a cover as well as prototypes of two new publications the company will be launching soon. The event was co-hosted by the Panora Chamber of Commerce and The Links.  


Posted 05/10/2023
Panora Garden Club members spent two hours cleaning several landscape beds that surround the Panorama West clubhouse

By Susan Thompson 
Lake Panorama Times

Fifteen members of the Panora Garden Club gathered at the Panorama West golf course April 10. Armed with rakes, clippers, leaf blowers and hedge trimmers, they spent two hours cleaning several landscape beds that surround the Panorama West clubhouse.
Club members cleared leaves and dead foliage from the rain garden along the southeast corner of the clubhouse parking lot. The rain garden, a project led by Friends of Lake Panorama, was installed in June 2017.
At that time, members of the Panora Garden Club and other volunteers helped plant about 170 native plants, featuring a dozen different varieties of flowering plants and grasses. The rain garden captures water runoff from the parking lot, which the plants and mulch filter before the water travels into a drainage tile.
At this year’s spring cleanup, club members also removed leaves and dead foliage from landscaped beds that surround the clubhouse, the flagpole and the outdoor kiosk. They also trimmed evergreen trees, shrubs and roses near the Panorama West signs and clubhouse. 


Posted 05/10/2023
Lake Panorama Association
Board of Directors Meeting
March 28, 2023

The Lake Panorama Association Board of Directors met March 28, 2023, at 5 p.m. at the Lake Panorama Association Office. Board members in attendance were Mary Jane Carothers, Emily Donovan, David Finneseth, Dennis Flanery, Mark Jorgensen, Rich Schumacher and Dirk Westercamp.

LPA Staff in attendance: Danna Krambeer, Corey Larsen, Lane Rumelhart and John Rutledge.

Visitors in attendance: Shawn Foy and Sherry Ruge, LPA Members Tim Schafer and Sue Thompson BOD Candidates.

President Schumacher called the meeting to order at 5 p.m.

Agenda Item 1 – Approval of the Agenda
Donovan moved to approve the agenda. Motion seconded, carried unanimously.

No conflicts of interest were disclosed by the Board of Directors regarding agenda items.

Agenda Item 2 – Open Forum
Shawn Foy spoke to the Board regarding his professional background and experience, and offered to assist the association regarding the purchase and financing of equipment for the golf course. The board thanked him for his offer.

Agenda Item 3 – Consent Agenda
Carothers moved to approve the consent agenda. Motion seconded, carried unanimously.
Consent agenda to include:
a) LPA General Manager’s Report
b) Approval of minutes from 12.13.2022 LPA Board Meeting
c) Acceptance of the 02.28.2023 LPA LPN Consolidated Financial Statement
d) Set date for next board meeting, 4.25.2023
e) Accept minutes from 12.13.2022 LPN LLC Board of Managers Meeting
f) Accept minutes from 03.13.2023 Building Codes Committee Meeting

Agenda Item 4 – Report from Treasurer
Flanery reported he met with Krambeer and reviewed the Financial Statements and various account items; all was in order.

Agenda Item 5a – Minor Land Transaction with Glade and Andersen on Redwood Road to accommodate LPA water infrastructure. 
Rutledge presented a proposed agreement between LPA, Duane Andersen and Randy and Dixie Glade which would be mutually beneficial to all parties regarding an LPA-owned air relief valve related to the LPA water plant. A minor transaction involving .062 acres m/l would be required to facilitate this agreement. Rutledge asked the board to formally authorize execution of all related documents.

Carothers moved to authorize LPA Board Officers to execute all documents related to the land transaction between LPA, Randal & Dixie Glade, and Duane Andersen involving .062 acres m/l. Documents to be prepared by LPA attorney. Motion seconded, carried unanimously.

Agenda Item 5b – Sale price on Lots 421 & 2881 and discussion of LPA lot sale minimum for remaining waterfront property.
Land Sales Committee reviewed offer received for $120,000 for lots 421 & 2881 in the amount of $120,000 from Kirk and Jillian Harris. LSC noted lot 421 is a waterfront lot with lot 2881 across the road for lateral field. The current waterfront sale prices supports a higher value than the offer and recommend $325,000 for these lots.

Flanery moved to approve the counter price of $325,000 for lots 421 & 2881. Motion seconded, carried unanimously.

Finneseth moved future waterfront lots will be minimally priced at $3,000 per waterfront foot. Motion seconded, carried unanimously.

Note - Buyers did reject the counteroffer of $325,000 for the two lots.

Agenda Item 5c – Sale of lot 2027.
LPA received offer from Kyle and Sherry Ruge for purchase of lot 2027. Offer was in the amount of $27,000, no contingencies. LSC reviewed the offer and agreed on a counteroffer of $40,000, as the lot has easy access, is flat, is buildable and is in the SPSD. The buyer has accepted the counter price.

Donovan moved to accept the offer for lot 2027 for sale price of $40,000 from Kyle and Sherry Ruge. Motion seconded, carried unanimously.

Agenda Item 5d – Sale of lots 3409 & 3410.
LSC reviewed offer received from Chuck & Kim Truka for purchase of lots 3409 & 3410. Offer was in the amount of $40,000, total for the 2 lots together, lots would be combined, contingent on acceptable perc test. LSC noted the lots are in an area that requires capital improvements for infrastructure. Based on a previous decision not to sell waterfront lots in this area, LSC recommends the lots not be sold at this time, rejecting the current offer. Board discussed and agree with LSC recommendation.

Westercamp moved to reject offer on lots 3409 & 3410 made by Chuck & Kim Truka. Motion seconded, carried unanimously.

Agenda Item 5e – Sale of lots 6442 & 6443.
LSC reviewed offer from Robert & Peggy Carr for purchase of lots 6442 & 6443. Offer was in the amount of $42,000 for the two lots, contingent on acceptable perc test and the lots would be combined at closing. LSC agreed on a counteroffer of $60,000 for the two lots, lots to be combined and contingent on acceptable perc.

Donovan moved to approve the counteroffer price of $60,000 for lots 6442 & 6443 to be recorded in the minutes. Motion seconded, carried unanimously.

Note - Buyers rejected the counteroffer of $60,000 for the two lots.

Agenda Item 5f – LPA lot sale minimum price increase from $20,000 to $25,000
LSC recommends the board increase the minimum lot sale price from $20,000 to $25,000.

Flanery moved to approve the minimum lot sale price for LPA lots to be increased from $20,000 to $25,000. Motion seconded, carried unanimously.

Agenda Item 5g – Building Code change 2101.26. Increase variance fee from $35 to $100. 
Building Codes committee recommends variance fee increase from $35 to $100 per variance request.

Westercamp moved to approve building code change to 2101.26:
2101.26 A variance request processing fee is $35 $100 and must be filed paid prior to obtaining a hearing. Motion seconded, carried unanimously.

Agenda Item 5h – Building Code change 2403.5. No demolition in February and March (to protect roads)
Building Codes committee recommends no demolition may take place during the months of February and March without written permission from LPA management, to protect roads.

Carothers moved to approve the following addition to building codes:
2403.5 No demolition may take place during the months of February and March without written permission from LPA management. Motion seconded, carried. Donovan abstained from the vote.

Agenda Item 5i – Building Code change 2810.572. Only one dwelling septic system per lot.
Building Codes committee recommends only one dwelling septic system may be located on a lot.

Finneseth moved to approve the following addition to building codes:
2810.572 Only one dwelling septic system may be located on a lot. Motion seconded, carried unanimously.

Agenda Item 5j – Building Code change 2902.31 & 2902.32. Adjustment of pipe and valve requirements for service water line.
Building Codes committee recommends the change to 2902.31 and 2902.32 for clarification of the codes.

Westercamp moved to approve the change to codes 2902.31 and 2902.32:
2902.31 Copper or 200 psi PEP, with tracer wire, shall be buried a minimum of 5 foot deep. Schedule 40 plastic should be pipe a minimum of 5 foot deep with tracer wire.

2902.32 A 3/4” 1” ball valve must be installed inside in a horizontal position to enable meter placement. Motion seconded, carried unanimously.

Agenda Item 5k – Building Code change 2902.35 & 2902.36. Backflow prevention requirement for pools.
All pools must be routed through the LPA water meter and hooked up with an approved backflow system.
The Building Codes committee recommends the change to 2902.35 and the addition of 2902.36 and 2802.37.

Flanery moved to approve the change to codes 2902.35 and addition of 2902.36 and 2902.37:
2902.35 Yard hydrants and inground pools must be connected to routed through the house meter.

2902.36 All permanently installed underground irrigation systems and inground pools shall contain an approved, testable, backflow prevention assembly at the water service designed to prevent backflow to the LPA Water distribution system.

2902.37 Members shall be responsible for testing each backflow prevention assembly annually by a backflow prevention technician registered with the Iowa Department of Health. Such test shall be due on June 1 of every year. A report of each annual test shall be submitted to the LPA Office by June 1 each year. Motion seconded, carried unanimously.

Agenda Item 5l – Building Code change 3204. Backflow prevention for irrigation systems that use LPA potable water.
All irrigation systems that use LPA potable water must be routed through the LPA water meter and hooked up with an approved backflow system. The Building Codes committee recommends the addition of 3204 Irrigation requirements 3204.01.

Finneseth moved to approve the addition of 3204 Irrigation Requirements 3204.1:
3204.1 All homes that irrigate with water from Lake Panorama’s potable water system must install an LPA approved backflow prevention system between the water tap and irrigation system. Motion seconded, carried unanimously.

Agenda Item 5m – Fireplace height variance request – Lots 2956 & 2957 combined.
Jason and Lisa Grossman, 6505 Oak Tree Cove, Lots 2956 & 2957, presented a variance request for a fireplace roughly four inches taller than the codes allow. The Building Codes committee advised the board of directors the location and design of this fireplace will result in a finished product that meets the spirit of LPA’s rules on fireplace construction.

Donovan moved to approve a variance for fireplace height to Jason and Lisa Grossman, 6505 Oak Tree Cove, Lots 2956 & 2957. Motion seconded, carried unanimously.

Agenda Item 5n – Roof pitch variance request – Lot 495
Roof pitch variance request for Justin Frampton, Frampton Homes, Inc., 4601 Panorama Drive, Lot 495, for 3/12 roof pitch.

Finneseth moved to approve a variance for 3/12 roof pitch, per the plans, for Justin Frampton, Frampton Homes, Inc., 4601 Panorama Drive, Lot 495. Motion seconded, carried unanimously.

Agenda 6 – Other Business
Rutledge announced GM Coffee will be held April 7, at LPN, LLC at 10:30 a.m.

Agenda Item 7 – Closed Session
The board entered closed session at 6:01 p.m. to discuss legal matters. Board exited closed session at 7:30 p.m.

Adjourn - With no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 7:30 p.m.


Posted 05/10/2023
Board of Supervisors Chairman Brian Johnson hosted event at Panorama West Clubhouse on April 8

By Susan Thompson 
Lake Panorama Times

About 35 people attended an open forum April 8 at the Panorama West clubhouse, hosted by Brian Johnson, who lives at Lake Panorama. Johnson was one of three new members elected to the Guthrie County Board of Supervisors last November and now is the board chairman. The other two new board members elected were Maggie Armstrong, who lives south of Panora, and Steve Smith, who lives in Guthrie Center.
Johnson opened the meeting with comments about the current work of the board. He said the board was putting final touches on the 2023-2024 fiscal year Guthrie County budget and that the county levy rate would not increase with the new budget.
The new county law enforcement center was another topic of interest.
“We’re now about 18 months past the expected opening of this new jail,” Johnson said. “Many things have caused delays, with the latest being trouble with the elevator panel and the wrong type of windows being installed. The replacement windows should be in place by the end of April.”
An open house for the facility has been set for June 10-11.
“I hope you’ll all plan to attend the open house to see this new facility,” Johnson said. “It’s going to be a huge improvement. The state was going to shut down our old jail if we didn’t build a new one. Even though the project hasn’t gone as planned, at least we’re almost to the finish line.”
The board of supervisors is studying options for county-wide EMS. Last November, the supervisors approved a resolution declaring Emergency Medical Services an essential service in Guthrie County, plus the creation of a Guthrie County EMS system advisory council. 
“We need to have reliable ambulance services, and that’s more difficult to do in a rural county like Guthrie,” he said. “The advisory council and the board of supervisors are looking at the possibility of a countywide vote in November on a funding proposal. This could involve the use of property taxes or income taxes or a combination of the two. I urge you to continue to follow this important discussion.”
Recent property value assessments that are significantly higher than a year earlier were discussed. Johnson said higher assessments are the result of higher sale prices being paid for homes and lots.
“The whole process is in the Iowa Code,” he said. “This is not the fault of Realtors, and it’s not the assessor’s fault. There are provisions in the Iowa Code that will keep property tax increases to about 3%, despite the high increases in property values.”
Several people in attendance raised concerns about the condition of Sage Trail on the east side of Lake Panorama. Johnson said he understands the concerns about that road, but he also has concerns about 200th Road and Redwood Road, which are the two main arteries into the Lake Panorama development.
“Maggie, Steve and I started meeting with department heads last fall to get up to speed on county issues,” Johnson said. “We want to make the county’s roads, bridges and culverts a priority, but there isn’t nearly enough money available to do what needs to be done. Roads and bridges are costly. One thing I do know is that the county engineer is committed to making future decisions on road improvements based on car counts.”
Maggie Armstrong joined the meeting during the Sage Trail discussion.
“I grew up driving Sage Trail, so I know this topic well,” she said. “I can’t promise we can do anything about this in the near future. But we now have three new people on the board of supervisors. We may not be able to find an easy solution, but at least we’re willing to look at issues that have been pushed to the back burner in the past.”
Armstrong said one of her personal priorities is economic development.
“We don’t have the kind of industries in Guthrie County that help provide money to pave more roads,” she said. “If we had more paved roads, more people would move here.”
Johnson agreed, saying the population in Guthrie County dropped by 500 people between the last two censuses.
“We need to find ways to grow, both with new businesses and new housing for the workforce that new businesses would attract,” he said.
Johnson thanked those in attendance for their interest and support, and encouraged them to contact him directly with concerns or suggestions.
“County government isn’t a private poker game,” he said. “I urge you to get involved. I’m committed to making sure Guthrie County residents have opportunities to stay informed about what’s happening in county government.


Fullsizeoutput 2c8a
Posted 05/10/2023
By Cheryl Temple
Lake Panorama Times

Name: Traci
Age: 3 years old
Available for adoption at: Panora Pets
Traci was part of an outside cat colony. The owner was working to have the entire colony altered, and Traci was one of the friendliest of the group. She has been at the shelter for more than two years and is still waiting to find her furever home.
Traci loves the laser light and spring toys. She taught herself to run on the shelter’s big exercise wheel. Traci does well with other kitties and roams freely throughout the shelter, spreading her happiness and joy.  She enjoys nothing more than attention from the volunteers and anyone who walks into the shelter (including delivery people and the mail carrier). She immediately makes friends with everyone, and it is difficult not to fall in love with her. However, her habit of swiping with her paw or lightly biting at human hands when she wants more attention has caused her to be passed over by potential adopters. While she is a darling kitty, she may not be the best fit for young children.


Img 6605 (cropped)
Posted 05/10/2023
By Cheryl Temple
Lake Panorama Times

Names: Sam (brown and white) and Louie (black and white)
Breed: 6-year-old Havanese.
Owners: Kurt and Jana Schade
From Jana Schade: “Sam and Louie are brothers. When we looked at the dogs, there were three pups with the mom — a girl and two boys. We asked our vet what he thought of us getting the two boys, leaving the baby girl to remain with her mother. He thought that would be perfect! The boys play and love hanging out together. Oftentimes they are piled on one another. They love coming to the lake and hanging out in their dog bed by the window, on the deck where they can see through the glass railing and on the pontoon where they can be spotted standing at the helm, like Rose, in the movie ‘Titanic.’ ”
The Schades have six grandchildren ranging in age from 3 through 8. They all love coming to the lake and playing with the dogs. The Shades have lived on the lake since 2018.


Posted 05/10/2023
By Susan Thompson 
Lake Panorama Times

Trish Hart snaps photos of Lake Panorama’s wildlife and beauty at many locations around the lake community. This spring, two adult squirrels made their nest inside a hole in a shagbark hickory tree next to the firepit she and her husband Scott enjoy near the water. The result? Baby squirrels entertaining the couple with their antics.
“These energetic, cute little critters are fun to watch running around the limbs and playing with each other,” Hart says.
There are 280 different species in the squirrel family that live throughout the world, 40 of which are tree squirrels. The most common tree squirrels in the Lake Panorama area are fox squirrels, named because of their coloration similar to red foxes.
According to the Iowa DNR, squirrel paws are hand-like, with little primitive thumbs and strong claws for grasping at tree bark. These features, combined with a squirrel’s ability to rotate its hind feet 180 degrees, allow the animal to descend head-first from a tree.
Hart offers custom prints of her photos on canvas, paper, metal and glass. Learn more by visiting Nature’s Canvas Photography on Facebook.  


Posted 05/10/2023
By Susan Thompson 
Lake Panorama Times

Registration for the 26th annual Lake Panorama National Junior golf clinics is open. Young people ages 5 to 17 are eligible to attend. Two sessions are offered with a limit of 24 students per session.
All dates are on a Wednesday and run for one-and-a-half hours, from 9:30 a.m. to 11 a.m. Session One dates are June 7, 14 and 21 with a registration deadline of May 26. Session Two dates are July 12, 19 and 26 with a registration deadline of June 29. The registration fee is $55 per junior golfer.
For the first two days of each session, the junior golfers will meet near the LPN pro shop, where they will divide into age groups and walk to the LPN practice areas with instructors. The groups will rotate between the driving range, chipping area and the putting green. At the end of each day, the golfers can go to Spikes and pick out a drink and snack.
The third day of each session will be held at the Panorama West golf course. There the students will play a few holes on the golf course with instructors helping them implement what they learned the first two days. After golf, pizza and drinks will be available in the community room.
Rob Riggins, LPN head golf professional, says he and his staff are dedicated to growing the game of golf for juniors.
“Our junior golf clinics are conducted in a way that improves the skills of junior golfers along with their life skills,” he says. “And while we will be focusing on fundamentals of the game, we also will be moving more toward getting kids ready to play the game.”
The LPN Junior golf clinics have two long-time sponsors — Lake Panorama Association and Guthrie County State Bank. For more information, call the LPN pro shop at 641-755-2024. To register, complete an entry form that is available in both the pro shop and online, then return to the LPN pro shop with payment.


Posted 04/12/2023
By Susan Thompson 
Lake Panorama Times

A portable pickleball net now is ready for players at the new Sunset Beach sports court. The fully assembled net is on four wheels. It can be stored along the fence when not in use, and rolled into place as needed. A brake on each of the four wheels unlocks and locks, so the net can either be moved or secured in place.
The court was completed last November. The Friends of Lake Panorama board of directors had discussed a basketball half-court at Sunset Beach for several years. The idea of expanding the basketball court to include pickleball was raised at a Friends informational meeting last summer.
Adding an extra 10 feet to the original plan made it possible to accommodate both basketball and pickleball. The 40-foot by 60-foot concrete pad is covered in sports court tile with painted lines for both basketball and pickleball. Black paint shows the basketball free throw line, lane and three-point arc. The basketball lane is green tile. The regulation-sized pickleball court also is green tile, painted with white lines. The rest of the court is covered in blue tile.
A total of $17,500 from the Friends of Lake Panorama’s 2022 Beach Ball was used for this project. Mark and Karen Einck donated $25,000 for the court, with another $5,500 received from other donors. A sign recognizing donors will be added to the fence this spring. 

Peace, garbage, snow removal and some more lake humor

Shane goodman headshot
Posted 04/12/2023
By Shane Goodman
Editor and Publisher

I am preaching to the choir with this comment, but there is truly something about water that brings peace. Studies show that people who live near water report feeling less stress and better health than those who don’t, but what is it about water — and specifically Lake Panorama — that makes us feel this way?
Mathew White, an environmental psychologist at the University of Exeter, conducted extensive research on the link between water and our mental state. He and marine biologist Wallace J. Nichols, who explores the topic in his book “Blue Mind,” created theories about why water possesses such calming qualities. Their thoughts were shared in a 2016 article in the Huffington Post.
Nichols writes in his book, “It’s all about catching a break from the screen-fueled, fast-paced rhythm of our modern lives.” Off the screens. On the water. He might be onto something.
They also claim water, weather and sound interact in a way that produces an overwhelming sense of mental tranquility that even slows down brainwaves. I am all in with giving the brain a rest.
These experts say water can deprive us of our senses — but in a good way. They cite studies showing how floating in skin-temperature water makes participants lose track of where the water ends and their bodies begin. Now that truly sounds wonderful. Not in April water, but soon.
Well, I am not an environmental psychologist or a water expert of any sort, but I do know peace and tranquility when I see them, and they are quite abundant at Lake Panorama.

I have written about my concerns about littering in my Daily Umbrella ( column along with my personal commitment to pick up 10 pieces of garbage each time I go out for a walk. Surprisingly, in most places across Iowa, that number is not difficult to reach. I am disturbed by the number of people who simply throw their trash anywhere they see fit. This becomes especially visible in the springtime when the snow melts and litter rears its ugly head.
Meanwhile, here at Lake Panorama, I don’t see the littering problem near as much. It might be because there are fewer people here, which results in less trash. But I think it’s more than that. The folks I know here seem to appreciate nature’s beauty more than most others. It is a respect for water and trees and wildlife. Styrofoam cups, plastic wrappers and empty bottles don’t add to the scenery. We can always do better, but I am proud of the lake residents who do their best to put garbage in its proper place.

A thanks to the LPA roads crew
Now that it is April, we hopefully have the snow behind us and can look forward to the showers and flowers. But while the white stuff is still fresh in our minds, I want to extend a thank you to the folks on the LPA staff who do the snow removal on our roads. I assume many of you who spend winters here appreciate their work as well. Once again, I am impressed with how quickly and efficiently they plow the snow to make our roads safe and manageable. Thank you.

And some more lake humor
By now, you are probably wondering how many more lake jokes I could possibly share in this column. Well, at least for this month, I have a few more.
My friend Ron told me he is quite frustrated by all the Canada geese on the lake. Mostly, he is fed up with the bills. Argh. …
A husband and wife on Lake Panorama were discussing car problems. The wife said, “Honey, the car won’t start. I think there is water in the carburetor.”  The husband replied, “You don’t even know what a carburetor is. Alright, where’s the car?” The wife said, “It’s in the lake.” …
And finally, this may not be a lake joke, but it does deal with water. What are the two reasons you should refrain from drinking toilet water? The answers, of course, are number one and number two.
Have a great April, and thanks for reading.

Shane Goodman
Editor and Publisher
515-953-4822, ext. 305

Hours of operation during the month of April are 3-10 p.m., Wednesday through Friday, and 11 a.m. to 10 p.m. Saturday.

Posted 04/12/2023
By Susan Thompson 
Lake Panorama Times

The Links Lounge at Lake Panorama National Resort opened to the public Friday, March 31. Customers that day reached 200, buoyed by the chance to watch the Iowa Hawkeye women play in the NCAA Final Four on multiple televisions. The Links also was open April 1, beginning at 11 a.m.
Nick and Lynn Kuhn are the new tenants for The Links Lounge and all events scheduled at the resort. The couple owns The Beerhouse in Urbandale and The Hall DSM in Valley Junction, and lease the Sun Valley Lake Clubhouse Bar & Grille.
Hours of operation for The Links during the month of April are 3-10 p.m., Wednesday through Friday, and 11 a.m. to 10 p.m. Saturday. The kitchen closes at 9 p.m. Hours may expand in May to include lunch on more days than just Saturday, with a final decision made as the new month gets closer and customer demand can be evaluated.
“Every business has come with learning opportunities we can apply to the next business,” Nick Kuhn says. “We’ve really perfected our business model. We’ve learned how to get food to customers quicker, keep the beer colder, and get their tickets to them faster.”
Rather than a server bringing menus to tables, there are QR codes with table numbers on display on each table. Customers scan the code with their phone to review food and drink options and place orders. A name, phone number, email address, and credit card information must be provided to finalize the order. The menu is subject to change and is available online during business hours.
Customers can choose to close out their tab when they place their first order or keep it open in case they want to order additional items. Customers will want to close it before leaving. Any tab left open overnight is charged a 25% gratuity.
“If you look at our three other businesses, you’ll see technology is the common thread,” Kuhn says. “Using technology makes it possible for us to reduce costs, so we can keep our products priced fairly.”
Lynn Kuhn says The Links customers are providing positive feedback on the ordering system.
“Many restaurants now are using this type of system,” she says. “The COVID pandemic permanently changed the food and beverage industry. As restaurants had to pivot from in-house dining to takeout, many server positions were eliminated. Once bars and restaurants reopened, many of those who had worked as servers were no longer available.”
If customers prefer, they can order both food and drink directly from the bartender. If they want to pay with cash rather than a card, they can see the bartender for that, too. Food and drinks are delivered by bartenders, kitchen staff and others working in the lounge.
A printed version of The Links menu is posted in the hallway near the entrance to the lounge, with some paper copies available in the lounge. Water, ice and a variety of non-alcoholic beverages are available at a self-serve station. A bottomless glass of soda or lemonade costs $4. Napkins, condiments and plastic plates and silverware can be picked up at a self-serve table.
The Links Lounge offers a full bar, including signature cocktails, well drinks, wine by the glass or bottle, and beer on tap and in cans. The menu covers several categories. For instance, shareables and sides include such things as chicken wings, truffle fries, sun-dried tomato dip, Cajun tots, onion rings, a giant soft pretzel, fried Brussels sprouts and a side salad.
In the “handhelds” category, customers will find chicken tenders, fish and shrimp tacos, an Iowa tenderloin, shrimp basket, a couple of chicken sandwiches and a fried shrimp Po’ Boy sandwich. Another category features one-third pound burgers with a wide selection of topping options.
In the “soup, salads, wraps” category, customers will find beer cheese soup, three hearty salads, and buffalo chicken or vegetarian wraps. There’s also a kids’ category, and a wide variety of extra sauces available.
Lynn Kuhn is coordinating all events scheduled in the LPN banquet room and west dining room. Those who already have events on the LPN calendar for 2023, or would like to schedule an event, can contact her at
Spikes and the beverage carts are included in the lease agreement. Deb Douglass, who has managed Spikes in the past, will again lead the snack shop and beverage cart operation for 2023. Deb McCurdy, who has worked in the LPN food and beverage operation for many years, has been hired to help in the lounge and with special events.
The Kuhns expect to have the kitchen fully staffed soon. Bryan Manning is the head chef for the Kuhns’ restaurants and is leading the LPN kitchen staff. Ryan Smith, who owned and operated the Lake Panorama Pizzeria, has been hired as the daytime prep chef. Jen Symonds, who has extensive experience in the food and beverage industry and owns a restaurant in West Des Moines, has been hired as the catering chef.
“While we’ve filled many positions, we are always looking for good people,” says Lynn Kuhn. “Applications can be found at the LPN front desk. Completed applications can be dropped off at the bar during open hours or at the front desk when The Links is closed.”
All revenue from food sales at the couple’s food operations, including The Links Lounge and events held at Lake Panorama National, passes through to the Justice League of Food (JLF), a 501(c)3 nonprofit founded by Nick Kuhn in 2017. After spending a few years feeding the hungry and homeless in Des Moines with local food trucks, Kuhn realized his efforts were not having the kind of impact he wanted.
The JLF program offers a paid 18-month culinary job training program for at-risk individuals, plus learn-to-cook workshops. These take place in the JLF kitchen, which is adjacent to The Hall DSM. The JLF goal is to reduce homelessness in central Iowa through skills training and job placement in the food and beverage industry.
The Kuhns have created a new Facebook page. Search for The Links Lounge + Events, and “like” the page to receive news feed updates. Hours of operation are listed, and announcements of specials and any closings due to private events will appear there.
“We’re excited to get to know and serve Lake Panorama National golf members,” Nick Kuhn says. “We also need their help to get the word out The Links Lounge is open to everyone. We’re going to provide a great bar with great food, and we are eager to build a great customer base.”

On the ballot this year are four candidates running for two seats on the LPA board of directors.

Posted 04/12/2023
By Susan Thompson 
Lake Panorama Times

The 55th annual meeting of the Lake Panorama Association will be Saturday, May 13 beginning at 10 a.m. at the Lake Panorama National Resort event center. Each year, the LPA annual meeting provides a formal statement of the association’s financial position plus reports on activities during the past year and plans for the coming year.
Reports will be given by Rich Schumacher, LPA board president; Dennis Flanery, LPA board treasurer; and John Rutledge, LPA general manager and LPN, LLC director of operations.
An official announcement of the meeting will be sent to all LPA members in mid-April. Included in this mailing will be a ballot plus a numbered envelope in which to return the ballot. Ballots must be returned in the numbered envelopes to ensure ballot authenticity. If an envelope is lost, contact the LPA office for a replacement.
On the ballot this year are four candidates running for two seats on the LPA board of directors. Mary Jane Carothers is completing her second three-year term on the board and is ineligible to run this year. David Finneseth has completed his first term and is running for re-election. The other three candidates on the ballot are Rick Langel, Tim Schafer and Sue Thompson.
Members are asked to deliver or mail their completed ballot in the numbered envelope to the LPA office before Friday, May 12. This allows the majority of the ballots to be counted in advance of the annual meeting. Ballots also can be brought to the annual meeting.
LPA bylaws require each board candidate to provide a 100-word statement. This year’s four candidate statements are printed here in alphabetical order. In mid-April, additional information provided by each candidate will be distributed via email to those who are signed up to receive official LPA emails.
David Finneseth
6256 Panorama Drive
“I’ve been a member at Lake Panorama since 2011, a full-time resident since 2015, and an LPA board member since 2020. I currently serve as LPA board secretary. I am proud to have supported critical LPA infrastructure improvements while also being an advocate for sound fiscal management. I own Farm Bureau Financial Services in Guthrie Center and Perry and am involved with various boards and committees, including Rotary. I serve as president for the Agents Association covering eight states. I appreciate your support for re-election and look forward to the opportunity to serve the LPA membership for three more years.”

Rick Langel 
5167 Panorama Drive
“As a business owner, parent, grandparent and neighbor, I’ve been actively involved in every community I’ve lived in, serving as a township trustee in Plymouth County, school board member in LeMars, Iowa, and a member of the Hideaway Acres Association (Lewis and Clark Lake, Nebraska), among others. In addition to experience working with federal, state and local agencies, I bring construction, zoning and permitting experience to the LPA, having built and remodeled several homes. My wife, Marian, and I found our “forever” home at Lake Panorama three years ago. I look forward to serving and preserving this wonderful community.”

Tim Schafer
5214 Bean Bend
“I’m Tim Schafer. My wife and I are grandparents and have spent most of our lives on our seventh-generation Guthrie County family farm. We have built several successful businesses over the past three decades, but our greatest achievement has been our four children. I enjoy real estate, manufacturing and specialized landscaping services. My wife manages our wedding venues and rental properties. We love Lake Panorama. My dad and I each worked there after high school. We live on the lake, and it’s my opinion it’s the flagship recreational lake in Iowa. I would like to serve on our board.”

Sue Thompson 
4683 Panorama Drive
“Our family has owned property and enjoyed living on Lake Panorama since 2004. Prior to retirement in 2021, my career spanned 45-plus years in healthcare including UnityPoint Health-CEO/Fort Dodge Region and UnityPoint Health System-Interim CEO. Past board experiences include local community and federal appointments. My husband, Dave, served as Controller to Lake Panorama National until his retirement in 2020. Dave and I, with our children, Nathan and Katelyn, cherish the memories of family time at Lake Panorama. I would appreciate your vote as we work to ensure the experience of life at Lake Panorama is sustained for generations to come.”

One-woman musical on April 19

Posted 04/12/2023

Paradise Playhouse presents an original one-woman musical, “Joan Crawford Bette Davis,” written by and starring Jillann Gabrielle.
The storyline involves Joan Crawford and Bette Davis, iconic superstars of the silver screen from the 1930s, 1940s, 1950s, 1960s and beyond, who find themselves in purgatory... in the same body. The actresses defend their lives to the power that be.
The musical will be held on Tuesday, April 19 at 6:30 p.m. at the Panora Public Library/Panora Community Center.
Reserve your spot at the Panora Library by calling 641-755-2529. 

The Friends board voted to return to all indoor seating for 2023.

Posted 04/12/2023
By Susan Thompson 
Lake Panorama Times

Plans have been finalized for the Friends of Lake Panorama’s sixth Beach Ball fundraiser. It will be Friday, June 16 at the Lake Panorama National event center. Registration will be 4:30-5:30 p.m. with a buffet dinner served beginning at 6 p.m.
Registration now is open for those who want to attend. Attendance will be capped at 240 people. There are 30 round tables available with seating for eight at each. All seating will be in the LPN banquet room. The option for outdoor seating began in 2020 in response to the COVID pandemic and continued the last two years. The Friends board voted to return to all indoor seating for 2023.
For the third year, attendees can become members of the Friends Beach Club at one of three levels. Friends Beach Club members provide additional financial support to Friends of Lake Panorama beyond the cost of the meal. Prices for Beach Club memberships are:
Friends Beach Club - Premier: $700 — includes table sponsorship, eight dinner tickets, name in the 2023 Beach Ball program; Friends Beach Club - Couple: $250 — includes two dinner tickets, name in the 2023 Beach Ball program; and Friends Beach Club - Sponsor: $150 — includes table sponsorship, name in the 2023 Beach Ball program.
There will be a limited number of individual meal tickets available for $50 each. Those interested in becoming a Friends Beach Club member, or purchasing dinner tickets, can contact Susan Thompson,, or 515-240-6536.
The 2023 Beach Ball will include a 50/50 raffle and both live and silent auctions. The Beach Ball committee is soliciting quality items for both auctions.
Funds raised at this year’s Beach Ball will support enhancements to a trail system on Lake Panorama’s south shore. Funds also may be used for additional low-impact recreational amenities on the south shore, which are under discussion between Friends of Lake Panorama and the LPA board of directors.
The 2022 Beach Ball raised $30,000. Some of those funds were used for a half-court sports court at Sunset Beach that offers both pickleball and basketball, and trees and benches at the Lake Panorama dog park.
Details on all past and current projects are available on the Friends website. Friends of Lake Panorama also has a Facebook page.
Tax-deductible donations can be made at any time by check payable to Friends of Lake Panorama, and mailed to Friends of Lake Panorama, P.O. Box 488, Panora, Iowa, 50216. Donations also can be made through Venmo @Panorama-Friends or by credit card on the Friends website at 


Posted 04/12/2023
By Susan Thompson 
Lake Panorama Times

Lane Rumelhart is project manager for the Lake Panorama Association. His duties include managing the LPA building codes, projects financed by the Lake Panorama Rural Improvement Zone (RIZ), LPA communications, hunting programs, campgrounds and beaches, and “other duties as assigned.” In this month’s Q&A, Rumelhart talks about turkey hunting, erosion control issues, variance requests and more.

Q. We know members and their guests can hunt deer at Lake Panorama. What about wild turkey? 
A. The Lake Panorama Association does allow turkey hunting for members and member dependents only. No guests are allowed. Unlike the deer hunting program, LPA does not have a registration signup for turkeys. Members are allowed to hunt turkeys in the same hunting zones designated for deer. Some zones are bow only, so members must check the most current and updated map by signing in to the LPA website at From there, toggle the view to see the differences between deer hunting and turkey hunting zones. LPA does not allow any other kind of hunting on LPA property. Members interested in other types of hunting may check out the Smith Wetland or Helens Cove Wetland. These areas are owned by the Lake Panorama Rural Improvement Zone (RIZ) and have their own rules and guidelines.
Q. In some communities, homeowners are allowed to have chickens so they can have their own eggs, and goats to keep vegetation under control. Is this possible at Lake Panorama? 
A. Yes, the price of eggs has increased, but no, you can’t have chickens on your lot. Chickens are considered a form of livestock, as are goats. According to the LPA covenants, no livestock shall be allowed on LPA property. The official covenants section reads, “No animals or fowl shall be kept or maintained on said lots except customary household pets in reasonable numbers.” So, the only types of animals allowed on LPA property are customary, household pets such as cats and dogs.

Q. Give us an update on the rip rap project that began late last fall on Lake Panorama’s south shore.
The south shore project is nearing completion. JNC Construction has been fantastic to work with and is scheduled to finish up the project in April. Right now, they have completely rip rapped approximately three-fourths of the entire shore. One part of this project included JNC salvaging the existing field stone and re-laying it on top of a dolomite (white limestone) base. It has been estimated that JNC will run a little short on the necessary quantity of field stone to complete the project. The RIZ Board approved a change order to adjust the final quantity of fieldstone and add additional dolomite to keep the project moving, and make sure the entire shoreline is armored ahead of this upcoming boating season. JNC will line the last few hundred feet with just dolomite, past the no wake buoys, and in the area where little-to-no wave action occurs. Beyond rip rapping, JNC still needs to install several drainage tubes to the lake. The company also is working with Fin and Feather to add rock piles strategically located to create better fish habitat along the south shore. The fish habitat work is a separate project, funded 100% by Fin and Feather. These rock piles will be 20 to 30 feet from the shoreline, placed well below the water level so as to not create any sort of hazard to boat traffic or water sports enthusiasts.

Q. I’ve read the LPA has adopted new erosion control requirements for property owners. Share the details on this. 
A. Late last fall, the LPA Building Codes committee recommended, and the LPA board approved, new language in the LPA building codes to require erosion control on all projects that include any excavation or soil disturbance. This will apply to both land-disturbing permits and building permits. Past language only required erosion control on waterfront properties. As more homes are built on B and C lots, more ground is being disturbed. Many, if not all, of these areas still drain to the lake, and LPA has had a substantial increase in plugged culverts and drainages from projects on offshore properties. This new language also helps LPA management permit projects, as permits won’t get approved until proper erosion control is in place. Erosion control also can serve as a good boundary between property owners to help ensure loose material does not get strewn across lines. The LPA building codes specify what types of erosion control are required. If members have questions about permitting, erosion requirements, or anything else related to building or landscaping, they should contact the LPA office at 641-755-2301 or

Q. Tell us more about the role of the LPA Building Codes committee, including how member requests for building variances are handled. 
A. The LPA Building Codes committee does a lot of great work for Lake Panorama. It is made up of nine volunteers who have nothing but the best interest in mind for the lake community. The purpose of this committee is to periodically review the LPA building codes and discuss possible updates. The committee also reviews all variance requests from members. The committee meets monthly, unless there are no variance requests or other business. Members seeking a variance for a building permit should consider several factors before applying. I’d first recommend calling the LPA office to see if similar requests have been made to the committee, and what past building codes committee meeting minutes say. More often than not, the request has been made before.  Another thing to consider is why you are requesting a variance. If your reason is simply “because I want it,” that probably is not good enough. Members with unusual or unprecedented situations where a variance may be needed to make practical sense to accommodate their needs are encouraged to request a variance. The weekly Panorama Prompt newsletter includes the monthly deadline for variance requests. Decisions made by the committee then are passed on to the LPA Board of Directors, which has final say on variance requests and proposed changes to the building codes. Members who do want to request a variance must fill out the variance form and pay the associated fee. The form can be found on the LPA website, emailed on request, or picked up at the LPA office.

Cates honored for accomplishments as president of Panora and Lake Panorama Economic Development

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Posted 04/12/2023
By Shane Goodman 
Lake Panorama Times 

Mark Cates, left, was presented a plaque by Jeff Bump on behalf of Panora and Lake Panorama Economic Development on April 5, recognizing his efforts as president of the organization in 2022.  Cates was recognized for his leadership that furthered the organization's mission to encourage and foster sustainable economic development activities through job creation, job retention, increased tax base and an improved quality of life for the citizens in the Panora and Lake Panorama area. 

“Grit, Not Glamour: Female Farmers, Ranchers, Ropers, and Herders of the American West” is nonfiction and targeted to an adult audience.

Posted 04/12/2023
By Susan Thompson 
Lake Panorama Times

Cheryl Mullenbach and her husband, Dick Wohlgamuth, have lived on Lake Panorama’s Jones Cove for more than 20 years. A long-time author, Mullenbach’s eighth book was released in March.
“Grit, Not Glamour: Female Farmers, Ranchers, Ropers, and Herders of the American West” is nonfiction and targeted to an adult audience. The paperback book, which also is available as a Kindle eBook, is 192 pages.
Readers of “Grit, Not Glamour” will meet a community of spunky, brazen, plucky (and in a couple of cases dishonest), hardworking gals who donned trousers, tucked long hair under a straw hat, nurtured plants and baby livestock, studied the markets, fretted over the weather, disseminated vital information, scraped animal dung from their boots, enjoyed a few hours of deep sleep afforded by hours in the fresh country air, only to rise early the next day and start all over again.
“In recognizing this collection of individuals, we celebrate the memory of women who devoted their lives to farm and ranch-related pursuits,” Mullenbach says. “Some embraced their roles; others did not. Most would agree their contributions were frequently minimized or overlooked.”
All of Mullenbach’s books are nonfiction and explore historical topics. Her first five were for young people, with her next three for adults.
“My experiences as a social studies educator, public television content developer, and social studies consultant gave me a solid background in education foundations,” Mullenbach says. “A love of history evolved throughout my childhood and adulthood, and today I search for stories about people and events from the past to include in my books — focusing on previously overlooked stories.”
Her work has been recognized by the International Literacy Association. The National Council for Social Studies has included her books in its “Notable Trade Books for Young People.” Her book “Double Victory” was listed by the American Library Association in its “Amelia Bloomer Top Ten List.” Her talk at the FDR Presidential Library and Museum in Hyde Park, New York, was featured on C-SPAN’s “Book TV” series.
All of Mullenbach’s books are available online at Amazon and Barnes & Noble, and some independent book stores. Her books also can be checked out from the Panora Library. More information is available at her website:

Second annual agritourism event features rural Iowa roots

Posted 04/12/2023

A unique agritourism event called “Evolution of the Heartland” will be held for its second year by the Manning and Audubon communities. On Aug. 3 and Aug. 4, this event will showcase the heart of America’s rural communities and the evolution of agriculture to those who are unfamiliar with the advancements in rural Iowa and especially agriculture.
Following the first year, the Iowa tourism office was impressed with the execution of the event and its ability to highlight agritourism in rural Iowa, something that has not easily been done in the past.
“The Iowa tourism office has made a financial commitment as the presenting sponsor so that Emerge Marketing Solutions can scale the event statewide over the next five years,” shared State Tourism Manager, Amy Zeigler. “This is an excellent model for how we can showcase Iowa’s rural communities, Main Streets, roadside attractions and innovative businesses.”
All are welcome to register for the event. Participants have the option to travel from the Des Moines and Omaha metro areas on charter buses or drive themselves to the Manning Hausbarn-Heritage Park for the tours.
Tour options for day one will feature: Main Street Entrepreneurs, Innovation & Technology, Niche Farming, Spirits of the Heartland, Templeton Distillery, Beef Immersion, Swine Immersion, Shouse Tour, Historical Church Architectural Tour, Manning Hausbarn Heritage Park tour, and an Audubon Historical Tour. Participants have the option to stay overnight for a second day of immersive tours. Day two will focus on micro farming; however, it is only available to the first 50 registrants.
Participants will get a taste of rural Iowa at the Farm-to-Table lunch. This will be a family-style meal featuring local foods, accompanied by conversations with local agricultural ambassadors and area 4-H and FFA students. The Community Tailgate supper will feature food stations with pork, beef, a mashed potato bar, veggies, desserts, and more. Food will be provided by Two Palms Catering (Audubon), Deb’s Corner Café (Manning), Daryl’s Place (Hamlin), and The Bakery on Broadway (Audubon).
Local community members are welcome to attend the Community Tailgate supper for $15 a plate and browse local produce and goods at the Iowa Vendor Showcase. This year, the Iowa Vendor Showcase will also include an outdoor “mini farm show” featuring local agricultural businesses.
After a full day of learning and networking, participants will have the option to stay overnight for another immersive tour the following day or return home that same evening. The cost to attend the event is $175 for just the first day or $325 for an overnight stay and the day two immersive tour. Registration opens May 1 and closes July 15 or until all spots have been reserved. Early bird registration features a $25 discount per person and ends June 1. Participants can register at
Join the Evolution of the Heartland tour and discover what the future holds for rural Iowa and the agricultural industry. See firsthand how agriculture has evolved from its early roots in Germany in the 1600s to 1900s farming, and now to advanced technology in many Iowa agricultural businesses and Main Street communities.
Evolution of the Heartland is also seeking local vendors for the Iowa Vendor Showcase, local and statewide sponsorships, as well as local volunteers for the event. For more information, complete the online forms or contact event coordinator, Paige Hepp, at

Funds raised at the banquet, plus annual memberships and direct donations, are used to stock fish in Lake Panorama.

Posted 04/12/2023
By Susan Thompson 
Lake Panorama Times

The 2023 Lake Panorama Fin and Feather fundraising banquet will be Saturday, May 13, the same day as the LPA annual meeting. The event will be held at the Lake Panorama National Resort with social hour beginning at 5 p.m. A dinner and silent/live auctions will follow at 6 p.m. All ages are welcome.
Funds raised at the banquet, plus annual memberships and direct donations, are used to stock fish in Lake Panorama. Nearly $18,000 worth of fish were added to the lake last fall. Fish stocking totals for 2022 included 1,500 walleye, 1,500 smallmouth bass, 3,000 largemouth bass, and 1,000 perch. The group also helps improve fish habitat and sponsors an annual fishing derby for children during Panorama Days.
In 2022, the Fin and Feather club reached an agreement with JNC Construction of Clearfield to add some fish structure along the south shore. This is the same company that has been riprapping the south shore, beginning last fall and wrapping up in April.
The club spent $20,000 to add eight rock piles along the shore to create better fish habitat. These piles are strategically located to optimize the best depths and contour of the lake. The piles will be deep, not pose any threat to boat traffic, and be 20 to 30 feet from shore. The club is developing a map of the rock pile locations, which will be available on the website.
Dinner tickets to the May 13 banquet are $35 each, with children 12 and younger $20. Another option is to join the Big Skipper Club at a cost of $125. This covers two dinner tickets, one Big Skipper raffle ticket and an annual family membership. The cost of just an annual family membership is $40.
Supporters can either mail a check or register online with a credit card or PayPal account at the group’s website:
If payment is made by check, make it payable to Fin & Feather and mail to Doug Hemphill, Farmers State Bank, P.O. Box 110, Yale, Iowa, 50277, along with a completed membership application, which is available on the website.
Members who pay in advance will have their tickets waiting for them upon arrival. A limited number of tickets will be available at the door for walk-in attendees. 

The Friends board voted to return to all indoor seating for 2023.

Posted 04/12/2023
By Susan Thompson 
Lake Panorama Times

Plans have been finalized for the Friends of Lake Panorama’s sixth Beach Ball fundraiser. It will be Friday, June 16 at the Lake Panorama National event center. Registration will be 4:30-5:30 p.m. with a buffet dinner served beginning at 6 p.m.
Registration now is open for those who want to attend. Attendance will be capped at 240 people. There are 30 round tables available with seating for eight at each. All seating will be in the LPN banquet room. The option for outdoor seating began in 2020 in response to the COVID pandemic and continued the last two years. The Friends board voted to return to all indoor seating for 2023.
For the third year, attendees can become members of the Friends Beach Club at one of three levels. Friends Beach Club members provide additional financial support to Friends of Lake Panorama beyond the cost of the meal. Prices for Beach Club memberships are:
Friends Beach Club - Premier: $700 — includes table sponsorship, eight dinner tickets, name in the 2023 Beach Ball program; Friends Beach Club - Couple: $250 — includes two dinner tickets, name in the 2023 Beach Ball program; and Friends Beach Club - Sponsor: $150 — includes table sponsorship, name in the 2023 Beach Ball program.
There will be a limited number of individual meal tickets available for $50 each. Those interested in becoming a Friends Beach Club member, or purchasing dinner tickets, can contact Susan Thompson,, or 515-240-6536.
The 2023 Beach Ball will include a 50/50 raffle and both live and silent auctions. The Beach Ball committee is soliciting quality items for both auctions.
Funds raised at this year’s Beach Ball will support enhancements to a trail system on Lake Panorama’s south shore. Funds also may be used for additional low-impact recreational amenities on the south shore, which are under discussion between Friends of Lake Panorama and the LPA board of directors.
The 2022 Beach Ball raised $30,000. Some of those funds were used for a half-court sports court at Sunset Beach that offers both pickleball and basketball, and trees and benches at the Lake Panorama dog park.
Details on all past and current projects are available on the Friends website. Friends of Lake Panorama also has a Facebook page.
Tax-deductible donations can be made at any time by check payable to Friends of Lake Panorama, and mailed to Friends of Lake Panorama, P.O. Box 488, Panora, Iowa, 50216. Donations also can be made through Venmo @Panorama-Friends or by credit card on the Friends website at 

Honey Balsamic Brussels Sprouts

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Posted 04/12/2023
By Jolene Goodman

Brussels sprouts intimidate me. In fact, it has only been in recent years that I even tried them. That happened at a restaurant, with a professional chef preparing them, and they were amazing! But, to prepare these delicious morsels and serve them at home, I never thought I would be capable. However, I now have faith that I can. My friend Laura has inspired me to try a new recipe. Recently, I invited my group of girlfriends who I hike with every year in Colorado to my house for dinner. My contribution was grilled salmon and rice, with the invitation to my companions to supply sides. Laura walked in with brussels sprouts and the fixings to roast them in the oven. She commented that she has never been successful at making these but had a new recipe to try. Well, I thought, she is much braver than me. And, I don’t know if I would have risked the years of ribbing from our friends if the experiment failed. Dinner was amazing with grilled Mediterranean spiced-salmon, herbed rice pilaf, green salad loaded with vegetables, and, the star of the show — Laura’s Honey Balsamic Brussels Sprouts. Don’t be intimidated with this recipe. Give it a try. You’ll be eating leftovers like candy.

Jolene Goodman is the advertising director for Lake Panorama Times and vice president of Big Green Umbrella Media.

Honey Balsamic Brussels Sprouts
Side dish for 6

3 lbs Brussels Sprouts
½ olive oil
1/2 cup balsamic vinegar
1/2 cup honey
1 tbsp Dijon mustard
4 tbsp butter
3 gloves garlic
1.5 tsp salt, divided
½ tsp black pepper
Lemon zest
Preheat oven to 425 degrees. Trim ends of brussels sprouts and cut in half. Toss sprouts in a bowl with 1 tsp of salt, black pepper and olive oil until evenly coated.
Arrange spouts on 2 baking sheets, cut sides down. You want to let them have plenty of room to spread out. Roast for 20 minutes. Do not flip these guys.
For the sauce, combine and heat honey in a saucepan for 1-2 minutes, just until it gets bubbly. Remove from stove, add balsamic vinegar, Dijon, butter, garlic, chili flakes and ½ tsp of salt. Return to the stove and cook on medium-low heat for 5-6 minutes or until the sauce thickens.
Add glaze to brussels sprouts, toss to coat evenly. You may serve the sauce as a side and/or garnish sprouts with lemon zest. Enjoy!

Dolores Lillian (Kinkel) Creighton

Posted 04/12/2023

Dolores Lillian (Kinkel) Creighton joined her beloved husband, Robert Joseph Creighton, in their new heavenly home on March 25, 2023. Dolores was born on June 3, 1924, in Longville, Minnesota, on the shores of Girl and Woman Lake. Dolores, Bob and their family would return to the lakes of northern Minnesota each summer for the remainder of their active life.
Dolores left Minnesota in 1941 after graduating from Longville High School. At the age of 17, she joined the first Women’s Army Auxiliary Corps (WAAC), which had only recently been created by Congress in response to the bombing of Pearl Harbor. She enlisted at Fort Snelling, Minnesota, and received basic training at Fort Des Moines (the first ever U.S. army training facility for women).
She was stationed at Base Headquarters, Mason Field, West Palm Beach, Florida, where she decoded top-secret orders from the Pentagon regarding the sending of troop transports to the War. Soon the Army requested volunteers from the WAAC to staff the China/Burma/India theater. The 17-year-old who had never left Minnesota put her name at the top of the volunteer list and headed to India where, among other duties, she processed the near-death young soldiers who had been tortured in the infamous March of Bataan.
At war’s end, Dolores and four fellow WAACs decided to head to California to utilize the education benefits of the G.I. Bill by attending San Jose State University. It was here Dolores Kinkel met marine veteran Bob Creighton. They were married at the Stanford University Chapel in June 1948.
Soon thereafter, they moved to New York City where Bob secured his Doctorate and Dolores worked as a secretary to Dwight David Eisenhower, then President of Columbia University.
After a short year in Davenport, they moved to Shenandoah, in 1953 where they raised their four children in their welcoming and loving home.
Dolores was a championship golfer, an accomplished bridge player, an avid outdoorswoman, a member of P.E.O, and a devoted wife, mother, community volunteer and friend. Dolores loved life and looked for the best in everyone with a positive and caring attitude.
Preceding Dolores in death and welcomed into eternal life were her beloved husband, Robert; mother and father, Sadie and Clarence Kinkel; brother, Kenny; sister, Lavonne Jones; and brothers, Merlyn and Gene.
Those who survive Dolores will forever miss her laughter, wit and the twinkle in her eyes. They are son, Tom (Dennis O’Connor) Creighton and his children, Robert, Laura (Jens) Kottke, and Sarah (Jacob) Greene; daughter, Deb (John) Long and their children, Shakira, Kezia (Scott) Peterson, and Micah (Tia); Bob (Mary) Creighton, and their children, Paul (Kathleen) and Kelley (Wen); and Melodie (David) Whiton, and their children, Katelyn (Colby) Brelsford and Jackson (Jessica); her sister-in-law, Luraine Kinkel; her beloved 22 great grandchildren; nieces and nephews; other relatives; and her many, many friends to whom she was devoted.
A celebration of life funeral for Dolores was held March 30, 2023, at Nishna Valley Funeral and Cremation Service in Shenandoah, with Pastor Carl Phillips officiating. Burial took place with full military honors at the Rose Hill Memorial Cemetery in Shenandoah next to her beloved husband, Bob. Memorials in Dolores’ name are being directed to the Shenandoah Iowa Education Foundation. 

Walter Brammer

Posted 04/12/2023

Walter C. Brammer, 97, son of Carl and Martha (Howe) Brammer, was born July 14, 1925, in Sioux City. He passed away March 16, 2023, at the Guthrie County Hospital.
Walt grew up and graduated from high school in Sioux City. Walt had a love for flying in high school; his passion was to become a pilot. After high school, he joined the United States Navy and enrolled in flight school. After some time, the demand for mechanics was greater so unselfishly he moved over to being an airplane mechanic. Walt served in the Navy from 1943 until 1946. Following his discharge, he returned to Sioux City and finally received his private pilot’s license. From a previous marriage he had David and Barbara. On April 10, 1970, he married Dorothy Wanser in Sioux City. He became a stepfather to seven children, Cheri, Michael, Mary Colleen, Jim, Tim, Jane and Bob. They were both transferred to Bloomington, Minnesota, and they lived there until his retirement in 1990, when they moved to Lake Panorama.
Walt loved golfing, bowling, playing cards, and recently he played cribbage three days a week. He was a member of St. Cecilia Catholic Church and the Knights of Columbus.
He is survived by his children, David (Jeri Lynn) Brammer of Bellevue, Nebraska, and Barbara (Larry) Cooper of Council Bluffs, along with his stepchildren and many grandchildren and great-grandchildren. He was preceded in death by his parents; wife, Dorothy in 2018; stepchildren, Michael, Bob and Barbara.
Funeral services were March 21, 2023, at St. Cecilia Catholic Church, Panora. Burial will be in Resurrection Cemetery, rural Guthrie Center. Twigg Funeral Home was in charge of arrangements. 

Thomas Jeschke

Posted 04/12/2023

Dr. Thomas Alan Jeschke, age 80, of Panora, died March 20, 2023, at Kavanagh House Hospice, in Des Moines after a short battle with pancreatic cancer.
Tom was born Sept. 12, 1942, in Dayton, Ohio, and adopted by Reuben and Sabina Jeschke. He was raised in Sioux Falls and graduated from Sioux Falls College with a teaching degree in 1962. Tom married Conni Bishop in 1963 in Des Moines. They moved to Greeley, Colorado, where he completed his master’s and doctorate in special education at the University of Northern Colorado.
In 1965, Tom began his career as a teacher in Sioux Falls. They moved to Des Moines in 1970, where he started as principal at Rose School. Dr. Jeschke was known to his colleagues, staff and students as a compassionate, caring educator who received many awards during his tenure at the Des Moines Public Schools. In 1977 he was given the role of Director and then Executive Director of Special Education. His role was expanded to Executive Director of Student Services in 1990. He served the district for 33 years before retiring in 2004.
Tom also served as Chair of the school district’s Pupil Assignment Council, Executive Council Administrators for Special Education, and a member of the Juvenile Justice Task Force. He was a board member of the Governor’s Council for Developmental Disabilities and Director of the Iowa Special Olympics for 11 years. Tom served on the boards for the Polk County Health Service Board, Easter Seals Advisory Board and acted as vice president for EdCo Credit Union Board for seven years.
Survivors include his wife, Conni, of Des Moines; two children, Lorie (Kent) Altemeier of Johnston, Amy (Mike) Wandrey of Norwalk; one grandchild, Elaine Greiner of Illinois; one brother Paul (Anne) Jeschke of California; three sisters-in-law, Brenda (George) Vasecek of Michigan, Kay Reeves of Missouri, Susie McFadden of Texas; and seven nieces and nephews. He was preceded in death by his parents.
In his free time, Tom enjoyed spending time with family and his dogs, grilling, golfing with his wife and friends, fishing in Canada, and playing cards. He was a creative artist at heart, developing skills in painting, pottery, stained glass and much more. He turned his greatest passion into Dr. Tom’s Workshop and The Raccoon River Carving Club, in which he carved thousands of Santas and specialty items. He was later featured for his Santas in Better Homes and Gardens. Tom also had an excitement for travel. During college, he was an exchange student in the Philippines. He traveled to many countries abroad with his wife, Conni, but his favorite trip was to China with his granddaughter.
Visitation begins Friday evening April 28, with the family present 4-8 p.m. at Caldwell Parish Funeral Home, 8201 Hickman Road, Urbandale. Funeral services will be 11 a.m. Saturday, April 29, United Methodist Church, 111 West Main St., Panora. Family inurnment will take place at a later date.
In lieu of flowers, memorials can be directed to Tori’s Angels Foundation, P.O. Box 186, Panora, Iowa 50216.  

Wanda J. Bowers

Posted 04/12/2023

“A whole life, a complete life, 93 years of a good life.” 
When asked how she was doing, “fat and happy” was often Wanda Bowers’ reply.
Wanda began her life on a farm near Runnells on March 15, 1930. She was born to Ross and Ines Smith and was the third of their three children. Her siblings, Mervyn Smith and Norma Leaming, along with her parents, preceded her in death.
She grew up on a farm in the Runnells area and graduated in 1948 from Runnells High School. After graduation, she moved to Des Moines and worked for Solar Air Craft. She married Max Bowers in 1952, and in 1954 she gave birth to a son, Brent, and in 1957 a daughter, Cindy. She spent the next 20 years being an incredible wife, mother and daughter. In her retirement years, she spent a lot of time at their home on Lake Panorama.
Wanda was a beautiful seamstress, and in later years she enjoyed her embroidery projects just like her mother did. She joined several clubs while living at the lake and found her best friend, Julia. The Red Hat Ladies, Garden Club, and Bridge were the clubs she really enjoyed. Building floats for the Panorama Days Parade were some of her favorite memories.
Wanda was a fantastic cook. She practiced “farm to table” before it became popular. She canned, made pies and always had a home-cooked meal on the table at 5:30 p.m. She also loved traveling, whether it be on a cruise, a bus trip or out to California to see her kids and grandkids.
Wanda lived the past seven years in Folsom, California, after moving there with her husband, Max, to be near their children. Surviving her are her husband Max, her son, Brent Bowers (Linda); daughter, Cindy Shannahan (Tim); grandchildren, Jennifer Evanko (Jack), Matthew Shannahan (Shannon) and Michael Shannahan; and great grandchildren, Spencer Evanko, Jett Shannahan and Violet Shannahan.
As were Wanda’s wishes, cremation has taken place, and her ashes will be interred in Lowman Cemetery at a later date. Condolences can be sent to

Jon and Kim Peters have been in the business since 1980.

Posted 04/12/2023
By Susan Thompson 
Lake Panorama Times

The U.S. car wash industry is growing, a trend that is expected to continue. In 2022, the market value of the industry was $30.85 billion. By 2030, that number is projected to be $38.61 billion.
Jon and Kim Peters have been in the car wash business since 1980 when they purchased an existing car wash in Perry. About 25 years ago, they purchased the car wash on the west side of Panora, which includes two self-serve bays, two automatic bays and two vacuums. They recently opened a new car wash with two automatic bays south of the Panora Casey’s.
“We saw a need for an additional car wash in Panora, especially on the busy days at the west location,” Jon Peters says. “That location doesn’t have the best traffic flow, with customers sometimes lined up for the self-serve bays hindering access to the automatic bays. The new location relieves this congestion and makes it easier for customers to get in and out.”
Jon grew up and attended school in Adel before earning a business degree at Iowa State University. Kim grew up south of Ames and attended Ballard Community School. Next for her was a nursing degree at Des Moines Area Community College. The couple has been married 42 years. They lived in Perry 38 years, bought a home at Lake Panorama in 2014, and moved here fulltime in 2018.
“We have two married daughters and five grandchildren,” Peters says. “We are blessed they are close, and they like coming to the lake and enjoying what it has to offer.”
The couple bought a second car wash in Perry, along with some storage units, in the late 1990s. At about the same time, Kim left nursing to join the business and has been involved ever since. The couple continues to operate two car washes in Perry.
The new car wash in Panora offers several advantages, both to the owners and their customers.
“The new construction let us build a building to accommodate today’s equipment and not have to retrofit an old building,” Peters says. “We were able to keep things like the electrical service and electronics in a ‘dry room’ that is separate from the water and pumps. Water leaks do happen.”
For customers, there are more options.
From the basic wash and rinse, the customer can add products and services, Peters says. “For instance, the premium wash is the basic wash plus an underbody wash with wheel blasters and a dry. The ultimate wash includes the premium wash plus a ‘triple foam’ wax application.”
The ultimate wash can be upgraded to include a salt shield soap product added to the underbody spray that targets cleaning off salt and brine applied to roads in the winter.
“This option will be seasonal and will change to extra ‘bug passes’ during warmer months,” Peters says. “There also is an upgrade to include a Carnauba wax, which is a ceramic-based wax designed for the finishes on today’s vehicles. Finally, the all-inclusive package includes all of the options in one wash.” 
The technology incorporated into the new car wash makes it possible to offer a two-step presoak process.
“This uses both high and low PH chemicals to address the different types of dirt on vehicles,” Peters says. “For example, one works well for road film, while the other works well for bird droppings.”
A water softener system and a reverse osmosis system combine to produce “spot free” water for the final rinse.
“Overhead dryers operate while the vehicle is still stationary after the wash, which eliminates the driver trying to time the exit through a stand-alone dryer and getting the full length of the dryer time,” Peters says. 
In the new automatics, the menu board that tells the customer to “drive forward, stop, back up and exit” is located overhead in the center of the bay.
“This makes it easier for customers to stay in the center of the bay and to see and follow instructions,” Peters says. “We also have a light on in the bays throughout the day to add light on cloudy, overcast days.”
The concrete bay floors, along with the approach and exits, are heated by a boiler and circulating antifreeze in the winter to eliminate ice buildup. Peters says “dark sky friendly” lighting was installed to minimize light reaching beyond the property. Stone was added to the exterior wall to make the building more appealing.
Peters says the car wash on the west side of Panora will remain unchanged. That is where a change machine is located, and where “Customer Value Wash” cards can be purchased, balances checked, and money added to existing cards.
“At the new location, cards cannot be purchased, but balances can be checked and cards recharged at the touch screens at the bay entrances,” Peters says. “Cards are offered at a discount. A $100 card can be purchased or recharged for $80, a $50 card for $40, and a $25 card for $20. The cards can be used at both locations.”
“We’ve been asked about monthly wash packages similar to what is available in the metro and suburbs,” Peters says. “As of now, we are not planning on that. The discounted wash cards we offer provide a number of washes without being restricted to a given number of days the washes have to be used.” 
Both locations are open 24/7 unless the temperature drops into the single digits.
“Even though the washes are self-serve, we check them at least once daily, and sometimes more, depending on the weather and how busy the wash is, to make sure things are running the way they’re supposed to,” Peters says. “Also, the pits in the bays at both locations that collect mud from the washes are 5-feet deep and need cleaned out three to four times a year.”
Yet most times, Peters isn’t on-site when customers arrive.
“This isn’t the typical over-the-counter business transaction where we can thank them for using our wash,” he says. “But we certainly don’t take their business for granted and really appreciate our valued customers. This new wash took a while to get up and running, but we are happy with the way it turned out. And we are thankful for the patience the community has shown.” 


Posted 04/12/2023
By Susan Thompson 
Lake Panorama Times

About 65 LPA members attended the April 7 GM Coffee to hear updates from John Rutledge, Lake Panorama Association (LPA) general manager. Rutledge started with a report on the Lake Panorama National Resort.
“I’m happy to welcome Nick and Lynn Kuhn to Lake Panorama as our new food and beverage tenants. They and their team have a 2023 lease for the restaurant, events and Spikes,” he said. “I think they are a good fit for our organization, and I encourage our LPA members to support them.”
Hours through April are Wednesday through Friday 3-10 p.m. and Saturdays 11 a.m. to 10 p.m. Rutledge said the Kuhns hope to expand hours in May and include lunch on more days.
“This will depend on both demand and staffing,” he said. “We know the LPN food and beverage operation is seasonal, going from low traffic to very high traffic quickly. I think Nick and Lynn are off to a good start.”
In other LPN news, Rutledge said golf leagues at both Lake Panorama National and Panorama West will begin soon; the pool at the LPN is scheduled to open around Memorial Day with annual pool memberships now available; and the LPN has some part-time openings for positions in the golf and lodging departments. Check the LPN website for details or call Royce Shaffer, LPN operations manager, to discuss.

RIZ, wetlands and dredging
Turning to the Lake Panorama Rural Improvement Zone (RIZ), Rutledge said the project to repair the rip rap along the south shore of the lake’s main basin is about 85% complete. The project, which is expected to cost $850,000, will wrap up this spring.
“I can report the RIZ board is very pleased with this project,” Rutledge said. “The RIZ and LPA boards worked cooperatively to make this project possible. The LPA signed an agreement that the south shore must be kept free of residential and commercial development for the next 15 years. If that type of development did occur, the LPA would be required to pay a prorated amount of this project’s cost to RIZ.”
Expansion of the old CIPCO basin, which has been renamed the 180th Trail Basin, continues. Spring Lake Construction was awarded a $3.2 million contract in August 2021, and RIZ expects the project to exceed $4 million in total cost once completed.
“This is a multi-year, multi-faceted project,” Rutledge said. “This will be the basin we use for dredging spoils once the current basin is full, which is expected to be several years from now. Sometimes RIZ has to address immediate issues, and sometimes the board can look a decade or more ahead. This is one where they were able to look a decade ahead.”
In recent years, RIZ was instrumental in the development of three wetlands that help protect water quality in Helen’s, Hughes and Burchfield coves. Rutledge reported water levels in those wetlands have been raised to catch spring rains.
“Although wetlands are primarily designed to reduce nitrogen in the water, we also implemented some design enhancements to catch sediment,” he said. “This is especially helpful during the early period of spring when crops have not yet been planted and row crop fields in our watershed are bare.”
In 2022, RIZ operated a pilot program for cover crop incentives with two upstream farmland owners, and now plans to expand the program with other local producers in the Lake Panorama watershed.
“Along with wetlands, this cover crop program addresses the same concept of erosion vulnerability and nutrient runoff during the period between fall harvest and spring planting and plant emergence,” Rutledge said.
Dredging is ongoing in the Narrows and may continue into May. Rutledge said boaters should avoid this area unless they live there, and those who do live there need to use extreme caution.
“If you must cross the pipe, cross at the green marker,” he said. “The green marker indicates the steel pipe flange that joins together two sections of pipe. This is a heavy flange and is the low point of the pipe. Avoid the orange markers, as these indicate the halfway point between two flanges and are the high point of the pipe. Green equals ‘go.’ Orange equals ‘no go.’ Always trim up your boat’s motor and advance at idle speed.”
Rutledge said a full probing of the lake’s coves will be done in May.
“Those smaller coves can be difficult to get much added depth, but we will do what we can at the back of some of the lake’s smaller coves by using the utility barge and, in some cases, our long-stick excavator,” he says.
The fiscal year 2023-24 RIZ budget is complete with anticipated tax increment financing (TIF) revenues of $2.94 million. RIZ is a government entity and is managed by a board of five trustees.

Swim platforms vs. swim steps 
Next up, Rutledge reviewed topics related to the LPA. The water safety committee was scheduled to meet April 11, with the main topic being an effort to differentiate between swim platforms and swim steps.
“Swim platforms have long been included in LPA’s measurement of boat length,” he said. “These are generally full width and remain in a fixed position while the boat is underway. Swim steps are new and will be available on most new boats. These are not full-width and are designed to be retracted while the boat is underway. The committee will discuss whether swim steps should be excluded from boat length.”
Rutledge emphasized no final decision has been made yet. If the water safety committee does make a recommendation, it next would go to the LPA board of directors for consideration.

Trailers on undeveloped lots
A rule on boat trailers was amended at the August LPA board meeting, which expanded the items that can be stored on undeveloped lots. The rule now allows boat and personal water craft (PWC) trailers, boats, PWCs, and non-enclosed utility trailers. Utility trailers must have a current registration displayed, be open in design, not longer than a 14-foot model, and be completely empty. Recreational vehicles, campers, motor vehicles, enclosed trailers, dump trailers and other equipment storage are prohibited on undeveloped lots.
Rutledge thanked members who have taken action to be in compliance with the amended rule. He said a survey of undeveloped lots was completed this spring, and members who have not yet complied will receive letters from the LPA in April.

Road paving and resurfacing
Just seven miles of LPA roads will be seal-coated this year, with that number split evenly between the lake’s east and west sides.
“The west side will be first this year, and we hope to get both done before July, but that is dependent on weather and Sta-Bilt’s schedule,” Rutledge said. “The cost for seal-coating has skyrocketed to over $30,000 per mile, which does not include the increased cost of LPA’s rock and prep work.”
Rutledge said getting Guthrie County to pave Sage Trail on the east side of the lake continues to be a topic of discussion among some LPA members, especially those who live in the Burchfield Cove community.
“LPA has been reasonably pleased with the county’s efforts to upgrade Sage Trail from normal gravel to stabilized gravel since 2012,” he said. “This provides a better surface and substantially reduces dust. It’s not hot mix asphalt or concrete, but it is better than a normal gravel road.”
Rutledge said he believes the county will continue to look for funding options, but “I’ve seen their numbers, and it seems extremely unlikely the county could afford this in the near future. The county has not upgraded a gravel road to hard-surface for a very long time. I have been assured that if and when they do, the decision about which road comes first will be based on traffic counts and not anecdotal or political perspectives.”
Rutledge said he thinks Guthrie County will need to resurface and widen 200th Road on the east side of the lake before Sage Trail can be paved.
“And long-term, we need to make sure Redwood Road on the west side remains on their radar. Those are the two main arteries to the lake, and we need to make sure those don’t go backwards,” he said.
“I know many of you would like to see Sage Trail paved soon, but the funding component is complicated. I believe my job is to tell you what you need to hear, even if I know it’s not what you want to hear,” Rutledge said. “With Sage Trail, we just need to keep advocating for traffic count-based decisions and ask the supervisors to keep this on the top of their priority list.”

Property value assessment notices 
Finally, Rutledge addressed property value assessment notices property owners have received from the Guthrie County assessor’s office.
“Let me begin by emphasizing it is a complex process, and LPA does not have a role in this,” he said. “However, we understand the process and can help with member education.”
“First, let’s talk about the lake as a whole. In 2022, the assessed value of Lake Panorama was about $580 million. The proposed assessed value for 2023 is $855 million. That’s a 47% increase across the lake as a whole,” Rutledge said. “For perspective, the assessed value in 2015 was only $380 million. This 2022 to 2023 increase is playing out everywhere in Iowa but is more likely to be in the 20% range in communities than what we’re seeing here at the lake. We are clearly outpacing other communities.”
Rutledge said assessments are based on actual sales; the 2023 property value assessments don’t come into play until property tax payments are due in September 2024 and March 2025; and there are two important safety provisions that will kick-in to soften the blow.
First is an annual “rollback” that happens in October. Currently that is set at 54.6%, which means that for every $100,000 of assessed property, owners will pay taxes on $54,600. Rutledge said he expects the rollback percentage is likely to drop somewhere into the upper-40s but emphasized it is impossible to accurately predict this until fall.
Second, there are budget growth limitations.
“The State Legislature currently is looking at legislation that could limit local budget growth in the fiscal year 2024-25 budget,” Rutledge said. “That won’t be finalized for a month or two, and it is impossible to predict what the final version will say. But it is reasonable to assume the current tax rate of roughly $28 per thousand at Panorama will drop into the mid-20s.”
Rutledge said entities like the school are limited to how much can be levied based on enrollment, and the county has provisions about how much that budget can grow from one year to the next. Rutledge wrapped up by saying he’s confident a 50% increase in assessed value will not result in a 50% increase in fiscal year 2024-25 property taxes.
Two more GM coffees are scheduled for 2023. Those will be Friday, July 7, and Friday, Sept. 1, both at 10:30 a.m. at Lake Panorama National. 


Posted 04/12/2023
By Susan Thompson 
Lake Panorama Times

The Women’s Service Organization (WSO) annual fundraising home tour is Friday, June 2. Five Lake Panorama homes will be featured, with two on the west side of the lake and three on the east side.
Tickets are $30 and include both the home tour and lunch at the Lake Panorama National Conference Center. Tickets will be available beginning May 5 and can be reserved by contacting Mary Beidelman at 641-757-0425. There will be a maximum of 260 tickets available, and organizers say they expect to sell out quickly.
WSO was established in the fall of 1972 when women who worked together to help pass a school bond issue decided they could further benefit the Panora community as a formal organization.
The home tour is the WSO’s major fundraiser. The first tour group leaves the LPN conference center at 9 a.m. with three additional groups leaving on the half-hour through 10:30 a.m. Each group tours three homes before returning to the LPN for lunch, followed by tours of the remaining two homes. Participants are asked to arrive at the LPN conference center 20 minutes ahead of their tour time in order to join the vehicle lineup and receive instructions and description sheets.
Several vendors will be present at the LPN conference center for participants to visit during their lunch break.
Various WSO committees work in advance to gather information for a one-page description sheet and to determine the best order and route. The route isn’t always the most direct but is designed for safety and to accommodate the parking of many vehicles at each home.
Money raised through this home tour funds a renewable scholarship awarded to a graduating Panorama student each year, making four scholarships paid annually. Additional WSO donations go to the Panora Library, Food Pantry, Panora Garden Club, Guthrie County Historical Village, Heritage Park, Tori’s Angels, Relay for Life, Panorama prom and yearbook. Other contributions are considered as projects become apparent. 

Panora Volunteer Fire Department announces fundraiser

Posted 04/12/2023

The members of the Panora Volunteer Fire Department are asking for support with their annual fundraising drive. Past generosity has allowed them to continue with their long-range plans for improvements and updating equipment.
“The money we receive from the city and townships, through taxation, runs our department’s day-to-day operation with a portion going into a fund for truck replacement,” said Panora Volunteer Fire Department Chief Matt Harmann. “Our fundraising drive allows the fire department to improve our facility, equipment and training opportunities over and above what taxation funds will cover.”
Harmann says they are hoping to fund three items this year to further improve the service they can provide.
“We would like to get rescue ropes, harnesses and tripods for grain bin and confined space entry and rescue,” Harmann said. “We also would like to purchase an enclosed trailer to carry all of our rescue gear for ice, water and grain bin/confined space. Within this trailer, no matter what time of the year or type of call, we will have all the equipment needed to perform our rescue.”
The side-by-side unit has been used this past year for grass fires, bike trail and timber assists with EMS for transporting patients to areas the ambulance can’t get to. The Panora Fire Volunteer Department would like to buy tracks for this unit for better access through snow and mud than the wheels and tires provide.
“These items are expensive,” says Harmann. “However, we feel they will allow us to be faster and more efficient in emergency situations.”
The Panora Fire Department is 100% non-paid volunteer. Members commit, depending on the number of calls, up to 250 hours per year to make the department run.
“Our members do this because they get great satisfaction knowing they have helped people in trouble,” Harmann said. “What we do takes dedication, hard work and money. Your help allows us to become better and more efficient through training and updated equipment purchases. This is an investment in your safety.”
Donations may be mailed to Panora Volunteer Fire Department, P.O. Box 42, Panora, IA 50216.