

Posted 12/07/2022
By Susan Thompson 
Lake Panorama Times

Friends of Lake Panorama is a 501(c)3 nonprofit charity dedicated to supporting recreational amenities at Lake Panorama. The first meeting of the Friends of Lake Panorama board was Dec. 3, 2013. An application for nonprofit status was filed with the IRS in January 2014 and approved in July of that year.
The charity is governed by a volunteer, seven-member board of directors. In this month’s Q&A, Jan Reinicke, Friends board president, talks about completed projects and the charity’s current priority project.

Q. For newcomers to Lake Panorama, let’s start with a look back at some of the first major projects Friends of Lake Panorama helped make possible. 
A. Our first project was a destination playground at Sunset Beach. It was a partnership project, completed in 2016, with Friends raising $80,000 and LPA contributing $50,000. Our second large project was the sports courts at Boulder Beach, which also was a partnership project with the LPA.
In 2017, the Panorama West golf course saw significant upgrades, thanks to an estate gift to Friends of $473,00 from James and Joyce McLuen. It was a generous gift by longtime lake residents who wanted to support a place they loved by including a bequest in their will. We hope it encourages others to think about the future impact they can have on recreational amenities at Lake Panorama.
Another major project completed in 2021 was a $70,000 fundraising campaign for new playground equipment at both Shady and Boulder Beaches. The LPA provided in-kind contributions of assistance with installation, oversight and maintenance.

Q. Several projects led by Friends were completed this year, correct? 
A. Yes, I’m happy to report five projects were completed in 2022. It has been a banner year for adding to the recreational opportunities here at the lake, but none of it could have been accomplished without the continuing support of so many in the community. Our support has run the gamut of great volunteers helping with fundraising and outreach to others to generous contributors at the Beach Ball, as well as a few individuals stepping up to make a project a reality. All are appreciated and applauded.
The biggest of the five projects is the Lake Panorama dog park. A $50,000 fundraising effort began in September 2020. Donations reached $45,000 by the time the 2021 Beach Ball was held, which provided another $5,000 to reach the project goal.
The park opened June 10. Another $4,500 from the 2022 Beach Ball was used to purchase two benches and four trees to add to the park. The dog park project was successful from the beginning as numerous volunteers helped raise the necessary funds. There were so many fundraisers held by our volunteer committee, it appeared to be a labor of dog love. Now it’s gratifying to see the dogs and their owners enjoying the space. It’s become a popular hangout for the canine crowd.
Another project that was in the planning stages for a while and completed this fall is the Panorama West Nature Trail. Private donations and funds from the 2021 Beach Ball made this project possible. Portions of an existing trail being used by a limited number of people and the Panorama school’s cross-country track teams now is a designated nature trail, and ready for visitors.
Posts with directional signage and a trailhead sign have been installed, plus two benches. Parking is in a cul-de-sac at the end of Nicholl Drive, which intersects with Panorama Road just south of the Panorama West clubhouse. Those who use the official trail, plus the optional loop, will complete 2.25 miles. It’s a beautiful trail.
A third project completed this year was the addition of three swings near the existing Sunset Beach playground. The swing set includes two bench swings and one toddler swing and was financed by profits from the 2021 Beach Ball.
A fourth project that wrapped up this fall also is at Sunset Beach. The Friends board had discussed a basketball half-court there for several years. The idea of expanding the basketball court to include pickleball was raised this summer. Adding an extra 10 feet to the original plan made this possible.
Mark and Karen Einck donated $25,000 for this project, with another $5,500 in donations received. A total of $17,500 from the 2022 Beach Ball finished this project, which now is ready for basketball players. A portable pickleball net on wheels will be available there in the spring.
The fifth project came together quickly this spring at Lake Panorama National. Eight large shade trees located around the Spikes snack shop, and between the first and 10th tees, were removed in February. Research on artificial shade options led to a project that cost $22,000.
Fundraising began in April, and the goal was reached in June. Six metal poles were installed in concrete footings in the grassy horseshoe area near Spikes, with two heavy-duty fabric sails attached to the poles. The main use of this area is for golfers in carts before and after tournaments and league play.

Q. What other projects are in the works? 
A. The current priority project for Friends of Lake Panorama is enhancements to existing trails on the south shore of the main basin, which the LPA board approved at its Aug. 30 meeting. The board also approved Friends and LPA staff working with Panorama Community Schools personnel to move the cross country team trail from Panorama West to the south shore. The new cross country trail will begin on school property, continue onto the south shore for much of the course, and loop back to end at the school.
So far the school has spent about $5,000 to make a path through an area of cedar trees on LPA property that is near the northwest corner of school property. This new path is about 25 feet wide and 100 yards long and will connect with existing trail sections on the south shore. School personnel also are committed to helping with ongoing maintenance.
The south shore has several existing trail sections that will be combined into a single structure offering a variety of lengths and difficulty. Final details for the trail system will be developed in spring 2023.
Earlier this year, Friends of Lake Panorama presented a recreational concept for the south shore to the LPA board, which included disc golf, fishing dock, a small shelter and the walking trail enhancements. Friends continues to research these additional low-impact recreational amenities, and will return to the LPA board in 2023 for further discussion.

Q. How can people donate to Friends of Lake Panorama? 
A. Statistics show a high percentage of charitable contributions are made in the last few weeks of the year. We’re looking forward to donations coming in to support the trails project on the south shore, as well as the Friends general fund. All donations are tax-deductible and donors receive a confirmation letter for tax purposes.
There are several donation options. One easy way is to clip the coupon from the Friends ad in this issue of the Lake Panorama Times, fill it out and mail it with a check to Friends of Lake Panorama, P.O. Box 488, Panora, IA 50216. Or simply include a note with your check so we know how you want your donation used.
Direct donations can be sent via Venmo @Panorama-Friends. Donations also can be made by credit card online at www.friendsoflakepanorama.org. Details about all past, present and future Friends projects also are on the Friends website.
Donations of securities (stocks, mutual funds, etc.) are welcome, as are direct IRA qualified charitable distributions — for donors over age 70 ½ who are required to take forced IRA distributions. There are potential tax-saving benefits when considering either of these direct donation strategies. For information, contact Kristen Crouthamel, financial advisor at GCSB Investment Center, at 641-755-2799 or kristen@investgcsb.com.

Q. Any additional thoughts you’d like to share? 
A. Friends of Lake Panorama is the perfect opportunity to forge a strong partnership with the Lake Panorama Association to improve the recreational opportunities here at the lake. Working together, we have the potential to improve the quality of life for current and future residents. While the LPA’s focus, out of necessity, needs to be on safety, security and infrastructure needs, Friends of Lake Panorama can be a catalyst and support group focusing on the amenities our community members desire.
Our working relationship with the LPA is a good model as we move forward. The LPA board has provided financial contributions when possible and many in-kind contributions. LPA staff have spent many hours helping make each of the projects come to be a part of life at Lake Panorama.
We are proud of our commitment to engage LPA community members in establishing priorities and continuing our work to provide additional amenities. The volunteer committee working on developing a concept for recreational amenities on the South Shore is another good example of seeking input from community members with expertise and commitment.
In addition, we were encouraged by the strong response to the survey conducted among lake members affirming their support for south shore projects.
We will be doing outreach for the support needed to complete the next phase of projects and hope you’ll include Friends in your priorities. We’d like to widen our fundraising base in the community and get new first-time donors on board. We appreciate your support and look forward to working with you to build a strong Friends organization for the future.
That future support can include marking your calendars now for the sixth Beach Ball on Friday, June 16, 2023. This is our primary fundraising event in addition to the individual donations we solicit throughout the year. It’s always a fun event so save the date and plan to attend. More information will be available in the spring.  

Fin and Feather stocks fish that range from 3 inches to 8 inches in length.

Posted 12/07/2022
By Susan Thompson 
Lake Panorama Times

Nearly $18,000 worth of fish were added to Lake Panorama Nov. 2 and funded by Fin and Feather. Fish stocking totals for 2022 included 1,500 walleye, 1,500 smallmouth bass, 3,000 largemouth bass and 1,000 perch.
The longtime supplier for the fish-stocking program is North Star Fish Hatchery, a third-generation, family-owned business in Montour, Iowa. North Star brought the fish to Lake Panorama, where the fish were introduced into the lake near the LPA work area at the mouth of Burchfield Cove. In the past, Boulder Beach has been the most popular location for stocking, but Fin and Feather decided it would be best to vary the location.
Fin and Feather stocks fish that range from 3 inches to 8 inches in length, depending on the species, to promote high survival rates. Fingerlings are less expensive, but survival rates are lower. Experience has shown group leaders that stocking larger fish is a good investment. This year, the perch and walleye were larger than usual.
Volunteers in the nonprofit Fin and Feather group have been stocking fish and working to improve fishing conditions in Lake Panorama since 1984. When the dam was closed in 1970, the only thing natural to the lake were crappie, largemouth bass, carp and catfish.
Besides stocking fish, the group helps improve fish habitat and sponsors an annual fishing derby for children during Panorama Days. Fin and Feather raises its money through annual memberships and a fundraising banquet each spring.
The 2023 banquet is scheduled for Saturday, May 13, the same date as the LPA annual meeting. The event will be held at the Lake Panorama National conference center, with social hour at 5 p.m. and dinner at 6 p.m. 

Brenda Dinkla has about 350 spoons in her collection.

Posted 12/07/2022
By Susan Thompson
Lake Panorama Times 

For as long as Brenda Dinkla can remember, she’s been interested in collecting spoons.
“I started when I was probably 10 years old,” she says. “This was in the 1960s, and our family would take driving vacations to different places. Some places we visited would have a spoon you could buy as a souvenir. That’s how I first got interested in spoons.”
Dinkla doesn’t know where those early spoons ended up, but she distinctly remembers when she became a true collector.
“I enjoyed going to auctions. I was 14 years old and at an auction of items owned by Fletcher Hunt, who was at the auction,” she says. “I was looking at things coming up for sale and found seven or eight spoons. The handles were very ornate, and some had engraving in the bowl of the spoon.”
She doesn’t remember where she got the money to buy the spoons, or how much she paid, but she does remember being the winning bidder.
“That was the start of me searching for spoons that were older and with images and features I liked or that had a special meaning to me because of where it was from,” Dinkla says. 
Souvenir spoons were first produced in Europe around the mid-1800s. Wealthy Americans touring Europe brought home these souvenirs marked with the names of cities and famous landmarks they saw. The first souvenir spoon in the United States was created in 1889, featured a profile of George Washington, and was created to mark the 100th anniversary of his presidency.
Soon, hundreds of souvenir spoon patterns were being produced to commemorate American cities and towns, famous people, historical events and significant events of the time. The spoons were made of sterling silver. The collapse of the silver market in 1893 meant for the first time silver was affordable to many more Americans, and the popularity of spoon collecting increased.
By the 1930s, most souvenir spoons were silver-plated. Beginning in the 1950s and yet today, souvenir spoons are made of stainless steel.
“The most collectible spoons are the ones made of sterling silver,” Dinkla says. “You can tell a lot about the time a spoon was made, and its value, by the material used.”
After buying those first sterling silver spoons, Dinkla started reading sale bills, and purchased other spoons for her collection at auction.
“They are much harder to find now,” she says. “I used to walk through an antique store and find a spoon I liked, but most sell online. In the last 10 years, I’ve turned to occasionally browsing online, and if I find something that really interests me, I’ll buy it.”
Dinkla has about 350 spoons in her collection. She displays 200 of her favorites on wooden racks on a wall in the Karen Drive townhome she and her husband, Dwight, moved to four years ago. Dwight grew up in Casey, and Brenda in Adair. They’ve lived at Lake Panorama since 2010, after 30 years in Guthrie Center.
“I really like the old sterling silver ones the best, with some of my favorites being spoons that show things from my past or from surrounding towns,” she says. “For instance, I have one that shows the old Guthrie Center high school from the early 1900s. I also have one of the old Rock Island train depot in Adair, and a church in Casey that no longer exists.”
While many of Dinkla’s oldest spoons are closer to the size of a typical spoon a person would use for eating, some are much smaller. One tiny one is actually a pin.
“Brides would register for flatware, and once they had acquired a full set, the company selling the flatware would give the bride a pin with a small spoon attached,” she says.
Because the sterling silver spoons tarnish over time, Dinkla cleans them every three months or so.
“It’s an all-day project, but polished sterling is really beautiful,” she says. “I love looking at each one as I clean it, because each is so detailed and historical. Each has a story, and I wish I knew that story. It’s interesting to think about how people traveled back then and how they purchased souvenir spoons.”
Dinkla says she knows some people who have a few souvenir spoons, but not a collection like hers.
“Once in a while, someone will give me a spoon as a gift,” she says. “But most of my spoons I’ve found on my own and purchased because I liked something about them. The hunt is part of the fun.”


Posted 12/07/2022
By Susan Thompson 
Lake Panorama Times

Two metal stands that overflowed with pink petunias through the summer months now are decked out for the holiday season. Members of the Panora Garden Club gathered the afternoon of Nov. 28 to transform the metal stands into Christmas trees.
The metal stands were installed last spring near the gazebo in Panora’s downtown area. The garden club used donated funds to have the stands created and installed. Volunteers kept the petunia pots watered throughout the summer.
Garden club members used plastic zip ties to attach freshly cut pine branches onto the metal stands in layers. Strings of lights, colorful flowers, pine cones and other decorations were added before each “tree” was topped with a golden star.
Earlier in the month, club members filled several of their blue pots with a variety of holiday decorations, which are scattered throughout the Panora business district. 

Santa’s Workshop and Breakfast 

Posted 12/07/2022

The annual Santa’s Workshop and pancake breakfast, sponsored by the Panora Chamber, was held Saturday, Dec. 3. An estimated 200 people enjoyed the pancake breakfast at the Panora Community Center, available for a freewill donation.
Children had the chance to talk with Santa, have their photos taken with him, and pick up a goodie bag. A variety of crafts and games were available in the adjacent Veteran’s Auditorium and included such things as cookie decorating, coloring, creating Christmas tree ornaments and participating in the Candy Cane walk.
The Santa’s Workshop activities were sponsored and staffed by several businesses and community groups. Those included Guthrie County Hospital and Clinics, Crafty’s Coffee and Gifts, Women for Panora’s Future, Stormy Miller, Patty Stanton, Panorama FFA, and two 4-H clubs, the US Sunbeams and Cass Pioneers. 

Jeff Conner is the owner and CEO of Power Lift. He and his wife, Robin, have owned a home on Lake Panorama since 1998. 

Posted 12/07/2022
By Susan Thompson 
Lake Panorama Times

There is a large complex of buildings on the northeast edge of Jefferson, north of Highway 30. At one time, Parker Grain Wagons were manufactured at the site, before the company went out of business. For the past 20 years, athletic performance strength training equipment has been created there under the Power Lift brand.
Jeff Conner is the owner and CEO of Power Lift. He and his wife, Robin, have owned a home on Lake Panorama’s Burchfield Cove since 1998.
Conner describes himself as “just a farm kid” who was raised four miles north of Jefferson. He was a wrestler at Jefferson High School and also for a brief time in college, before returning to the family farm.
The Conners soon had three children to raise, and he worked a variety of jobs. He spent 10 years with Morton Buildings. In the 1980s, he started selling for American Athletic, a company in Jefferson founded in 1954 to manufacture trampolines that later expanded its athletic equipment offerings.
In 1987, he formed Conner Athletic Products to distribute high quality fitness equipment. From 1989 to 1998, Conner Athletic Products was the Midwest United States distributor for Hammer Strength Equipment.
Conner was first exposed to weight lifting as a college wrestler. As his children got involved in weight training for youth sports, his past experience, combined with their new opportunities, stuck in his mind.
“I realized no one was providing the things the market really needed,” he says. “I’m not an engineer, but as a farm kid, I understand how things work. I decided to start manufacturing products I knew would sell, to customers I already had lined up.”
The Power Lift brand name was created in 1999. Power Lift began manufacturing in 2000 with four employees working in several different rented locations throughout Jefferson. Manufacturing was consolidated into a 50,000-square-foot facility at its current location in 2003. A 10,000-square-foot office and showroom complex was added in 2005. Another 5,000-square-foot space was added a year later.
Conner’s first product was Olympic Lifting platforms, which continues to be a popular offering. These oak floor platforms feature five layers of wood, covered by five coats of polyurethane. The platform is flanked on each side by rubber surfaces, so a standing lifter can drop a free weights bar without damage to the wood platform.
Next came modular free-weight lifting rack stations in a variety of sizes, shapes and features. Then came a variety of weight stack machines, so users can strengthen all upper and lower body parts. Two years ago, the company began offering laser cut logos and signs, which allows buyers to customize the equipment and accessories they purchase.
“Everything we build is sold for a customer; we don’t produce for inventory,” Conner says. “Probably 80% of the equipment is customized for a particular customer. In addition, we can provide customized colors, logos and signage. Larger companies don’t have the ability to provide the type of customization we do.”
The company’s 5,000-square-foot showroom is filled with equipment and photos of previous installations.
“We bring in college and high school coaches from around the country,” Conner says. “Having them be able to see in person the various pieces of equipment we build is helpful as we design their weight rooms.”
Power Lift has 85 employees, most of whom live in the Jefferson area. Eight sales people are scattered across the United States to service specific regions.
“All of our sales people were previously involved in weight training either as an athlete or a coach,” Conner says.   
Four engineers work on research and development, coming up with new products or ways to improve existing products. The company holds five patents. The engineers also manage equipment design and room layouts for customers.
Larry Isom, who also lives in Burchfield Cove with his wife, Heather, and their two children, has been with Power Lift for 17 years and is senior director of engineering. He grew up in southern California and attended Cal Poly, where he and Heather met. 
Isom started working in the commercial strength industry for Life Fitness while he was still in school. The couple moved to Kentucky in 2000 so he could work in the Hammer Strength division of Life Fitness.
“That was when I first met Jeff,” Isom says. “From Kentucky we went to Minnesota where I was head of engineering for the commercial strength division. I left that position to work for Jeff.”
The Isoms’ move to Iowa in 2005 brought them directly to Lake Panorama.
“Jeff had me out to the lake as part of the recruitment,” Isom says. “That was part of the appeal to make the transition, and it’s been a great place to live.”
The Power Lift list of customers is more than 3,500 and counting, with equipment sold across the United States and 18 other countries. About 90% of all items sold in the United States are delivered and installed by Power Lift employees.
“Eighty percent of our business is colleges, universities and high schools,” Conner says. “The remaining 20% is pro sports, all branches of the U.S. Military, Olympic training centers, sports performance centers, and international. We ship a lot of product to China.”
Conner says selling to high schools is how Power Lift started, and he plans to continue to serve those smaller customers. Three new Power Lift rack stations recently were added to the Panorama Community Schools weight room, with plans to add seven more over the next five years. The 10 new racks will replace some that are more than 20 years old.
The Power Lift sales team helps customers with equipment layouts, and deciding what equipment is needed, before an engineer takes over. Larry Isom did the design for the Panorama project.
“We created a new version of our step-up platform that attaches to the racks,” he says. “My daughter Danica goes to morning workouts and uses the equipment. It was cool to build something I knew she would use.”
Bruce Dahlhauser is the Panorama secondary school physical education teacher, assistant football coach, strength and conditioning coach, head boys track coach, and responsible for Panorama’s strength and conditioning activities.
“The Power Lift stations are equipped with several features that allow us to program more efficiently and improve the flow of traffic,” Dahlhauser says. “Each station includes a power rack, which is equipped with plate storage, chain and band storage, spotter arms, bar catches, and a chin-up handle, a multi-angle adjustable bench, an extra set of bar catches, band attachments, a landmine rotation attachment, a step-up platform, and stability ball storage.”
Dahlhauser says the new stations make it possible for students to do more exercises in one location.
“Previously, athletes had to move to different parts of the weight room to perform some of these exercises and get pieces of equipment,” he says.
“Power Lift has one of the best reputations in the business, serving individuals, programs and organizations at every level around the globe,” Dahlhauser says. “They have lived up to that reputation as we worked with them on this project. Having a company of their caliber 20 miles up the road is a tremendous asset for our school district.”
Asked to reflect on how Power Lift became an industry leader, Conner says it’s because he saw a unique opportunity.
“The timing was good. Now there are multiple players, but back then, there wasn’t as much competition for the style of equipment I wanted to make. In recent years, weight rooms have become recruiting tools, with everyone wanting to have a strength training facility with the ‘wow’ factor,” he says. “That’s what we are known for, being innovative and creating the wow factor.”
Sons Matt and Christopher are involved in the Power Lift business, while daughter Celli lives in Little Rock. There are 12 grandchildren and three great-grandchildren in the family. Looking ahead, Jeff believes Power Lift has a bright future as a family-owned business.
“I’m in the trenches every day and don’t take time often enough to think about all the places Power Lift equipment can be found. It’s pretty incredible,” he says. “Now we need to grow and just keep going.” 
Lpt december 2022


Posted 12/07/2022
By Susan Thompson 
Lake Panorama Times

Three new members of the Guthrie County Board of Supervisors will be sworn into office Tuesday, Jan. 3 at the Guthrie County Courthouse.
Supervisor districts are redrawn every 10 years to reflect the most recent census numbers and ensure each supervisor represents an equal portion of the county population. Last spring, the Guthrie County supervisors approved a map that cut the number of voting precincts from eight to six and kept the number of supervisor districts at five.
Joining the board for the first time will be Maggie Armstrong, Brian Johnson and Steve Smith. Armstrong, of Panora, won the Supervisor District 3 seat, which includes the town of Panora and Lake Panorama voters who live in Cass Township. Johnson, also of Panora, won the Supervisor District 2 seat, which covers the towns of Yale, Jamaica and Bagley, plus Lake Panorama voters who live in Victory Township. Smith, of Guthrie Center, won the Supervisor District 4 seat, which covers Guthrie Center. 
Also on the five-member board will be incumbent Jerome J.D. Kuster, Guthrie Center, who won re-election Nov. 8 in Supervisor District 1. Mike Dickson, of Stuart, who lives in the newly established Supervisor District 5, was not required to run for re-election this year, because he was the only incumbent residing in the new district.
For this story, the three who will join the Guthrie County Board of Supervisors in January were asked four questions.

The first question was why each was interested in pursuing a seat on the Guthrie County Board of Supervisors.
Armstrong said she was raised in Guthrie County and loves Guthrie County. “The new district map gave me the opportunity to run for supervisor and represent my neighbors,” she said. “As it is now, we need some fresh ideas, and we need some new perspectives at that board of supervisors’ table. Also, representation was a big factor in my decision to run. The people who live in District 3 need to have strong representation at the county level.”
Johnson said he grew up in a family where community service was practiced. “As I answer this question, it is the anniversary of the Kennedy assassination, which had a profound impact on me,” he said. “President Kennedy asked people to give back, and I hope that by serving in this public role, I can serve the people in District 2 and in Guthrie County.”
Smith said he has always enjoyed working with people who are all working toward a common goal. “Collaborating with other supervisors, county and community groups, and citizens of Guthrie County seemed a natural fit for me,” he said. “I am interested in maintaining and improving the vitality of Guthrie County. I believe Guthrie County soon will have a surge in population. Helping to plan and provide for the needs of the current citizens and those moving into the area will be a challenge, but a challenge I welcome.”

The second question asked the new supervisors what they liked about the campaign work they did that led to their successful election.
Smith said talking to Guthrie County residents and listening to their concerns and aspirations were highlights. “It is always interesting to hear people’s different perspectives on issues,” he said. “Also, learning the process and procedures for campaigning for an elected office was an eye-opening adventure for me.”
Armstrong said she enjoyed the opportunity to talk with and listen to people’s concerns and opinions about the future of Guthrie County. “So much of my campaign was based on connecting with voters and establishing relationships with community groups, and I took that responsibility very seriously,” she said. “Giving people a chance to ask me questions and taking the time to have thoughtful conversations is something I’ll always cherish.”
Johnson said simply meeting more people in Guthrie County was a highlight for him. “I really enjoyed visiting with voters and hope they will continue to reach out to me,” he said.

The third question was about what the new members of the Guthrie County board hope to accomplish in their first six to 12 months in office.
Johnson said he knows the new members have a great deal to learn. “All three of us have had discussions with department heads in an attempt to get a jump-start on 2023,” he said. “If we can get a good budget done, develop a more efficient agenda and make it more transparent to the public, we will have a good start.”
“I think bringing closure to the new law enforcement center project, and finding a solution to the current county Emergency Medical Services controversy are high priorities,” Smith said. “If we bring closure to these things, then moving forward to infrastructure and other needs will be easier.”
Armstrong agreed completion and opening of the county’s new law enforcement center is a top priority. “It is such a critical piece of public safety for Guthrie County,” she said. “After that, we need to take a wide-angle approach to determining what is next with collaboration from all county departments. It also will be important to find successes in some of the smaller projects throughout the county. This is where strong communication, effective planning, thoughtful budgeting, and a big-picture approach are so important.”

The final question was if the new supervisors have any personal goals as they begin their work for Guthrie County citizens. 
“My wife, JoAnn, and I love living in Guthrie County,” Johnson said. “I want to find ways to help our small towns survive and help make our businesses even more viable.”
“My No. 1 goal is to always be an effective, thoughtful leader who listens and remains committed to making sure the health and prosperity of Guthrie County is our key priority,” Armstrong said. “I hope to continue building and maintaining the strong relationships I developed during my campaign, and to always have an open mind when faced with making hard decisions.”
Smith said his main priority will be to establish positive working relationships with the other four supervisors, county employees and Guthrie County citizens. “In an effort to lead Guthrie County into the future, all parties will need to work together, set and reach goals, and provide for the many needs of Guthrie County citizens,” he said. “We also need to find ways to promote Guthrie County as a ‘county of choice’ for both young adults and people of all ages who are looking for a place to call home.”  

Revisiting a 1980 wedding at Lake Panorama
Send in the clowns.

Rick morain
Posted 12/07/2022
By Rick Morain

Kathy and I got married a few weeks ago.
Well, almost. What we did was renew our wedding vows in a ceremony at St. Joseph’s Catholic Church in Jefferson.
Our close friend, the Reverend Roger Linnan, former priest at St. Joseph and now of Sioux City, performed the ceremony. It was his first crack at us — we were married nearly 43 years ago, on Feb. 2, 1980, in my parents’ home at Lake Panorama, with the late Iowa Supreme Court Justice David Harris of Jefferson officiating and with all our close relatives present.
(Feb. 2 is Groundhog Day. That’s a big help as a reminder, given my memory challenges, which were always present but disturbingly more so these days.)
Our four children, bless them, were all there a few weeks ago, as were our daughters-in-law, son-in-law, and all but one of our six grandchildren. Daughter Molly and her husband flew in from Texas, son Matt from North Carolina, and granddaughter Laura from Arizona. Dan’s family lives in Ames and David’s in Adel. Kathy organized a role for each of them at the ceremony.
We didn’t have a musician this time, except for some recorded music. At the Panorama event, my late brother Tom played for us on Mom’s piano.
We appreciated Tom’s willingness to play. We told him what musical selections we wanted, and he said he could handle them. He seemed eager to do so. The reason became clear at the start of the ceremony.
As Kathy and I entered the living room for the processional, Tom substituted “Send in the Clowns.” As a remembrance, I played that as the processional this time.
We had three readings at our 1980 wedding, and grandchildren reprised them.
We savored the wedding feast afterward back at our house, on takeout from a local restaurant. In 1980, we reserved a banquet room in The Port restaurant at Panorama. It was February, and The Port that winter was closed, but management opened it up for us. Unfortunately the heat hadn’t been on long enough, and we all dined in our winter coats.
Kathy had no trouble finding the church. That’s different from our wedding day back in 1980. She had been to my parents’ place at the lake a couple of times, but I had always taken her there. She still lived in Ames, and on our wedding day she drove over with her family members.
As many of you know, the roads through the Lake Panorama residential areas wind around. It’s confusing to newcomers. It was confusing to Kathy. As H-Hour approached, I kept looking at my watch. As the minutes ticked by, I kept telling myself that she had not got cold feet, that she indeed would show up. She did, after taking several wrong turns and backtracks. My heart rate, already pumped for the day, returned closer to normal.
We didn’t wear what we wore in 1980. That should come as no surprise.
Anyway, it was a signal day back then, and it was again. We’re grateful to everyone who made it memorable then, and now. After almost 43 years, we’re convinced more than ever that we did a good thing.

Rick Morain is the retired publisher of the Jefferson Herald.   

Annual memberships are available at both courses for both

Lake Panorama Association property owners and those who are not LPA property owners.

Posted 12/07/2022
By Susan Thompson 
Lake Panorama Times

Anyone who was a golfing member of either Panorama West or Lake Panorama National in 2022 will receive 2023 golf membership applications and related information about the 2023 season in their mailbox. Application forms also are available online and in the LPN pro shop.
There are two golf courses at Lake Panorama, both offering annual memberships. Lake Panorama National is an 18-hole course located on the east side of Lake Panorama. Panorama West is a nine-hole course on the west side of the lake. Both courses are owned by the Lake Panorama Association and managed by Lake Panorama National.
Annual memberships are available at both courses for both Lake Panorama Association property owners and those who are not LPA property owners. All memberships include free use of the Lake Panorama National driving range. There are several membership options.
A Lake Panorama National 2023 membership for LPA property owners is priced at $2,541 for families, $2,159 for couples, $1,650 for an individual, and $424 for junior golfers under the age of 18. An LPN membership for non-LPA property owners is $2,794 for families, $2,413 for couples, $1,905 for individuals, and $424 for juniors.
For LPA property owners joining at Panorama West, fees are $793 for a family, $623 for a couple, $453 for an individual and $113 for a junior. For non-LPA property owners, Panorama West memberships are $906, $736, $567, and $113 for those same four categories.
A special “first time” membership is available for those who have never been a Lake Panorama National member. The cost of this membership for a family is $1,620, for a couple it is $1,334, and for an individual, the cost is $881. LPN members who refer a “first time” person who joins will receive $50 in LPN pro shop credit.
Distance memberships at Lake Panorama National are available for those who do not own a home at Lake Panorama, and who live more than 18 miles from the LPN. This membership costs $2,160 for a family, $1,779 for a couple, and $1,175 for an individual.
Memberships for the swimming pool and fitness center at the LPN also are listed on the 2023 membership applications.
Those using private carts on either golf course must pay a trail fee. At the LPN, members have the option of a cart lease, which entitles one person to a seat on an LPN cart for the season.
Other services listed on the membership forms are cart storage at both courses and a USGA handicap at the LPN. Those who play in the LPN’s leagues and handicap tournaments must pay the $30 handicap fee. This fee is not required for Panorama West leagues.
All memberships paid by Dec. 31, 2022, will be entered into a drawing. Prizes awarded will include a driver and fairway wood combo valued at $850; Bushnell range finder valued at $300; a Michael Kleinwolterink print valued at $200; three-dozen Titleist custom golf balls valued at $180; a 2023 single LPN pool and fitness membership valued at $350; bring three guests free to your member course, cart included; and a nine-hole playing lesson with Rob Riggins, LPN head golf professional, valued at $150.
Membership forms are online at


Edward buchanan
Posted 12/07/2022

Edward Joe Buchanan, 81, son of Roy and Ruth (Parrish) Buchanan, was born Aug. 27, 1941, in Taylor County, Iowa. A beloved husband, father and grandfather passed away on Thursday, Nov. 10, 2022, at his home.
 Ed was raised on the family farm and graduated from Clearfield High School in 1959. In 1960, Ed went to work constructing telephone systems for Afton Telephone Company. On Dec. 20, 1963, he married DeVona “Dee Dee” Stevens in St. Marys, Iowa, and raised two children, William “Bill” and Tonia. They made their home in Truro, Iowa.
In 1965, Ed was one of the founding members of Interstate 35 Telephone Company. Ed spent his entire career in the rural telephone industry, serving as the president of Interstate 35 Telephone Company until 2007. He was recognized by his peers as an industry leader, serving as a director of the Iowa Telephone Association, Iowa Network Services, National Exchange Carrier Association (NECA), Iowa Telecom, and Iowa Wireless, and a committee chair for OPASTCO, and past chair of Farmers and Merchants Bank. Throughout Ed’s life, he served his community in various capacities, as a volunteer fire chief, member of the Lions Club, City Council member, School Board member and a member of the Knights of Columbus. In 2002, Ed and Dee Dee moved to Lake Panorama and are members of St. Cecilia Catholic Church.
 Over the years, Ed enjoyed many hobbies including golf, traveling for industry meetings, water skiing, hunting, motorcycling, and Corvette club. He has visited all 50 states and numerous countries. Ed treasured most his time with family and friends, and wintering in Orange Beach, Alabama, with Dee Dee.
 He is survived by his wife, Dee Dee Buchanan of Panora; son, Bill (Malloree) Buchanan of Staunton, Virginia; daughter, Tonia (Stan) Rouse of Blue Hill, Nebraska; grandchildren, Tyler and Tanner Buchanan, Kyl, John, and Katelynn Rouse; sisters, JoAnn (Keith) Denton of Avoca and Barb Osterwise of Maui, Hawaii; sister-in-law, Kay Buchanan of Crescent City, California, and nieces and nephews. He was preceded in death by his parents and his brothers, Billy and David Buchanan.
 Memorial services were Nov. 26, 2022, at St. Cecilia Catholic Church, Panora. Burial of his cremains will be at a later date in the Conway Cemetery, Conway, Iowa.
 Memorials may be left to St. Jude’s or to the discretion of the family. 


Img 3178
Posted 12/07/2022

Jeffrey Bilbrey passed away peacefully on Oct. 18, 2022, at the age of 75.
Jeffrey (Jeff) was an entrepreneur in his business life. In the fall of 1984, he opened a new restaurant called “The Waveland Cafe” near Waveland Golf Course in Des Moines. He served breakfast and lunch in the setting of an old-time diner. The food was so good that it was not uncommon for a line to form out the front door on a Sunday morning during breakfast. He had many “regular” customers, and it was a favorite place of many. Some even had a favorite table. Jeff sold the Waveland Cafe in 1993 to the people who still own it today.
In 1994, Jeff started the Urbandale Café, which was located on the corner of 86th Street and Douglas Avenue in Urbandale. It was in the same retail center as Hy-Vee. He owned and operated that restaurant for 16 years. Jeff retired when Hy-Vee expanded into that location.
During the winter of 2013, Jeff had the idea of moving out to Lake Panorama. He and his mother (Kathleen) each sold their respective homes and moved to Lake Panorama in the spring of 2013 to be closer to family. Jeff took such good care of his mother. By sharing a home, he surely extended her life. She passed away at 98 years of age.
Jeff’s passions were playing golf and sailing. He owned numerous sailboats before retiring, and one of those ironically found its way to Lake Panorama with a different owner. He loved living at the lake. He loved playing golf with the old guys who have a perpetual game going every day… even during winter.
Jeff was a very generous person. He was the kind of guy who would give you the shirt off his back, even if he needed the shirt. He would just find a way to live without the shirt so the person in need could have one. He was a loyal and faithful friend.
Jeff is preceded in death by his mother and father, Kathleen and Charles Bilbrey, and his sister, Jan Webster. He is survived by his sisters, Jackie Van Ahn and Ruth Jordal, along with many nieces and nephews and great-nieces and nephews.
A celebration of Jeff’s life will be held Dec. 10 at 5 p.m. at the Panorama Par 3 Clubhouse. Because Jeff always owned dogs and loved them dearly, any donations can be made to the Animal Rescue League of Iowa. 

This project is being funded by the Lake Panorama Rural Improvement Zone. 

Posted 12/07/2022
By Susan Thompson 
Lake Panorama Times 

Good progress is being made on the project to repair the rip rap along the south shore of Lake Panorama’s main basin. JNC Construction, of Clearfield, began work Oct. 31 near the ski team dock and is moving west. At the end of November, about half of the shoreline repair was near completion.
The crew pulls all the existing rock out of the bank and lake. Then they regrade the bank, lay fabric, and place dolomite rip rap below the lake level up to the water elevation line. Once the dolomite is in place, the salvaged field stone is put back on top of the dolomite, above the water elevation line.
This project, which is expected to be completed before the end of this year, is being funded by the Lake Panorama Rural Improvement Zone (RIZ).   

Make Holiday Memories with Sweet Eats

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Posted 12/07/2022
By Jolene Goodman

(Family Features) Whether your festivities include immediate family or bring together relatives from around the country, the holidays are about making memories with loved ones. From the first days of the season to the last, many families spend their precious time together with favorite activities and the best foods the holidays have to offer. Our daughters will join us here in Iowa for Christmas. As I shared last month, they value tradition but love new recipe ideas and strive to eat healthier. Having adult children is a real joy. Ours love to cook and experiment with recipes, and it is a common thread of conversation among us. So, this year, I am trying some new recipes. And, I am working on being a little more festive and creative, but striving for simplicity and minimal time in the kitchen. The following recipe accomplishes all these goals! Fresh ingredients, like Envy apples, provide an easy way to update classics due to their sweet taste and availability. The sophisticated flavor; uplifting, fresh aroma; delightfully satisfying crunch; beautiful appearance; and naturally white flesh that doesn’t brown as quickly as other apples all lend themselves to shareable recipes like this Apple Wreath Salad. Find more memory-making recipes at EnvyApple.com.

Jolene Goodman is the advertising director for Lake Panorama Times and vice president of Big Green Umbrella Media.

Apple Wreath Salad
Recipe courtesy of “The Produce Moms”

Balsamic Dressing:
1 tablespoon honey
1 tablespoon Dijon mustard
1/2 teaspoon fine sea salt
1/2 teaspoon black pepper, finely ground
1 large garlic clove, minced
1/4 cup balsamic vinegar
3/4 cup extra-virgin olive oil

10 ounces baby arugula
3 Envy apples, sliced
9 ounces goat cheese, crumbled
3 ounces pomegranate arils
3 ounces pecans, toasted

To make balsamic dressing: In small serving bowl, whisk honey, Dijon mustard, salt, pepper, garlic, balsamic vinegar and olive oil.
Place dressing bowl in center of large board or platter. Arrange arugula around dressing bowl in wreath shape.
Place apple slices on top of arugula. Sprinkle on goat cheese, pomegranate arils and pecans.

Trish Hart’s nature photo of the month

Posted 12/07/2022
By Susan Thompson 
Lake Panorama Times 

Photographer Trish Hart often has Lake Panorama wildlife posing for her camera, whether it be a deer on alert or a bird wondering why there isn’t more food in one of her many feeders. But sometimes she catches an animal off guard, as was the case with this sleeping squirrel.
There are 280 different species in the squirrel family that live throughout the world, 40 of which are tree squirrels. The most common tree squirrels in the Lake Panorama area are fox squirrels, named because of their coloration similar to red foxes.
According to the Iowa DNR, squirrel paws are hand-like, with little primitive thumbs and strong claws for grasping at tree bark. These features, combined with a squirrel’s ability to rotate its hind feet 180 degrees, allow the animal to descend head-first from a tree. These same nimble paws also make it easy for squirrels to steal from birdfeeders. And, sometimes, those paws help a squirrel perch on a tree branch for an afternoon nap.
Hart offers custom prints of her photos on canvas, paper, metal and glass. Learn more by visiting Nature’s Canvas Photography on Facebook.
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Posted 12/07/2022
By Cheryl Temple
Lake Panorama Times

Name: Mabel
Age: Approximately 2-3 years old
Available at: Panora Pets

Mabel was a pregnant stray that was caught and brought to Panora Pets where she was immediately taken to a foster home to give birth to her kittens.  Just a few days after arriving at her foster home, she gave birth to six healthy babies. Mabel’s kittens have all been adopted, but Mabel is still looking for her own home. Mabel is friendly and loving to people but does not like other kitties. She has a beautiful, deep tortoiseshell and white coat with the cutest little face scowl you will ever see.
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Posted 12/07/2022
By Cheryl Temple
Lake Panorama Times

Name: Willow
Age: 3 years old
Breed: Golden retriever
Owners: Craig and Jodie Gratias

Willow’s favorite place to be is anywhere her family is, but especially at the lake. She’s always on the go, whether it’s swimming, boating, jet skiing (yes, she rides on the jet skis) golf cart riding, playing fetch, going for walks with mom, going to work with dad, or chasing squirrels.
Willow was brought home in March of 2020, during the start of COVID, which resulted in an extra-spoiled pooch due to never being left alone. Willow is too smart for her own good; if left in the house while its owners sit outside with friends, she opens the door on her own just to be around everybody. For some reason, Willow has a huge fear of big trucks — garbage trucks, dump trucks, UPS/Amazon trucks, etc. If she’s outside when they come down the road, she will open the door to the house to let herself in. Unfortunately, Willow finds stinky and sticky things to roll in. Ironically, she hates having to be bathed but won’t hesitate to jump off the dock dozens of times to go for a swim. Her favorite game is tug-of-war, and she thinks anything can be used to play that game, including sticks. She’s full of energy and luckily has two human brothers (Tyler, 25, and Mason, 22) who can keep up with her. There’s no such thing as “personal space” with Willow; she’s either sitting right next to her owners or laying on their laps. And, of course, Willow sleeps in bed with them, too. She’s the boss, and she knows it.

Lake Panorama Barge, Van Houten Barge, and Deluxe Docks & Lifts offer lake residents a variety of services.

Posted 11/09/2022
By Susan Thompson 
Lake Panorama Times

As soon as Lake Panorama filled in 1970, property owners were looking for ways to perform various tasks on their waterfront lots. The May 1972 edition of Lake Panorama Times featured a photo of an old Army “Duck” boat that plied Lake Panorama waters for several years.
Tom Contner hired the duck boat owner to set his boat lift, which gave him an idea for a business opportunity. At the February 1986 LPA board meeting, Contner told the board he was having a barge built. His Lake Panorama Barge Service would be available to waterfront lot owners for a fee.
The 12-feet-wide and 35-feet-long barge was built in Jefferson and launched in 1986 from a trailer at the marina. Contner’s main use for the barge was setting boat docks and lifts each spring and reversing the process each fall. He also removed large logs after flood events, did riprap work, hauled beach sand, and once was hired to hydro-seed a shoreline lot from the water.
Contner sold the business in April 1994. Following is a look at how barge service businesses have expanded to meet demand as Lake Panorama grows.

Once Contner sold the Lake Panorama Barge Service, business continued as usual with ownership moving through a couple of different entities. For several years, Danny Cunningham was one of the barge operators. In 2003, he and his wife, Gina, purchased the business from Neil and Jolene Wright.
Besides boat lift and dock installation and removal, Lake Panorama Barge Service sells Shore Station lifts, docks and accessories. The business also supplies parts, labor, maintenance and repairs.
“We have been to all of the annual Shore Station service schools to stay current on their product lines,” Cunningham says.
The company still operates the Lake Panorama Barge that was built in Jefferson in 1986. In 2017, Cunningham added floats on each side to widen the barge to 18 feet.
“As lifts got bigger, it became important to have a wider barge to more safely transport lifts,” he says. “I also added thrusters up front to make it easier to move the barge sideways, which helps with maneuverability around docks.”
In the winter of 2020, Cunningham purchased a second barge in Wisconsin, then added a crane to it in his shop located at 1965 Highway 4, just north of the east entrance to Lake Panorama. He planned to use it that summer, but the COVID pandemic made it difficult for him to find the necessary workers to operate two barges.
That changed this fall when Cunningham launched the second barge and has been operating both on days when he has employees available and there is enough work. For instance, Lake Panorama Barge Service provides lift and dock placement and removal for all the condos along the east edge of Lake Panorama’s main basin. That work was completed more quickly this fall because both barges were in use.
Cunningham says spring is the busiest time for his business, because “everyone is anxious to get on the water. We do offer priority service to 40 customers each year who pay an extra fee to be at the top of our installation list. The timing still is weather dependent, but our goal is to get to these customers in the first two weeks after ice goes out of the lake.”
Summers are spent answering service calls, delivering new product, offering sand delivery, even trimming trees and repairing rip rap.
“We also complete repair and maintenance work that we can’t get scheduled during the busy seasons. We spend our winter months maintaining equipment, planning for spring sales and assembling new product to ensure early spring delivery,” Cunningham says.
Jason Alsted is a full-time employee who has been with Cunningham for five years. Austin McMichael, a recent Panorama graduate, is in his third year of seasonal work on the barge.
“A shout out to my current crew and all those who have helped in the past,” Cunningham says. “It’s difficult to find great people who are willing to work in the elements and under the crunch time pressures of the spring and fall seasons of this business.”
Each year, Lake Panorama Barge Service installs and removes about 350 boat and jet ski lifts, plus hundreds of docks.
“I’m grateful to have met so many amazing people through this business,” Cunningham says. “I encourage customers to get in touch before the busy season to get on our schedule. Once we’re on the water, I can’t take phone calls. The motor is too noisy, and we’re usually on a job.”
Text or call Cunningham’s cell at 515-971-0226, email lpbarge@att.net or call the shop at 641-755-3351.

As the number of waterfront lot owners grew, so did demand for services. At the July 2001 LPA board meeting, Mark Van Houten discussed the possibility of starting a new barge service. He requested the board limit additional competitors from entering the market until he could develop the business. The board approved Van Houten’s business plan and voted to limit barge service to two viable business operations for a period of three years.
Van Houten started his barge service that fall. He did much of the work to build his barge with help from another company. It is 12 feet wide, 30 feet long, and weighs 38,000 pounds.
During the boating season, the barge is docked overnight at the end of one of the marina slips. But most days, if the weather is good, Van Houten is on the barge somewhere on the lake. He has one full-time employee, Justin Firebaugh, and hires part-time help for spring and fall.
Van Houten doesn’t sell any products, but he does all installations for lifts and docks sold at Coulter Marine. Spring and fall are his busiest times, with lift and dock installation in the spring and removal in the fall, plus repair work during the summer months.
“As waterfront homes were built, many people bought lifts and docks at about the same time,” Van Houten says. “Now those are getting old, and people are replacing them with new. Much of my summer is spent hauling old equipment to the landfill and installing new lifts and docks. Or people move from one place to another and need to have their docks and lifts moved, too.”
Van Houten sends a mailer each spring and fall to current customers asking them what services they want to schedule with him. Once the completed form is mailed or emailed back, he adds those requests to his list.
“This is the best way for customers to be sure I have them on my schedule,” he says. “During the busy times of the year, I’m the guy doing the work, and I can’t stop in the middle of a job to answer phone calls. If someone hasn’t already responded to the mailer I sent, they can text or email me.”
Van Houten knows people are anxious to get their docks and lifts in the water each spring, and sometimes try to find out when he’ll get to them.
“Weather plays a big part in the timing,” he says. “If it is windy at your place, I can’t do it. I’m probably hiding out of the wind, working in coves or where the wind isn’t as strong.”
Timing also depends on where he can group various jobs.
“My barge moves at what I call a turtle pace; it’s not very fast. It takes me 45 minutes to get from the marina to the north end of the lake. It doesn’t make sense for me to go all the way to the north end for one job, just because that’s the order in which I received a customer’s request,” he says.
As Van Houten works his 21st fall season running a barge service on Lake Panorama, he says he still enjoys the work.
“I like being outside, like being around the water, and I’m not scared of hard work,” he says.
Van Houten can be reached via email at vhbarge@netins.net or by calling 515-975-7016.

At the LPA board meeting July 26, 2022, the board voted to allow Tyler and Aubrey Rupp, Deluxe Docks & Lifts, to operate a barge service beginning in 2023. Rupp was provided a length and horsepower variance, equivalent to what is in place for the two existing barges, plus a guarantee the LPA will not approve a fourth competitor for three years. Rupp’s barge will be docked north of the debris trap, since there isn’t space at the marina for a third company.
Rupp, his wife Aubrey, and their two young children purchased a vacation home at Lake Panorama in the fall of 2018. They live fulltime in Johnston. They started their business, Deluxe Docks & Lifts, in January 2021.
“We felt the lake membership wanted more options when it came to dock and lift sales and service,” Rupp says. “We evaluated many different product lines and found ShoreMaster has a portfolio of products we thought the community would love. We offer both floating and stationary docks and lifts and can accommodate any size and style of boat. The dock product line includes nine different decking styles and unlimited configuration options.”
Selling docks and lifts to Lake Panorama customers led to the idea of adding barge service to their business.
“As we grew, we recognized the need to have our own barge to better serve the lake membership,” Rupp says. “With a limited boating season, we understand how critical it is to maximize everyone’s time on the water between spring and fall.” 
Rupp spent the last year evaluating different barge manufacturers, as well as barge styles, and is having a barge custom-built in Minnesota.
“It’s a 30 foot, all aluminum, fork style barge,” he says. “Imagine a portable fork lift on the water. We partnered with another ShoreMaster dealer in Minnesota who has been in the dock and lift business for 20 years, and the hands-on training has been invaluable.”
Rupp says the company will hire employees to operate the barge. He says beginning next spring, Deluxe Docks & Lifts will be a full-service operation including new installs, annual install and removal, dock and lift reconfigurations, repairs, canopy replacements, and on-lake transportation for items like beach sand and building materials.
Recently they launched a customer service portal that can be accessed through the company website at deluxedocksandlifts.com and allows for customer scheduling and communication.
“The software allows us to provide customers with real-time information, visibility to scheduling, invoices, notifications via text or email when the job is complete, and other information,” Rupp says. “We are excited to offer this new communication model.”
In addition to the portal, customers can email deluxedocks@gmail.com or call 515-612-6467.


Posted 11/09/2022
By Susan Thompson 
Lake Panorama Times

In 2019, Friends of Lake Panorama launched a program called Benches at Beaches. It started as a way to help families donate a high-quality metal bench that could include a plaque to memorialize a loved one. Each bench then is installed at the beach of the donor’s choosing.
Benches at Beaches targets individuals, couples and families interested in sponsoring a single bench. Benches can be purchased as a memorial for a loved one or by those who want to leave their mark on Lake Panorama while they are alive. Both stationary and swinging benches are available.
Two new blue swinging benches were installed in mid-October at Boulder Beach. These join two other swings and one stationary bench at Boulder. A swinging bench was added to Shady Beach in May. Both a stationary and a swinging bench were installed at Sunset Beach in 2021.
The current cost of either stationary or swinging bench on a concrete slab is about $3,350. Smaller memorial benches have been donated and installed at all three beach playgrounds and are another option donors can consider.
In keeping with the colors used for beach playground equipment, bench colors available are blue and green. Those interested in discussing a bench sponsorship can email staff@friendsoflakepanorama.org or call Susan Thompson at 515-240-6536. Read on to learn more about the two new swings at Boulder Beach.

Cindy McCarty
Cindy McCarty liked the idea of donating a bench while she can personally enjoy it. She grew up in Guthrie Center and graduated from Guthrie Center High School in 1971 during the earliest days of Lake Panorama’s development.
“We used to come here after school and during the summer to swim and water ski with friends before there were any homes or other developments at the lake,” McCarty says. “It was beautiful then, and still so beautiful today.”
She lived away from Iowa during her college years, in Missouri for her undergraduate degree and in South Dakota for graduate school. Then she returned home and lived on a farm west of Guthrie Center until moving to Lake Panorama in 1991. McCarty has been a speech/language pathologist since 1976 working in Guthrie County and the surrounding area; she owns and works at Timber Creek Therapies between Panora and Guthrie Center.
McCarty’s three children all graduated from Guthrie Center. Her daughter, Emi, and her husband, Steve Swope, live in Adel, where their children, Bennett and Presley, age 10, and Beckett, age 6, attend school.
Jess, his wife, Kylie, daughter, Aubrey, and granddaughter, Noella, all live and work in Sarasota, Florida. Younger son, Kaleb, his wife, Remember, and their children, Kennedy, age 8, Kendrick, age 7, and Karter, age 3, also live, attend school and work in Sarasota.
“My children grew up at the lake, swimming, water skiing, golfing, fishing and loving and enjoying life here,” McCarty says. “When I learned about the new swinging benches at Boulder Beach, I knew I wanted to donate one on behalf of my children, grandchildren and myself. We have enjoyed a lot of time here, and I wanted to foster that for other families as well.”
The McCarty swing is located east of the concrete beach wall and provides a great view of the beach and Lake Panorama. For the bench plaque, McCarty chose the words “Carpe Diem” – Cindy McCarty & Family.
“I believe every day is a gift to reflect upon and be grateful for, so ‘Carpe Diem’ seemed like a good message from my family and me,” McCarty says. “Seize the day! May you all relax, reflect, enjoy the bench, the sunrises, sunsets, your families and friends and soak in the beauty all around you.”

Laurie Dawes
The other new swinging bench is between the Boulder Beach playground and the lake under the shade of several tall trees. Funds for the swing were donated by 18 different families from the Panora and Adel area in memory of Laurie Dawes, who passed away March 22, 2022, from complications related to ALS. She was diagnosed with the disease five years earlier and left behind her husband, Colby Dawes, and their two sons, Braylon and Bryce.
A love of sports was the common denominator between Laurie and the many friends in the Panora community who wanted to honor her memory by donating to the swing.
Laurie enjoyed participating in sports all her life. She graduated from ADM High School, where she was a four-sport athlete. She began her college education at Midland Lutheran College in Fremont, Nebraska, where she studied nursing and had a successful softball career while on scholarship.
Kylee Boettcher, secondary instructional coach at Panorama Community Schools, led the fundraising effort for the swing. The Boettcher and Dawes families first met when their sons played park and rec baseball against each other. Then in 2019, Trey Boettcher joined the Dawes’ Hype USSSA baseball team.
The Dawes family lives on an acreage between Adel and Panora. Braylon and Bryce were attending ADM Community Schools when Laurie became ill. During the COVID pandemic when school was offered virtually, they studied from home. When it came time for ADM to reopen, the family was concerned about the boys returning to a large school and the possibility of bringing COVID home to Laurie.
Since they had friends in the Panora area, the family decided to open enroll the two boys in 2021 at Panorama Community Schools, a smaller school that continued in-person learning throughout the pandemic.
Both Dawes boys are active in sports, and Laurie was able to follow their activities. During the 2021-2022 season, she became a fan of the girls’ basketball team, coached by her friend Kylee Boettcher.
“We used a motto of ‘Play for Her’ throughout the year. She attended every girls basketball game at Panorama and was determined we would go to state,” Boettcher says. “And she was right. She made it to Wells Fargo arena to see them play games March 1 and March 4.”
Her parents, Ron and Pam Tryon, owned a lot at Lake Panorama for decades while living in Adel.
“Every Sunday for many, many years, we would come to Lake Panorama and have a picnic with family and friends right where Laurie’s swing is now,” says Pam Tryon. “She learned to water ski here as a young girl, and was always so excited when Sunday would roll around and we could be together at Lake Panorama.”
In 2021, as Laurie’s health declined, the Tryons bought a house near Boulder Beach. This gave the family a place to gather near the beach and where their boat could dock. Laurie could no longer go on the boat, but she enjoyed the view from her wheelchair in the shade. Now her swinging bench is located in the same spot.
The plaque on the bench includes these words — In Loving Memory of Laurie Dawes, 1978-2022, “Play for Her!”, Panther & Hype Family.
Boettcher asked family and friends to gather at Boulder Beach Oct. 25 to see the bench and take photos; 25 people showed up. What was planned as a photo session turned into an impromptu gathering of people eager to share hugs, memories and kind words about Laurie Dawes.
Boettcher summed it up: “This swinging bench is a good way to honor Laurie and will be used by her family and friends to enjoy and remember her for many years to come,” she said.
Shane goodman headshot

A time to give thanks

Posted 11/09/2022
By Shane Goodman
Editor and Publisher

With the Thanksgiving holiday just around the corner, it is a time for us all to give thanks for our families, our friends, our co-workers and all the other wonderful people we have the opportunities to get to know.

Inspiring others
Our company, Big Green Umbrella Media, also publishes CITYVIEW magazine, and we hosted an event last week called 22 from 2022, in which we honored people who made a positive difference in the central Iowa business community. We opened it up to nominations from readers, and we then selected the top candidates and honored them at an event at the Sherwood Forest Events Center on Nov. 3. Jolene and I presented awards to each of the honorees, and I briefly shared their accomplishments and examples of how they have selflessly given to the business community. In my opening comments, I shared a quote that says, “Success isn’t just about what you accomplish in your life; it’s about what you inspire others to do.”
In sharing the amazing things that these folks have done, it made me think about what more we all could do. I am a firm believer in supporting local businesses and that we all win when local businesses win. We should all keep that in mind as we shop for the holidays, go out for dinner and make even the simplest of purchases.

Social media mob culture
The LPA recently posted comments in its Panorama Prompt email newsletter regarding how to effectively communicate with the staff or the board of directors regarding any concerns with day-to-day operations, suggesting doing so directly via a phone call or an email to the LPA office. In the post, the LPA also acknowledged the “popularity and convenience of social media sites” but stated how they will not engage in debate on those forums. I wholeheartedly agree. My personal experience is that LPA staff and board members welcome the opportunity to work directly with members to resolve issues as best they can.
I am disheartened by the negative posts in recent months on social media platforms —most notably Nextdoor — that condemn the work of volunteers and area merchants and service providers, with some comments going as far as suggesting boycotts of these businesses. We are fortunate to live in a free country, and we have choices on where we choose to spend our money. Thank goodness for that.
I am a big supporter of free speech, but we also need to show some common courtesy and respect for others, especially during times of staffing shortages and supply chain issues. When we do have a problem or concern, we should attempt to resolve it directly with the source and not resort to the mob culture that so many social media sites have become feeding grounds for.
Social media users often forget that their comments and posts are searchable records, attached to their names forever. The issues or concerns they have may eventually be resolved or repaired, but those posts are permanent and, as such, not easily forgotten. During this time of giving thanks, I offer this as a reminder that we can all do better.

Thanksgiving humor
I veered off from my lake humor in last month’s column and offered Halloween jokes instead. I will keep the holiday trend going and give you a few Thanksgiving funnies to share around the turkey this year.
Why do turkeys love rainy days? They love foul weather.
What did the turkey say to the turkey hunter on Thanksgiving Day? Quack, quack.
What happened to the turkey that got in a fight? He got the stuffing knocked out of him.
What sound does a limping turkey make? Wobble, wobble.
And finally, what do you call a turkey the day after Thanksgiving? Lucky.

Shane Goodman
Editor and Publisher
515-953-4822, ext. 305


His involvement with Guthrie County Hospital began when he was delivered at the hospital to his parents, Dean and Virginia Flanery.

Posted 11/09/2022
By Susan Thompson 
Lake Panorama Times

Dennis Flanery recently was named director of the Guthrie County Hospital Foundation with his first day on the job Sept. 1. Flanery and his wife, Diane, have had a home at Lake Panorama since 1985. He was elected to the Lake Panorama Association board of directors this past May and currently serves as the LPA board treasurer.
Flanery was raised on a farm his family still owns near Guthrie Center. He earned a finance degree at Iowa State University and worked at University Bank & Trust (now U.S. Bank) in Ames for 10 years. The family moved back to Guthrie Center, where Dennis was market president at Peoples Bank for 28 years.
Diane Flanery earned a degree in elementary education at Iowa State and taught 10 years at Nevada Schools. She transitioned to teaching at Guthrie Center Elementary, obtained her master’s in school administration from Iowa State, and now is the elementary principal in Guthrie Center for ACGC Schools.
In this month’s Q&A, Dennis Flanery talks about his involvement with the Guthrie County Hospital (GCH) and the GCH Foundation, current programs and future plans.

Q. You have a long history with the Guthrie County Hospital. Give us details.  
A. My involvement with Guthrie County Hospital began when I was delivered at the hospital to my parents, Dean and Virginia Flanery. During my life, I have used the hospital for tests, stays as a patient, surgeries and emergency room visits.
I was elected to the GCH Board of Trustees in 1996, served a six-year term, and was a team leader for a capital campaign. After my term as a trustee ended, I knew I wanted to continue being a part of the hospital. The services it provides for healthcare, and the economic impact it provides, are extremely important to the area.
In 2003, I was fortunate to be able to join the GCH Foundation board and have served as president and treasurer. I have always felt good about the work the foundation does for the hospital.
Q. Tell us more about the GCH Foundation. 
A. The foundation began in 1995 to solicit gifts and manage funds for the benefit or support of healthcare of the citizens within Guthrie County. We currently have a 13-member board that meets the second Tuesday of each month. The meetings are held at 7:30 a.m. at the hospital. The board takes an active role with fundraisers, promotion of the hospital and its services, and management of the foundation assets.
Current board officers and members include Steve Smith, chair; Kim Finnegan, secretary; Laura Stetzel, treasurer; Kent Stephenson, past chair; Eloise Wilson; Forrest Schnobrich; Kirby Klinge; Maggie Armstrong; Sherry Eddy; Nancy Armstrong; Susan Bowland; Tom Godwin; and Mary Jane Carothers.
Jodi Sutton was our last foundation director, and she left the position nearly 10 years ago. I had the pleasure of working with Jodi, and she did an outstanding job. She now resides in Dallas, Texas, close to family. I spoke with her a few weeks ago, and she was the same outgoing, positive person I remember. She was happy I had taken the position and wished me and our board the best.
We started talking about hiring a director several years ago, but with COVID and some other issues, we took our time as a board. I really enjoyed my career at Peoples Bank but started thinking about the new opportunity to benefit the hospital as the foundation director. I am excited to work with my board to promote and expand on the past successes of the foundation.

Q. You’ve said one of the services the GCH Foundation provides that you’re most proud of is the courtesy van program. Tell us how that operates. 
A. The foundation owns two vans that provide free rides to the hospital or clinics for appointments and tests. Patients anywhere in Guthrie County can be picked up and returned home with the service, but they must be able to enter and exit the van with little assistance.
It is expensive to purchase the vans and cover maintenance and fuel. However, the board feels the benefits to the hospital and county outweigh the cost.
Volunteers drive one day a week, Monday through Friday, and substitute drivers fill in as needed. We are extremely grateful to these volunteers who donate their time to provide this valuable service. Our current drivers are Bill Sparks, Jay Merryman, JoAnn Johnson, Reuben Hanson, Ron Eike and Stan Landon. We are always looking for drivers. If interested, please call 641-332-3879.

Q. Fundraising is a big part of the work of the GCH Foundation. What’s planned for the coming months? 
A. Our next big fundraising push is our annual appeal, which begins in November and runs through January. The Annual Appeal solicits money each year for various projects and needs. This year’s project is centered on being heart healthy. Funding will focus on cardiac rehab and new EKG machines for the hospital and for our four clinics located in Adair, Guthrie Center, Panora and Stuart.
The foundation’s largest fundraiser each year is our golf tournament held at Lake Panorama National. It is always held the second Tuesday in July and fills up each year. Next year’s event will be Tuesday, July 11, 2023.
In addition to the golf tournament, the foundation plans to add two or three more fundraisers in 2023. One event will be women-only at the LPN Conference Center on April 14. That event will be a lot of fun, and proceeds will benefit the nursing staff at the hospital. More details to come soon on this and all other planned events.
Anyone interested in discussing donations, fundraising assistance or planned gifts can contact me at 641-332-3879 or dennis.flanery@gcho.org

Five projects move from the current list to the completed list.

Posted 11/09/2022
By Susan Thompson
Lake Panorama Times 

By the time 2022 comes to a close, Friends of Lake Panorama will have moved five projects from the current list to the completed list. At the same time, planning and fundraising is underway for improvements to existing trails on the south shore of Lake Panorama’s main basin.

Lake Panorama Dog Park
The biggest of the five projects is the Lake Panorama dog park. Friends of Lake Panorama launched a $50,000 fundraising effort in September 2020. Donations reached $45,000 by the time the 2021 Beach Ball was held, which provided another $5,000 to reach the project goal.
Construction began in September 2021, and the park opened June 10, 2022. It is located at the corner of Sage Trail and RV Road, near the east campground. The park includes a 6-foot-high chain link fence 400 feet long and 150 fee wide. There are two sections, one for small dogs and one for large dogs.
This fall, another $4,500 raised at the 2022 Beach Ball was used to purchase benches and trees for the dog park. Four Autumn Blaze Maples from Isom Tree Farm were planted in early October. Two metal benches on concrete pads will be installed in late November.

Panorama West Nature Trail 
The final pieces of a project that received 2021 Beach Ball funding came together in late October. A total of $5,000 was committed to the Panorama West Nature Trail, plus some private donations were received. Portions of an existing trail being used by a limited number of people and the Panorama school’s cross-country track teams now is a designated trail and ready for visitors.
Seven posts with directional signage and a trailhead sign have been installed plus two benches. Parking is in a cul-de-sac at the end of Nicholl Drive, which intersects with Panorama Road just south of the Panorama West clubhouse. The trailhead sign features a drawing of the trail. Users are encouraged to take a photo of the drawing to help guide them on the trail.
At the three-quarter mile mark, there is an optional three-quarter of a mile loop. Those who use the official trail, plus the optional loop, will complete 2.25 miles. The trail winds through grassy open areas and timber and does not cross any portion of the golf course or roadways.

Sunset Beach Swings 
In 2014, shortly after receiving 501(c)3 nonprofit status, Friends of Lake Panorama started raising funds for a large destination playground at Sunset Beach. The playground opened in summer of 2016, replacing an old slide, merry-go-round and swings.
Some expressed disappointment swings were no longer available. The Friends board decided to use proceeds from the 2021 Beach Ball to bring swings back to Sunset Beach. Three swings were ordered August 25, 2021, and installed in late August of this year. The swings, which include two belt swings and one toddler swing, are directly west of the existing playground.

Sunset Beach Sports Court 
The Friends board had discussed a basketball half-court at Sunset Beach for several years, and the LPA board approved this project in June 2021. The idea of expanding the basketball court to include pickleball was raised at an informational meeting at Sunset Beach this summer. Adding an extra 10 feet to the original plan made it possible to accommodate pickleball.
A total of $17,500 from the 2022 Beach Ball was earmarked for this project. Mark and Karen Einck donated $25,000 for the court with another $5,500 in donations also received.
The concrete pad was poured Oct. 26. Sport Construction Midwest employees installed a Goalsetter MVP hoop, placed sports court tile on the concrete, and painted lines for both basketball and pickleball. An 8-foot high fence and one gate will finish off this project. Once the fence is in place, a portable pickleball net on wheels will be available.

Shade Sails at LPN
While the other four projects completed in 2022 have been in the planning stages for a while, the fifth project came together quickly this spring at Lake Panorama National Resort. A total of 304 ash trees were removed from the golf course in February, with eight of those being large shade trees located around the Spikes snack shop and between the first and 10th tees.
Research on artificial shade options led to Shade Sails of Iowa and a project that would cost $22,000. Fundraising began in early April, and the goal was reached in early June.
Six metal poles were installed in concrete footings in the grassy “horseshoe” area in front of Spikes. On July 7, two heavy-duty fabric sails were attached to the poles at angles. The main use of this area is for golfers in carts before and after tournaments and league play. To make it more versatile, electrical power and lights were added.

South Shore
At its Aug. 30 meeting, the LPA board approved a proposal from Friends of Lake Panorama that will make improvements to existing trails on the south shore of Lake Panorama’s main basin.
The board also approved Friends and LPA staff working with Panorama Community Schools personnel to move the cross country team trail from Panorama West to the south shore. The cross country trail will begin on school property, continue onto the south shore for much of the course, and loop back to end on school property.
So far, the school has spent about $5,000 to make a path through an area of cedar trees on LPA property that is near the northwest corner of school property. This new path is about 25 feet wide and about 100 yards long and will connect with existing trail sections on the south shore. Stumps were removed, and the ground has been smoothed and is ready for grass seed that school personnel will spread later this month so it will be ready to germinate in the spring.
School personnel also are committed to ongoing maintenance assistance and have pieces of equipment that can be used to keep the trails smooth and brush cleared.
The south shore has several existing trail sections that will be combined into a single structure offering a variety of lengths and difficulty. Users will be able to choose a combination of loops based on the total distance they want to walk. Final details for the trail system will be developed in spring 2023.
Earlier this year, Friends of Lake Panorama presented a recreational concept for the south shore to the LPA board, which included disc golf, fishing dock and a small shelter, in addition to the walking trail enhancements. Friends continues to research these additional low-impact recreational amenities and will return to the LPA board in 2023 for further discussion.
All donations to Friends are tax-deductible, and donors receive a confirmation letter for tax purposes. Statistics indicate a high percentage of charitable contributions are made in the last few weeks of the year. Those interested in making a donation to Friends of Lake Panorama in 2022 have several options.
Current donation options are the South Shore trail enhancements and the Friends general fund. A coupon to complete and send with a donation is available in an ad on page 16.  Donations by check can be mailed to Friends at P.O. Box 488, Panora, Iowa, 50216.
Direct donations can be sent via Venmo @Panorama-Friends. Donations also can be made by credit card online at www.friendsoflakepanorama.org. Details about other ways to donate, plus all past, present and future Friends projects also are on the Friends website.

Bruce Reis 

Posted 11/09/2022
Bruce LeRoy Reis of Des Moines passed away Oct. 20, 2022, surrounded by his loving wife and children at the EveryStep Kavanagh House in Des Moines.
Bruce was born March 6, 1950, in Ames. He was the second son of five children of Raymond and Lillian (Johnson) Reis.
Following graduation from Woodbine High School in 1968, Bruce attended the University of Northern Iowa in Cedar Falls, where he received a degree in business.
Bruce was a devoted brother and regarded family as his top priority. Bruce married Linda Seeley on Aug. 10, 1973.
He had an unwavering loyalty, work ethic and determination for doing his best. He worked for Tommy Gate in western Iowa for many years before moving to Perry in 1992. He finished his sales career of nearly four decades at Jim Hawk Trailers.
Throughout his life, Bruce was a talented vegetable gardener who loved sharing his harvest. He and Linda’s shared vision of their beautiful historic home renovations could have been an HGTV series.
As a brother, husband, father and grandfather, he taught by example to keep your word and if you’re not happy, do something about it, and don’t live your life complaining. Bruce had high morals. He was always polite and available to listen without judgement or comment unless asked.
He loved to be outdoors, respected the environment and while we joked about his frugality, he was a savvy investor and taught his family to be financially responsible.
Bruce loved spending time with his family, who are the pride of his life. He didn’t miss an event of his four children and supported them without pressure. He taught them a variety of life skills, from ice fishing at Willow Lake and building sturdy tree houses to enduring friendships to running a small business, Park Snacks in Woodbine.
He took on the role of grandpa with ease, from hourlong golf cart rides to tickle time and bottomless bowls of fruit loops.
In retirement, Bruce enjoyed golfing and traveling with Linda and fishing, “Fishy, fishy in the brook, please get on my little hook” was his call, and there wasn’t a fish he didn’t keep and clean.
Survivors include wife, Linda, of Des Moines; daughter, Kasey, and her partner, Don Burton, of Des Moines; daughter, Kate, and her husband, Steve Clark, and grandchildren, Owen and Eloise, of Des Moines; son, Jim, and his wife, Rachel Reis, and grandsons, Benton and Tyson, of Adel; daughter, Fran, and her husband, Ben Seitz, and grandchildren, Henry and Hazel, of Oak View, California; sister, Barbara Craver, of Davenport; and sister, Kristin Hill, of Palm Harbor, Florida.
Bruce was preceded in death by his parents; brother, Michael Reis; and sister, Susan Tweedy.
The family would like to extend a special thank you to the staff at EveryStep Kavanagh House for the exceptional care Bruce received. In lieu of flowers, please consider a donation to the Greater Des Moines Habitat for Humanity. A celebration of Bruce’s life is planned for Saturday, Nov. 26 from 2-6 p.m. at the Proletariat, 1213 Second St. in Perry. 

Susan Osburn

Posted 11/09/2022
Susan Elaine Osburn, 70, daughter of Eugene and Helen (Senff) DeWitt, was born May 5, 1952, in Oskaloosa.  She passed away Oct. 17, 2022, at MercyOne Des Moines Medical Center.
Susan grew up in Jordan, Iowa and attended United Community School. The family moved to Humboldt, and she graduated from Humboldt High School in 1970. Following high school, she served in the United States Air Force from 1970 to 1972. She was always proud of her time in the Air Force. She worked at Farm Bureau Insurance for 37 years as a business analyst, retiring from full-time work in 2008 and from part-time work in 2014. On Nov. 20, 1993, she married Jerry Osburn in Grimes. They moved to Lake Panorama in December 2012.
Susan enjoyed fishing, camping, animals, picking wild flowers, repurposing greeting cards and sending them to family and friends. She was a member of Faith Bible Church, Panora. Family and church were very important to her.
Susan is survived by her husband, Jerry Osburn, of Panora; daughters, Heidi Willis, of West Des Moines, and Leah Spencer, of Adel; son-in-law, Chris Willis, of Pike Road, Alabama; granddaughters, Reanna Rogers, of Boone, and DJ Willis, of Pike Road, Alabama; grandson, Christian Green, of Pike Road, Alabama; great-grandson, Jace Gittings, of Boone; brother, Larry (Louise) DeWitt, of Urbandale; sisters, Joyce DeWitt of Granger; Mary (Jerry) Sebben of Waukee; and Patricia DeWitt of Granger; and several nieces and nephews.
She was preceded in death by her parents.
Funeral services were Oct. 24, 2022, at Faith Bible Church, Panora. Burial was in the Iowa Veterans Cemetery near Van Meter on Nov. 7, 2022. Twigg Funeral Home, Panora, was entrusted with her services. 

Landus brings change, but many things stay the same
Harvest is the busiest time of the year for the farm cooperative.

Posted 11/09/2022
By Susan Thompson 
Lake Panorama Times

For many years, the large complex of grain bins, an office building and truck scales on the northeast corner of Panora was part of the Heartland Co-op. In February 2022, Landus and Heartland Co-op reached an agreement for Landus to purchase the Panora and Rippey grain and agronomy assets from Heartland, while Heartland purchased the Woodward and Earlham grain, agronomy and feed assets from Landus.
This brought some changes to the Panora farm cooperative, but many things have stayed the same. One of those is Brenda Wilson, who continues as the Panora location lead, just as she was for 20 years under Heartland Co-op. Wilson graduated from Adair-Casey High School and earned an associate degree at Nebraska College of Business in Omaha.
“If it weren’t for my customers throughout the years who had confidence in me, I may have stayed with Heartland just because it was familiar and safe,” Wilson says. “But I look out for my customers, and I think a lot of each of them.”
Another reason Wilson decided to make the move to Landus was because of its president and CEO, Matt Carstens, a Guthrie County native.
Carstens grew up near Bagley where his family still farms and attended high school in Panora, where he met his wife, Shanda. He earned a degree in agricultural business from Iowa State University. After 25 years of experience in the agriculture industry, he was named Landus Cooperative president and CEO in March 2020.
Aaron Hall, who had worked for Heartland for eight years, also became a Landus employee, along with Wilson.
“We have a wonderful part-time/seasonal crew including Sheila Trent, who’s been here 13 years; Butch Grage, who retired from Landus in Bayard but has helped us part-time for five years; Gavin Pote; and three migrant workers from Mexico who are here for harvest season,” Wilson says.
Carstens says it’s been a privilege getting to work more closely with farmers in the Panora community.
“We also have been thrilled to welcome new employees to the Landus team this past year at Panora,” he says. “The local employees know the community and local farmers better than anyone, so it’s important we support and empower them to do what’s right for their farmers.”
Harvest is the busiest time of the year for the cooperative, as trucks filled with harvested grain cross the scales to be weighed before unloading.
“We have corn storage for more than 1.7 million bushels and soybean storage of over 416,000 bushels here in Panora,” says Wilson. “This harvest season, we’ve received more than 600,000 bushels of beans. Our overage is shipped to Yale or Ralston during soybean harvest.
“We want our farmers to bring us their grain and we’ll figure out where it goes,” she continues. “We work hard to be open and ready to serve during harvest season, since we know how hard our farmers are working. We’re in the grain business, and we’ll work to serve our customers for all of their corn and soybean needs. We’re also proud to serve the needs of the community with lawn fertilizer, lawn chemicals, packaged chemicals, pet foods and livestock feeds.”
The earliest known roots of Landus developed in 1888 with Farmers Elevator and Livestock Company in Jordan, Iowa. Over the years, dozens of elevators, grain companies, feed millers and suppliers, agronomy facilities and even a hardware store and energy company merged, changed hands and banded together. The transformations culminated in 2016 with the founding of Landus.
Landus is headquartered in Des Moines and serves more than 7,000 farmer-owners in Iowa and Minnesota. Membership is a one-time fee of $500 and is systemwide, not tied to a specific location. Members enjoy discounts on vehicles and hotel rooms, can attend the cooperative’s virtual annual meeting in December, and earn patronage on their purchases from Landus.
Besides the fairly new Landus location in Panora, other Landus locations in Guthrie County are in Bayard, Casey, Stuart and Yale. Carstens says the purchase of the Panora location was a good move for farmer members in the area.
“Through our expansive rail network and optimization partnerships, Landus was able to immediately plug the Panora facility into a powerful hub of grain demand. Panora is key to helping us support our grain asset in Hamlin, where we recently announced a partnership with AMVC to build a state-of-the-art feed mill that will consume more than eight million bushels of corn annually,” Carstens says.
“Panora also is critical to our shuttle loading facility in Bayard, where we shipped out more than 17 million bushels of corn to export markets last year,” he says. “Panora is such a great strategic fit for Landus within this territory, which gives local farmers closer access to more valuable markets and end users of their grain. We’ve been able to shorten the distance local grain has to travel to access rail or processing markets.”
Landus is the seventh largest grain company in North America as measured by grain storage. The cooperative has more than 600 employees across 60 locations in the United States and Mexico and exports 19% of the corn and 16% of the soybean grown in Iowa.
Meanwhile, at the Landus location in Panora, Wilson is busy taking care of her farmer customers and praising her team for their hard work and dedication. She also owns a commercial cleaning business, and she and her husband farm in the Casey area, where they raise corn, beans, hay and have a commercial cow-calf operation. 


Posted 11/09/2022
By Susan Thompson 
Lake Panorama Times

In late October, Lake Lumber in Panora introduced a new display of items sure to be of interest to area dog and cat owners. Lake Lumber is owned by Kelvin and Stephanie Hafner, after the business was purchased from Tom and Sharon Neel in 2021. The Neels continue to work at Lake Lumber.
“I attended my first hardware buying market in Rochester, Minnesota, with Sharon in June,” says Stephanie Hafner. “There were several pet line vendors with an array of products for pet lovers. Lake Lumber already had a small selection of pet products, but after talking with Sharon and Kelvin, we decided to expand the pet department. Kelvin and I have a long-standing rule of no pets in our home, so we’re excited to help others spoil their fur babies.”
Hafner reached out to close friends who have pets to get feedback on product offerings.
“We brought in several different companies to provide an assortment of supplies for pet owners,” she says. “For dogs, we now have treats and toys, collars, leads and harnesses, life jackets, apparel, grooming supplies, bowls, and waste cleanup supplies. There also is a small selection of cat toys and treats.”
While Hafner says Lake Lumber always has welcomed service dogs, the business has adopted a more pet-friendly atmosphere so owners can bring their pets with them as they shop.
Lake Lumber also now has a stuffed Black Lab mascot that needs a name.
“We’re inviting anyone interested to stop in and enter a name for our mascot at the new pet display or add their entry in the comments on the Lake Lumber Facebook and Instagram accounts,” Hafner says.
Entry deadline is Nov. 30, 2022. The person who submits the winning name will receive a $50 Lake Lumber gift card. A drawing of all others who participate will be held, with that person winning a $20 gift card. 

The full-color, hardcover 112-page book includes both historic and contemporary photos.

Posted 11/09/2022
By Susan Thompson 
Lake Panorama Times 

Those looking for a holiday gift for family members or friends might want to consider purchasing one or more copies of “Lake Panorama – The First 50 Years.” The book, authored by Susan Thompson, arrived at the Lake Panorama Association office July 19, 2019.
The full-color, hardcover 112-page book includes both historic and contemporary photos. Chapters in the book describe six decades of planning and development. There also are special topic chapters on Lake Panorama’s golf courses, infrastructure and water quality efforts. Sidebar stories highlight various groups and activities such as HALO, Lake Panorama ski team, Fin and Feather, Fourth of July fireworks and more.
The LPA financed the book’s production. About 1,000 books were printed, with 350 purchased online in advance. About 175 remain in stock. The book’s cost is $25, which includes tax. LPA will ship at an additional cost of $5 per book. Once ordered online, books will be shipped from Panora in 7-10 business days.
Books are available for direct purchase at the LPA front desk Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. The book also is available in the Lake Panorama National Resort pro shop. Purchases can be made at the LPA and LPN via cash, check or credit card. The book also is available at the Panora Library, with purchases cash or check only.
Here is the link to order online and have one or more books shipped: https://lakepanorama.formstack.com/forms/order or scan the QR code. 

Raises enough money to award $500 scholarships each spring to two graduating Panorama Community School students. 

Posted 11/09/22
For many years, the area service club Women for Panora’s Future (WFPF) sponsored a Christmas tour of homes the first Sunday in December. The tour was canceled the last two years because of COVID concerns but is making a comeback for 2022.
“We are excited to be doing this project again after two years,” says Marcia Roenfeld, WFPF president. “In addition to our annual raffle for a monthly plate of cookies or a pie, and our can collection drive the months of May and June, this is our big fundraiser for scholarships.”
The home tour normally raises enough money to award $500 scholarships each spring to two graduating Panorama Community School students.
This year’s home tour will be Sunday, Dec. 4, from 1 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. Ticket holders choose their own route to each location during that time period.
“We are excited to have five homeowners who will have decorated for Christmas and be ready to showcase their homes,” Roenfeld says. “Four of the homes are at Lake Panorama, and one is in Panora.”
Tickets cost $10 and can be purchased in advance from club members, at the Panora Library, at the Panora Community Center the day of the tour, or by contacting Roenfeld at mroenfeld2559@msn.com. Door prizes, raffle prizes and holiday refreshments also will be available at the Community Center 1-4:30 p.m.
Tickets must be presented at the door of each home the day of the event. Homes on the tour are owned by David and Deborah Townsend, Ken and Jan Tolton, Andrew and Abby Pudenz, Tim and Susan Schafer, and Galen and Carol Redshaw. Home addresses will be printed on the tickets.
The WFPF club has been in existence for 50 years. The first Christmas home tour was in 1978 with 70 people attending at a ticket price of $3.
In addition to the home tour, WFPF members help decorate the Panora town square for Christmas and run the candy cane walk and cake walk during community events. They donate cookies for Memorial Day activities and the Haunted Village; clean the roadside ditches on Highway 4 north of Panora twice a year; hold two blood drives a year; and donate money to several local organizations. They also purchase Christmas presents for all residents of Panora Specialty Care.
The group meets the first Tuesday of each month and welcomes new members. Contact Roenfeld at mroenfeld2559@msn.com for more information.


Posted 11/09/22
This is the 49th year the Panora Women’s Service Organization (WSO) annual salad luncheon has been part of the local holiday season. This year’s fundraising luncheon is Friday, Dec. 2.
The WSO luncheon begins serving at noon and is held in the St. Cecelia Catholic Church basement. As guests arrive, they can purchase raffle tickets and sign up for door prizes.
Tickets are $20 with only 125 available. The meal includes ham balls, rolls and a large variety of salads made by WSO members. Tickets can be purchased from any WSO member, at the Panora Library, or by contacting the WSO president, Toni Wright, 641-757-0886 or btwright44@gmail.com.
Proceeds from the WSO holiday luncheon help fund local projects and make it possible to provide a $500 scholarship to one Panorama High School graduating senior each year, which can be renewed annually for up to three years. In most years, WSO is providing $2,000 in scholarship money to four Panorama graduates.
Another big fundraising event for WSO is an annual home tour each June, which this year will be Friday, June 2. This will be the 47th WSO home tour. Tickets for this event also will be limited so those interested will want to contact their usual ticket seller in early May.
The salad luncheon and home tour will secure this year’s scholarships plus make it possible to donate to other local causes. Some of those include Tori’s Angels, Panora Library, Heritage Park, Guthrie County Historical Village, Guthrie County Food Pantry, and the Panora Garden Club Main Street petunia trees and flower pots. 

Final cost is estimated to be $780,000. 

Posted 11/09/2022
By Susan Thompson 
Lake Panorama Times 

A water quality project that has been discussed for many years has begun. JNC Construction, of Clearfield, Iowa, began work Oct. 31 to repair the rip rap along the south shore of Lake Panorama’s main basin. The company was awarded the project with a bid of $693,897.
This project is being funded by the Lake Panorama Rural Improvement Zone (RIZ). It’s estimated the final cost will be about $780,000, including engineering costs, permit fees and unit quantity adjustments.
JNC expects the project to take six to seven weeks. Work began near the ski team dock and will move west. The crew will do 1,000-feet sections of shoreline at a time. First, they will pull all the existing rock out of the bank and lake. Next, they will regrade the bank, lay fabric, and place dolomite rip rap below the lake level up to the water elevation line. Once the dolomite is in place, the salvaged field stone will be put back on top of the dolomite above the water elevation line.
The crew will have a debris curtain about 300 feet long in the water to contain any loose grass or debris that may fall into the lake while they are working. Also, there are several drainages that go toward the lake from the south shore. JNC will place drainage culverts in these areas to allow water to safely run back toward the lake.
In 2021, JNC Construction completed three projects at Lake Panorama, adding rip rap on the west side of the Burchfield Cove river channel; creating a “bench” and sediment basin for long-reach excavator use in that area; and adding rip rap at the County basin to address some shoreline erosion.
RIZ and the Lake Panorama Association signed a formal agreement in exchange for RIZ funding of the project. The agreement states the South Shore must remain a greenspace for at least the next 15 years. Projects such as walking trails, docks or picnic areas are not considered development and may be included as part of the greenspace definition.  

Thanksgiving traditions and memory-making meals

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Posted 11/09/2022
By Jolene Goodman

(Family Features) Thanksgiving traditions build, change and establish through the years. Our family’s are ever changing, but some things have become tradition. One is that we are open to changing up meals, gatherings, locations, etc. We now have two daughters living out of state — way out of state, in California and Arizona. Geography will be challenging for us now, but I am happy to share that for the upcoming holiday we will all be together at a Colorado destination. In recent years, we have changed up the holiday “meat” from turkey or ham to ham balls. Ham balls along with those classic sides have been our tradition. These are agreed favorites of everyone. But, as I flip through current recipe ideas, I am going to add a baked turkey breast to the menu this year. Time to change it up a bit. I don’t even care if anyone eats it. I love leftover turkey to make casseroles, tacos, soups, etc. And, I have missed it. Following is a recipe I am going to try this year that I think you will like. If you try and like it, send me a note. Thanks for reading!

Turkey Cranberry Dinner Rolls
Nonstick cooking spray
1 package of Wonder Dinner Rolls
2 cups diced turkey, cooked
1 cup cranberry sauce or relish
6 slices Swiss cheese
6 tablespoons butter
1 tablespoon yellow mustard
1 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce
1/2 tablespoon dried minced onion
salt, to taste
pepper, to taste
1 tablespoon parsley
1 cup Parmesan cheese

Preheat oven to 325 F. Cover 9-by-13-inch baking pan with foil and spray with nonstick cooking spray.
Remove rolls from package in one piece, cutting entire slab in half lengthwise to create one half of “tops” and one half of “bottoms.”
Place bottom half in foil-covered pan and layer with turkey, cranberry sauce and Swiss cheese. Add top half of rolls.
In microwave, melt butter and whisk in mustard, Worcestershire sauce, onion and salt and pepper, to taste. Pour evenly over rolls.
Cover with foil and let sit 5-10 minutes then bake, covered, 20 minutes. Uncover and bake 5 minutes.
Sprinkle with parsley and Parmesan cheese. Slice into individual rolls.

Trish Hart’s nature photo of the month

Posted 11/09/2022
By Susan Thompson 
Lake Panorama Times 

One of the great things about living in Iowa is experiencing four seasons. Every autumn, we can look forward to the beauty of fall colors on the many varieties of hardwood trees at Lake Panorama. Yellow, red and orange leaves are the result of chemical processes that take place in trees as the seasons change from summer to winter.
Since April 2017, Trish Hart has worked 20-25 hours a week at the Lake Panorama National Resort front desk. The trees surrounding the LPN conference center and on the golf course often provide her with beautiful views begging to be captured on camera.
Such was the case with these maple trees that line the grassy area between the Clover Ridge condos and the LPN driving range net. Maple trees offer some of the most brilliant fall colors. The leaves of soft silver maples turn yellow, while the leaves of hard maples turn flame red.
Hart offers custom prints of her photos on canvas, paper, metal and glass. Learn more by visiting Nature’s Canvas Photography on Facebook
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Posted 11/09/2022
By Cheryl Temple
Lake Panorama Times

Name: Bio
Age: 1-plus
Available for adoption at Panora Pets

Bio came to the shelter shy, so he spent a good amount of time in a foster home. There, he realized he does like humans. Bio is a kitty with a distinct purrsonality. He loves to run, play and wrestle, as well as nap on your lap. He gets along well with other kitties. He and his foster home’s small dog became best friends. They were quite the team. Bio would knock things off the counter, and the dog would carry them off to a hiding place. Bio’s adoption fee is $25.
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Posted 11/09/2022
By Cheryl Temple
Lake Panorama Times

Name: Nova
Age: 4
Breed: Mal-Shi
Owners: Kent and Kim Kaplan

Names: Harlee Jo and Diesel
Age: 11
Breed: Yorkies
Owners: Kent and Kim Kaplan

Nova, Harlee and Diesel enjoy boat rides, golf cart rides and the various smells in the yard. They love playing on the dock and shoreline and kissing those they meet. The Kaplan family, Kent and Kim, have enjoyed living part time at the lake for 13 years. Their granddaughters, Alaina and Chesney (pictured), like to play with the dogs when visiting at the lake. 

Trustees Bill Dahl and Corey Welberg are running for re-election to three-year terms.

Posted 11/09/22
By Susan Thompson 
Lake Panorama Times 

Voting for two positions on the Lake Panorama Rural Improvement Zone (RIZ) board will take place Tuesday, Dec. 13. The polls will be open from noon until 8 p.m. in the lower level of the LPA office, 5006 Panorama Drive.
Or voters can request absentee ballots from the Guthrie County Auditor for the “Special Election” and fill in Lake Panorama RIZ. The last date to request an absentee ballot via U.S. Postal Service is Nov. 28. Voters also can vote absentee at the auditor’s office in the Guthrie County courthouse from Nov. 23 through Dec. 12.
Trustees Bill Dahl and Corey Welberg are running for re-election to three-year terms. Other trustees on the RIZ board are Doug Hemphill, JoAnn Johnson and Larry Petersen.
Voting is limited to individuals whose voter registration address is located within the Lake Panorama subdivision. LPA members who do not consider Lake Panorama their primary residence for voting purposes are not eligible to cast a ballot.
This is a government election, not an LPA election. Every eligible voter can cast a ballot. This differs from LPA elections, where each membership is allowed just one vote.
The trustees are responsible for administering the RIZ, which includes the platted portions of the Lake Panorama development. The Lake Panorama RIZ is a local government entity designed to manage erosion control and water quality at Lake Panorama and within its watershed.
The RIZ was formed in 1997 by the initiative of the LPA through legislation in Des Moines. The tax increment financing district allows tax growth dollars to stay within the Lake Panorama development for water quality purposes.
The board of trustees oversees the annual budget and associated expenditures. Estimated revenue for the 2022-2023 fiscal year is nearly $3 million. These funds are used exclusively to fund improvements allowed under IA Code 357.H, which includes dredging operations, erosion control practices and water quality improvements.
A key focus of RIZ is the dredging of sediment from Lake Panorama. This ensures lake depth remains suitable for safe enjoyment by LPA members and their guests.
One current multi-year project is the expansion of the 180th Trail Basin, formerly known as the CIPCO Basin. This project represents an investment of about $4 million of RIZ funds. This expanded sediment basin is where dredging spoils will go once the current basin is full. Two additional wetlands are in the planning stages and would bring the total number of wetlands protecting Lake Panorama to five.
Another project that began in late October is repairing the rip rap along the south shore, which is estimated at about $780,000 and expected to be complete before the end of this year. LPA signed an agreement with RIZ that in return for this investment, the south shore will not be used for anything beyond recreational purposes for the next 15 years.
For more information on Lake Panorama RIZ, visit www.lakepanoramariz.org

For the past two summers, Kelli Peters has been giving monarchs a boost.

Posted 10/12/2022
By Susan Thompson 
Lake Panorama Times

The eastern monarch butterfly population has experienced an 80% decline over the past two decades. Causes for the population decline include loss of milkweed habitat in the spring and summer breeding ranges of the United States, loss of overwintering habitat in Mexico and extreme weather events.
Iowa is in the center of the monarch’s summer breeding range, and about 40% of all monarch butterflies that overwinter in Mexico come from Iowa and neighboring states. Researchers agree the percentage of monarchs that survive in nature from egg to adulthood is less than 10%, and some believe the percentage is significantly lower.
For the past two summers, Kelli Peters has been giving monarchs a boost from her Lake Panorama home. She and her husband, John, have owned a home on the west side since 2008. Her interest in helping monarch caterpillars, which she calls cats, turn into monarch butterflies was pure accident.
“About four years ago, I was doing some yard work at my daughter’s home, pulled out some weeds, and this shiny thing caught my eye,” Peters says. “It was a chrysalis. I took it home and rigged up a contraption with a stick to have it hang vertically. Then I looked online to learn how to take care of it.”
Peters learned it takes approximately 10 days for a monarch butterfly to emerge from the chrysalis, but she didn’t know how long it had already been in that form.
“I watched it all the time to see if I could see any change. We decided to come to the lake one weekend, and I wanted to take it with me, but John thought I was crazy, so I didn’t,” she says. “When we came home from the lake, all that was left was a paper-thin shell. I started looking all over the house and finally found her on the side of our couch. I started tearing up; I was so excited.”
She had already named the soon-to-be butterfly Chrystal. But by the time it emerged, she knew male monarchs have two black spots on each hind wing. Chrystal was actually a male, so she renamed him Christopher, before gently releasing him to the world.
Fast forward to 2020. COVID hit in March. Both she and John started working from home and chose to live and work mainly in their lake home. A year later, they sold their Urbandale home and have been fulltime Lake Panorama residents since March 2021. Kelli, now retired, but still working part-time as a legal assistant for a West Des Moines law firm, found she missed the socialization aspect of being in the office.
“What do you do?” she asks. “Social media! TikTok has a woman who goes by Monarch CEO, who kept coming up on my feed. I was glued to the screen every time I saw her videos, and I started looking online to find everything I could about raising monarch caterpillars. I thought, ‘I could do this,’ and a hobby was born.”
Female monarchs lay their eggs on milkweed plants, and the caterpillars that hatch from the eggs feed exclusively on milkweed. Adult monarchs need nectar from flowering plants during the spring and summer breeding seasons to support reproduction and during the fall to fuel their 3,000-mile migration to Mexico, where they congregate in mountain forests.
In 2021, Peters raised and released 51 monarch butterflies, naming most of them. This year she gave up bestowing names and instead kept a notepad with key dates and statistics. She found the first monarch eggs on June 8. The first butterflies from those eggs emerged July 4, and were two males. Those were followed by five females July 5 and another male July 6. The last two of the 148 butterflies Peters released this year left her home Sept. 26 and 28. Both were males.
Peters is quick to say she’s no expert.
“I just love the miracle of watching them grow from a tiny caterpillar into a beautiful butterfly,” she says.
“An egg takes about three days to hatch,” Peters says. “Once the caterpillar hatches, it eats only milkweed, and grows 12 to 14 days to approximately 2,000 times its body size before turning into a chrysalis. Once in chrysalis form, it takes another 10 days before the butterfly emerges.”
The search for both monarch eggs and caterpillars begins around mid-June and runs through mid-September.
“We live in an area where there is a lot of milkweed,” she says. “I will go out walking or on the golf cart looking for eggs. Sometimes you get lucky and there will be a little guy already hatched. I take them home and raise them inside where parasites, spiders, birds and other environmental issues can’t kill them.”  
Her husband likes to golf the Panorama West course, and Kelli sometimes goes along.
“Yes, I go ‘golfing’ with him, but not to golf, my clubs are just a prop for me,” she says. “I go to get milkweed and cats; it’s a great place to find both.”
Each stage of a monarch’s transformation, which is called metamorphosis, requires different care. The eggs Peters discovers on the underside of milkweed leaves are laid out on a paper plate until she can see they are going to hatch. Not all eggs grow, but the ones that do turn a darker color as they get close to hatching.
“I don’t try to count eggs, only caterpillars,” Peters says. “Once I know an egg is going to hatch, I place it in a plastic container that has several small holes punched in the top for air. I usually put several in one container, depending on the size of cat and container. As the cats grow bigger, I move them to larger containers.”
Peters is constantly harvesting leaves and feeding cats.
“I cut the milkweed leaves off and bring them home to clean. I remove any insects and rinse the leaves with water,” she says. “I wrap the leaves in moist paper towels and store in the refrigerator until it’s feeding time.”
Peters says her favorite part of the caterpillars is watching them get “big and fat. They gobble up the milkweed, eating it in rows like we eat corn. If there are several of them together and eating at the same time, you can hear them munching and chewing,” she says.
As the caterpillars get bigger, Peters moves them into mesh cages, knowing they soon will be ready to create a chrysalis.
“They have to hang from something. When they start to hang in the shape of the letter J, you know they are getting close,” she says. “Once the chrysalis has been formed, there’s not much to do. In about 10 days, the chrysalis turns from a bright green to black, and you can see the monarch wings through the shell.”
Once a butterfly emerges, it needs to hang for a few hours to dry and pump its wings to full size.
“I typically release them within 24 hours, if it is not too cold or raining. If the weather doesn’t cooperate, I have fed them honey water and then released the following day,” Peters says.
During the busiest few weeks, Peters spends about an hour each day tending to the monarchs in various stages.
“I clean the containers daily and add fresh paper towel and milkweed,” she says. “I relate raising caterpillars to having a dog or cat. You have to take care of them just like you would your pet.”
Like other pet owners, Peters has found ways to manage when she travels.
“Last year I went on a girls’ trip to Chicago. I loaded up plastic bags with milkweed leaves in a cooler to keep them fresh, and my containers with about 20 cats in various stages went with me,” she says.
Besides taking care of monarchs from the time they are microscopic eggs until they are ready to fly away, Peters also is improving the habitat for monarchs on their Lake Panorama property.
“I release the butterflies in my flower garden area. I have a lot of zinnias, geraniums, marigolds, petunias and butterfly plants that I plant each year,” she says. “This year I’m planting more perennials to make our gardens better so the monarchs come back each year. We planted swamp milkweed in pink and white, plus some additional butterfly weed plants, common milkweed and butterfly bushes.”
A report released in May by the World Wildlife Fund indicated the eastern monarch butterfly population increased slightly over the previous year. That shows the efforts of Kelli Peters and other like-minded monarch enthusiasts are making a difference.


Posted 10/12/2022
By Susan Thompson 
Lake Panorama Times

It’s been just over a year since an organization that helps coordinate volunteer opportunities expanded into Guthrie County. The Retired and Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP) is one of the largest volunteer networks in the nation for people 55 and older.
Key funding for the program comes from a federal grant through AmeriCorps Seniors. A local sponsoring entity is needed, and the sponsor for Guthrie County is Boone County Hospital. RSVP in Boone County began in 1987. Services were expanded into Greene County in 2004 and into Guthrie County in July 2021.
Mary Porter of Guthrie Center is the Guthrie County coordinator for the program that helps senior volunteers find opportunities to help others locally, while also taking requests from those in need of assistance. The Lakeside Village, located at 2067 Highway 4, north of Panora, provides in-kind office space on the facility’s fourth floor.
“For 30-plus years, I had worked full time as a ventriloquist with Suzi Q and had no intention of changing,” Porter says. “Then COVID hit, and for 18 months the only programming we did was by Zoom. While on our way to a wedding in Washington state in May of 2021, I received an unexpected call asking if I would be interested in a job. I think I surprised both my husband and myself when I said I would be interested in hearing about it.” 
By the time Porter got back to Iowa, she had an appointment with Michele Hull of Boone, the RSVP 55+ Volunteer Program director. Hull has been with the program since 1997 and had written the grant request that allowed the program to expand into Guthrie County.
“I got excited about this opportunity because I knew I was going to get to help seniors,” Porter says.
RSVP administers several free programs. One is Adult Caregiver Respite, which matches volunteers with full-time caregivers of an adult family member or friend who cannot be left alone.
Tammy Huffman of Guthrie Center has been a full-time caregiver for her mother-in-law for the past five years. A friend of hers texted her a picture of an RSVP poster and suggested she might be able to get some help.  Huffman calls the program and its volunteers a godsend.
“I have three different volunteers, all wonderful ladies, who come in two to three times each week, for two to six hours at a time,” she says. “I try to fit in as many errands as I can while I have someone here. If I have to be gone during mealtime, I put food out they can offer to her. They also can remind her to take her medicines.”
Huffman has some health issues that recently have required more trips to the doctor for her. Plans are being made to transition her mother-in-law into a nursing home, so she can focus on her own recovery.
“I urge others who need help to check on the RSVP program. Mary Porter and the volunteers all go above and beyond the call of duty,” she says.
Porter recently was approached by another full-time caregiver, who had been hesitant to sign up for the respite program because she felt she would be letting her loved one down.
“She walked up to me at a store with a big smile on her face and said, ‘Today is my free day, yesterday was rough, and I was never so happy to see my volunteer walk in this morning.’ I walked to my car and told my husband, with tears in my eyes, this is why I love my job — we are helping people,” she says.
Teresa Mowrer, who lives south of Guthrie Center, has been a volunteer in the In-Home Visitation program since last February. The woman she had been visiting recently moved, and she is waiting for another match.
“I tried to go weekly, usually for an hour-and-a-half. I would bring some newspapers, sometimes a couple of magazines and a dessert,” Mowrer says. “We mostly would just sit and talk.”
The daughter of the woman Mowrer was visiting heard about the in-home visitation program and thought it would be good for her mom. She said it gave her some peace of mind knowing someone was checking on her.
“I didn’t realize until her daughter told me that my visits were something her mother looked forward to, although she always thanked me when I left,” Mowrer says. “I have enjoyed volunteering in this way, and would encourage others to try it.”
Another opportunity for volunteers is the Phone Friends program.
“About five years ago when my husband passed away, a friend started calling me every Monday,” says Wilda Oreweiler. “It has meant so much to me. I wanted to help someone else by making regular phone calls to them.”
Porter says both the in-home visitation and phone friend programs provide friendship and companionship for older adults who are socially isolated, who may be lonely, or just want good conversation. Recipients can participate in either program or both.
Another program that so far has volunteers but no participants in Guthrie County is the Grocery Assistance-shopping Program (GAP). GAP volunteers shop for groceries in this program that is available to disabled adults of any age and individuals 60 and older who may have difficulty getting groceries from the store to the kitchen. Participation may be short term, such as during a temporary illness or recuperation period, or long term.
Additional programs are available through partnerships. This summer, Porter matched Paula Wachholtz with Lakeside Village as a volunteer in the facility’s memory care garden.
“I retired in 2020 after 35 years as a pediatric physical therapist in the Papillion La Vista Schools. I moved to Lake Panorama fulltime and was looking for a way to get more involved in my new community,” Wachholtz says. “I learned about RSVP when I was living at Lakeside Village for three months during my home renovation. I fell in love with the Lakeside residents and was looking for a way to stay connected to them.
“So far the memory garden is my primary project,” she says. “I trim hedges, do a lot of weeding and clean up. I have loved my interactions with the Lakeside staff and the patients in the memory care unit as they come out to enjoy the day when I am there working.”
Wachholtz was the recipient of one of the $500 gifts from the Guthrie County State Bank’s May Day Acts of Kindness program. She plans to use the money for mulch and perhaps new cushions and umbrellas for the benches and tables in the garden.
Another RSVP partnership is with Elderbridge, the area agency on aging for Guthrie County. In October, Wachholtz got involved in the Elderbridge Errand Buddy program, which matches a volunteer with a senior who needs transportation to appointments or other places. Now Waccholtz is an errand buddy for a Panora resident.
Porter says the goal is to have 85 active volunteers within three years. In the first year, 14 volunteers signed up, with many calls coming in as soon as the program was publicized. With one year under her belt, Porter now is hoping to recruit additional volunteers, plus find more people who are interested in the services provided.
“The other side of this story is I need recipients to match with those interested in volunteering. It has been exciting for me as I attend a match meeting where the volunteer is introduced to the participant to find out what they have in common,” she says. “Caregivers benefit from some guilt-free time to rest, go to appointments, shop, attend a grandchild’s activities. Participants benefit from in-home or phone visits that helps keep them from getting lonely.”
Porter says volunteers benefit by staying active, meeting new people, contributing to the community, and developing new skills and knowledge. “Although this is a nationwide program and free to participants, I like to think of it as that ‘Iowa nice’ showing through with people helping people,” she says.
RSVP volunteers choose how, where and how often they want to serve. “Becoming a volunteer is as simple as visiting about your interests and the volunteer opportunities, fill out an enrollment form, and I connect you to where you will volunteer,” she says.
To learn more about how to get involved by volunteering or receiving services, contact Porter at 641-431-0132 or rsvpguthrieco@gmail.com.

Twin Vines Fall Festival set for Oct. 15
More than 20 vendors will have wares on display at this free-admission event.

Posted 10/12/22
By Shane Goodman
Lake Panorama Times 

Sip on some wine or Iowa craft beers. Enjoy live music. Browse products from a variety of vendors. And plan on lunch from Zipp’s Pizzaria.
If that sounds like an afternoon of fun, then put the Twin Vines Fall Festival on your calendar now.
On Oct. 15 from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m., more than 20 vendors will be showing and selling their wares at this free-admission event.
Attendees will find products from vendors like Tripple Berry Farm/Outlaw Bacon with their jam, bacon and smoked meats; Early Morning Harvest and their produce, organic flour and honey; Kuhn’s House of Scents with handmade wax and body products; Rustic Designs and their wooden signs; and Zyia Active with activewear, to name just a few.
Kent Atha, a musician from the Des Moines area, will be performing live music from a mix of genres.
This is the first effort at a Fall Festival, which was organized by Twin Vines, a family-owned vineyard, winery and event venue located on a working farm.
“We were wanting to bring a vendor festival to the community offering music, food trucks and multiple vendors for the fall fest,” said Brad Hayes, a partner at Twin Vines.
The event was largely spearheaded by Megan Anderson, events manager at the vineyard. The festival has been in the works for about four months, according to Hayes, who said repeating the event annually could be a “possibility.”
Twin Vines is located at 2821 Highway 44 in Panora. For more information on the Fall Festival event and a full list of vendors, visit the Twin Vines Fall Festival event page on Facebook. 

Butterflies, neighbors and Halloween humor

Shane june 2022
Posted 10/12/2022
By Shane Goodman
Editor and Publisher

As I edited the copy for this month’s issue, I was especially interested in the monarch butterfly story and what Kelli Peters has been doing do give them a boost from her Lake Panorama home.
I recall chasing butterflies in my childhood yard and trying to catch them. It kept my friends and me busy for days. I also remember placing the caterpillars in Mason jars with twigs and leaves and marveling in the process of the cocoon building and the ultimate transformation.
You may have noticed that the butterfly population has diminished in the past few decades, with numerous causes speculated. In recent years, though, some populations have increased. We can thank people like Kelli for their efforts to reverse this. Be sure to read the story and then chase the butterflies around your yard the next time you can.

How will your neighborhood kids remember you?
I wrote about neighbors in my Daily Umbrella column recently (www.dailyumbrella.com), and I will share a portion of it here. If you are fortunate enough to have great neighbors like Jolene and I do, then you are surely smiling. But do you ever wonder what your neighbors truly think of you? If you really want to know, ask the neighbor kid. Think I am wrong? Take a walk down memory lane and think back of your younger years and the time you spent outside. You were likely more aware of the neighborhood surroundings than most adults. As such, you had a solid grasp on the temperament of the folks living near you. Which of those childhood neighbors did you really like? And which ones did you avoid? I am betting you didn’t have to think long before images of certain people came to mind.
I remember the neighbor who taught me how to fly a kite. And I remember the one who threw my bicycle in the street because I had it in his driveway when he came home from work. I remember the neighbor who came across the street to help me down from a tree that I was too scared to jump from. And I remember the neighbors who never answered their doors on Beggars’ Night. I remember the neighbor who taught me how to throw a perfect football spiral. And I remember the one who yelled at my friends and me to shut up when we were playing Kick the Can in the early evenings.
I was reminded of all this when I saw a neighbor boy from our home in Grimes the other morning while getting in my truck to go to work. He made eye contact with me briefly and then looked away. I yelled out, “Good morning, neighbor!” He looked directly at me and then cracked something that was beginning to resemble a smile. I doubt that this brief conversation changed his day, but who knows? That small gesture may have been just what he needed. And even if it wasn’t, it made me smile.

Photo submissions
Our banner photo on the front page was snapped about 4 p.m. on Oct. 5 by Kelli Peters as a brief storm moved across the Lake Panorama dam area. Kelli took this photo from their deck, capturing both the storm clouds to the east and the beautiful fall colors on the surrounding trees.
Some of you have asked how to submit similar photos throughout the year. It’s easy. Just email to me at shane@dmcityview.com.

Halloween humor 
It’s October, and that means it’s Halloween time. As such, I will spare you the lake jokes this month and share some Halloween humor that hopefully you haven’t heard before:
Are any Halloween monsters good at math? No, unless you Count Dracula.
Why is a cemetery a great place to write a story? Because there are so many plots there.
What genre of music does a mummy like the best? Wrap!
Have a great month, and, as always, thanks for reading.


Posted 10/12/2022
By Susan Thompson 
Lake Panorama Times

In 2014, shortly after receiving 501(c)3 nonprofit status, Friends of Lake Panorama started raising funds for a large destination playground at Sunset Beach. More than two years later, the playground opened in summer of 2016. The new playground replaced an old slide, merry-go-round and swings.
From the beginning, some people expressed disappointment swings were no longer available at Sunset Beach. As plans were made by Friends to upgrade play equipment at both Shady and Boulder Beaches in 2020 and 2021, swings were included.
When the Friends board discussed how to spend proceeds from the 2021 Beach Ball, members decided to bring swings back to Sunset Beach. Three swings were ordered Aug. 25, 2021, with estimated delivery expected March 2022. But, as with so many things these days, manufacturing and shipping delays led to the Sunset Beach swing set being delivered five months later than planned.
The swing set finally arrived at Lake Panorama Aug. 30 and was installed by a Boland Recreation crew the next day. Boland Recreation of Marshalltown is the vendor that now has provided new play equipment at all three of Lake Panorama’s beaches, funded by money raised by Friends of Lake Panorama. The three swings, which include two belt swings and one toddler swing, are directly west of the existing playground.
The wood fiber safety surface material was delivered Sept. 6 and spread by LPA maintenance staff two days later. At the same time, LPA installed new wood fiber in the existing playground, which had deteriorated over the last six years the playground has been in use. 

The mussels have spread into much of the upper Midwest including the Mississippi and Missouri rivers, and several streams and lakes in Iowa. 

Posted 10/12/2022
By Susan Thompson 
Lake Panorama Times

In spring 2014, the LPA Board of Directors adopted new rules in an attempt to keep aquatic invasive species from infesting Lake Panorama. Invasive species reproduce early, often, in large numbers and in multiple ways. They grow rapidly and have few natural enemies. Aquatic invasive species can cause damage to equipment, threaten water recreation safety, and, ultimately, reduce property values.
Several aquatic invasive species have been introduced into Iowa water bodies. One of the most concerning is zebra mussels. The pest was first introduced in the Great Lakes by the emptying of water ballast from sea-going ships that arrived from the Black and Caspian seas, located between Europe and Asia. The mussels since have spread into much of the upper Midwest including the Mississippi and Missouri rivers, and several streams and lakes in Iowa.
Zebra mussels are small shellfish that can produce up to 1,000 microscopic eggs every day. The mussels attach themselves to smooth surfaces. In some lakes, rocks, dock posts, underwater portions of lifts, boat hulls, propellers and inboard/outboard units have become completely covered.
“The zebra mussel is an invasive species that has had detrimental effects on other lakes in Iowa. They can travel in ballast water or plant material that may get stuck on a vessel being transported from one lake to another,” says Lane Rumelhart, LPA’s project manager. “LPA’s invasive species policies are aimed at trying to avoid the introduction of these creatures.”
In 2020, Rumelhart worked with RMB Environmental Laboratories Inc. of Detroit Lakes, Minnesota, to begin an annual program to test for zebra mussel veligers in Lake Panorama.
“Zebra mussel veligers are free-swimming larvae of the mussels. Water current can pull veligers long distances before becoming heavy enough to settle to the bottom of a waterbody,” Rumelhart says. “I talked to RMB’s water biologist about testing for zebra mussels and was told veligers become prevalent one to three years before mussels are visible. He said by testing for veligers, we may be able to get a head start on preparation for the mussels, if they ever become present.”
Rumelhart uses a tow net made specifically for capturing microscopic organisms out of water and pulls samples through the net in two locations — the marina and the dredge dock above the debris trap in the upper basin. Samples are sent to the lab in Minnesota for examination. Testing in 2020 and 2021 were negative for zebra mussel larvae in Lake Panorama. The same result was reported this fall after the 2022 samples were tested.
“LPA staff believes a two-pronged approach to invasive species is the most responsible strategy,” Rumelhart says. “First, prevention remains our top priority, so we will continue to educate our members about prevention and enforce our invasive species regulations.”
Second, Rumelhart says LPA will continue to test each summer to ensure staff and members have a head start on responding, if zebra mussel veligers are found in Lake Panorama.
“Zebra mussels could clog irrigation systems for our two golf courses and waterfront homeowners. This pest likely would create new challenges for routine dam operation and maintenance. The barge companies would require some advance planning as zebra mussels weigh down docks and boat lifts. If we ever do have to face these challenges, advance notice will help us avoid a last-minute scramble for emergency solutions,” Rumelhart says.
Here is a review of LPA’s rules related to stopping invasive species from entering Lake Panorama. Boats owned by LPA members that are used exclusively on Lake Panorama are considered “resident” boats. These must display a “resident” sticker and do not require annual inspections.
Any boat that is not used exclusively at Lake Panorama must display a “non-resident” sticker. These boats must pass an inspection by LPA personnel after returning from another body of water.
Inspections look for the following: plant parts, mud, animal specimens on boat or trailer or fishing equipment, and water in live wells, bilge tanks, ballast tanks or engine cooling systems. For members who do take their water vessels to other lakes, thoroughly cleaning, draining and drying the boat, trailer and equipment for at least five days in warm weather should allow the boat to pass inspection and be allowed back on Lake Panorama.
It’s not just boats that can transport aquatic invasive species. Any water-related equipment such as lifts and docks previously installed in another lake cannot be installed at Lake Panorama before passing invasive protocols. Equipment that has been thoroughly drained, cleaned, dried and treated may be considered for installation after security or management does an initial inspection, and the equipment sits on land away from the shoreline for a minimum of 30 days.

LPA job openings

Posted 10/12/22

The LPA Maintenance and Water departments have two full-time positions available. Duties vary, and more detail can be provided upon request. These positions need filled immediately. If you or someone you know is interested, contact the office by phone at 641-755-2301 or email lpa@lakepanorama.org

Power and water to be shut off at LPA campgrounds by Oct. 31

Posted 10/12/22

Water and electricity will be shut off in both campgrounds by Saturday, Oct. 31. This is the normal end of the camping season and time to get non-heated facilities closed prior to winter freeze-up. LPA reserves the right to adjust this date if the temperature forecast unexpectedly dips well below freezing during the remainder of October. The campgrounds will also be closed Oct. 31 for the season. 

Dale Grotjohn

Posted 10/12/2022

Dale Gordon Grotjohn, 88, son of John and Edna (Krause) Grotjohn, was born May 22, 1934, in rural Schaller. He passed away Monday, Sept. 5, 2022, at the New Homestead in Guthrie Center, surrounded by his girls.
 Dale graduated from Schaller High School in 1952. He worked at Kingan and Co. in Storm Lake. He then went into the United States Army in August of 1954. He was stationed in Whittier, Alaska, until July of 1956.
He was united in marriage to Arla Mae Brockway on Dec. 27, 1959. They made their home in Fort Dodge for about five months. They then moved to Waverly for two years where Dale worked for Western Electric until 1962, when they moved to Hubbard to manage the telephone company. He left Hubbard in 1970 to manage the Panora Telephone Coop Inc. in Panora, retiring in 1999.
 Dale was a member of St. Thomas Lutheran Church in Panora, where he was an elder and was past president of the church board. He also was a member of the Panora Lions Club and PRIDE group. He served on the Lake Panorama Rural Improvement Zone Board, Guthrie County Hospital Board and the Panora Telephone Board.
 Dale was an avid fisherman and golfer. He and Arla Mae enjoyed throwing their annual Fourth of July party socializing with many friends and family.
 Dale and Arla Mae were very family oriented. They enjoyed spending time with their girls, grandchildren and great-grandchildren who affectionately called them Grandpa and Grandma Pizza!
 He is survived by his daughters, Stephanie Godwin of Panora and Stacy (Jim) Henrich of Ankeny; grandchildren, Shelby (Marcus) Lewis, Sydney (Zeb) Osen, Payton (Steven) Fox, Benjamin Henrich and Reilly Henrich; and great-granddaughters, Ella and Ava Lewis and Willa Osen. He was preceded in death by his parents; wife, Arla Mae; sister, Florine; and brother, Keith.
 Funeral services were Friday, Sept. 9, 2022, at St. Thomas Lutheran Church, Panora. Burial was in the West Cemetery, Panora. Memorials may be left to the discretion of the family.  

George Ohm

Posted 10/12/2022

George Ramon Ohm, 86, of Yale, passed away peacefully on Thursday, Sept. 1, 2022, while at home surrounded by his family.
 He was born on Aug. 2, 1936, in Jefferson to Ramon Irene (Graham) Ohm. He spent his younger years in Coon Rapids.
George was united in marriage to Bev Wood of Scranton on June 17, 1956, in Coon Rapids. The couple started out their early years together in Van Meter, where he worked as a dairy hand and settled down in Yale.
 George was the mayor of Yale for eight years following 28 years as a city councilmember as well as a volunteer fireman. He was involved with the restoration and construction work on the Round Gym, helping to obtain grants and city help that allowed them to re-roof, patch the brick siding, install new windows and doors and tear out the false ceiling.
 Early in his career, George worked in bridge construction, which led him to the construction of the Lake Panorama dam. Once completed, George was hired by Mid-Iowa Lakes to manage the dam, which he did for more than three decades before retiring. Along with managing the dam, he managed a crew for the construction of the golf course and lake roads. He also managed the Vacation Village built by Mid-Iowa Lakes where potential property owners would stay to tour the lake for property purchases. After CIPCO took ownership from Mid-Iowa Lakes, George also managed grounds that were purchased by CIPCO that became crop-share farmland.
 Boxing in his early years drove George to founding and coaching the Yale/YJB Boxing Club, bringing a rare and rewarding sport to the community. They traveled to many cities and surrounding states and obtained championship results.
His other hobbies included trapping, fishing, hunting, bowling, riding motorcycles and hill climbing. He also played and was a pitcher for men’s softball team.
 He is survived by his wife, Bev; children, Mike (Paula), Dennis (Susan), Dan, Pat (Diane), Cheryl Ohm (Nick) Balderas and Christie (Rod) Ocker; nine grandchildren, Danielle Ohm, Brad Ohm, Jason Henderson, Justin Ohm, Megan Ohm, Amanda Stradling, Logan Ohm, Dalton Downing and Dylan Downing; 10 great-grandchildren; and siblings, Garlan (Pete), Erin and Charles.
 George was preceded in death by his parents; twin sister, Georgie Merical; and brother, Grant.
 A celebration of life was held at the Yale Community Building on Saturday, Sept. 24. Twigg Funeral Home, Panora, was entrusted with his arrangements.  

Kelly Wilderman

Picture of kelly
Posted 10/12/2022

Kelly James Wilderman, 57, entered the Kingdom of Heaven on Tuesday, Sept. 13, 2022, after a courageous battle with pancreatic cancer. He was surrounded by his loved ones.
Dick and Lynne Wilderman welcomed Kelly into the world on June 15, 1965, in Iowa City. Kelly loved telling stories about his childhood and growing up at the A&W. He graduated from East High School and began a long career of 37 years with UPS, and was recently retired. In his retirement, Kelly and his son-in-law, Kody, were looking forward to a global expansion of their nut business, Dick’s Nuts. Kelly and his wife of 29 years, Angie, raised their girls on the lake in Panora.
Kelly absolutely loved family time and being on the boat together or working on a project. He could tackle just about anything, even before there were YouTube videos. He enjoyed cheering on the Packers and going to his girls’ and grandkids’ sporting events. He was always one of the loudest in the stands. He never really understood how “quiet” worked. He had a contagious laugh and was an eternal optimist until the very end.
Kelly was a great friend and always looked forward to Card Club nights and the annual Guys Trip to Kansas City. He also relished in the victory of beating his dad at cribbage — although it probably didn’t happen as much as he would’ve liked. He had many things that were dear to his heart, like Wilderman family vacations, his dogs and his classic cars, but most important to Kelly, was his relationship with Jesus Christ. He always looked forward to going to church each Sunday together as a family.
Kelly was reunited in Heaven with his mom, Lynne (and certainly received the biggest and best hug imaginable); his mother-in-law, Donna Lansman, and her husband, Dave; along with all of the grandparents.
Those still here to cherish his memory are his wife, Angie; daughters, Chantelle Nielsen (Kody), Brianna, and Hope; granddaughters, Harper and Willow Nielsen; his father, Dick (Judy); brother, Mark; sister, Melanie Sesker (Kahl), and their kids, Korbin (Ryley), Aubrey, and Grace; father-in-law, Ken Slothouber (Judie); brother-in-law, Kurt Slothouber (Kelli), and their girls, Jordan and Taylor; and we wouldn’t want to forget A.J. Hawk. We are certain that one day we will all be reunited. We look forward to that day, but, until then, we will live each day the way Kelly did — to the fullest!
A celebration of life service was held on Tuesday, Sept. 20, 2022, at Lutheran Church of Hope in West Des Moines.
Donations to the family will be given to spread the good news of Jesus Christ.  

And sometimes it is no.

Posted 10/12/2022
By Susan Thompson 
Lake Panorama Times

Lane Rumelhart is in his third year as project manager for the Lake Panorama Association. His duties include managing the LPA building codes, projects financed by the Lake Panorama Rural Improvement Zone (RIZ), LPA communications, the annual deer hunt program, the campgrounds and beaches, and “other duties as assigned.”
Rumelhart says LPA member questions frequently touch on a handful of common topics, which can be answered with a simple yes or no. This month’s Q&A is a compilation of “yes” and “no” questions. In some cases, additional information also is provided.

The Answer is Yes
Will I get a ticket if I speed past a No Wake buoy? YES
Do I have to maintain silt fence on a waterfront project? YES
Am I required to have an LPA boat sticker for my boat/jet ski/canoe/kayak/stand-up paddleboard? YES
Can I take vegetation less than 12 inches in diameter to the brush dump? YES
Does LPA have an informational website? YES (lakepanorama.org)
Is the LPA office open from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. weekdays? YES
Does LPA have the ability to communicate electronically with the membership on most topics? YES
Does the Fin and Feather club stock fish in the lake every year? YES
May I build a 100-square-foot shed on an undeveloped lot? (To clarify, undeveloped means there is no home on the lot.) YES
Are there restrooms at the beaches? YES (open seasonally)
Do I need a variance to build a home with a roof pitch less than 6/12? YES
Am I required to maintain my shoreline with rip rap that meets SUDAS specifications? YES (SUDAS is short for Statewide Urban Design and Specifications. The Institute for Transportation at Iowa State University maintains Iowa’s SUDAS manuals for public improvements.)
Do I need a recent, recorded and signed survey from a professional surveyor as part of the building permit to build a new home? YES
Do I need a permit to put in a new driveway culvert? YES
Do I need a 911 address sign on my dock? YES (www.iowadnr.gov/boatdocks)
Is the swim platform counted when LPA security measures my boat length? YES

The Answer is No
Can I camp on my undeveloped lot? NO
Will you allow a pontoon boat over 27 feet on the lake? NO
Does LPA have the ability to direct barge companies to service members? NO
Can I put a political sign in my yard? NO
Can I build a boathouse on my lot if there is no boathouse currently on it? NO
Is it acceptable to raise chickens on my lot? NO
How about goats? NO
Is the LPA office ever open on Saturdays? NO
May I build my home closer than 50 feet from the water? NO
Can LPA sell me a piece of community area? NO
Can I put a permanent dock on the community area next to my lot? NO
Would you let me keep my boat docked at one of the three beaches overnight? NO
Can I build a detached garage on my undeveloped lot across the street from my home? NO
Can I use glider kits, self-powered gliders, kites, parasails, kite tubes, flyboards, self-powered hydrofoils, self-powered surfboards or like objects on the lake? NO
May I leave a fire unattended? NO
Does LPA provide a trash disposal service? NO
Does that mean I can throw my trash into dumpsters at the beaches or golf courses or near the LPN conference center? NO
May I build my own boat ramp? NO
Can I put up a privacy fence? NO
Can kids without a valid driver’s license operate a golf cart on LPA roads? NO
Can I build a pole building? NO
Is Lake Panorama governed by the City of Panora? NO
Can I take loads of dirt to the brush dump? NO
Can LPA require my neighbors to be friendly? NO
Will LPA security trap pest animals for me? NO
May I build a 200-square-foot shed on an undeveloped lot? NO
Can I drive a vehicle over 10,000 pounds (5 tons) on LPA roads during the embargo? NO
Can LPA do something to guarantee Lake Panorama will never have a blue green algae bloom? NO
Can I have an above-ground pool? NO
Does LPA have an official connection to Next Door, so if I post a question or comment there, LPA staff will respond? NO
Rumelhart says additional information on many of these questions can be found on the Lake Panorama Association website home page, most likely under the FAQs and Documents drop down tabs. The website is lakepanorama.org. Members also can call the LPA office weekdays 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at 641-755-2301, or email lpa@lakepanorama.org.

Rutledge noted leasing the LPN food and beverage operation would be similar to what the LPA has done for many years with the marina. 

Posted 10/12/22

About 40 LPA members attended the Sept. 2 GM Coffee to hear updates from John Rutledge, LPA general manager. Rutledge started his report with a review of efforts being made to find someone to lease the food and beverage portion of the Lake Panorama National Resort operation.
“The primary focus of the LPA and LPN boards is to secure a food and beverage vendor, who would be in place by March or April of 2023,” Rutledge said. “We have invested in some advertising to increase our reach to the food and beverage industry throughout Iowa and remain hopeful we can find some viable tenant candidates to interview in the next 60 days.”
Rutledge noted leasing the LPN food and beverage operation would be similar to what the LPA has done for many years with the marina.
“The LPA is committed to having a successful, long-term food and beverage operation at Lake Panorama National. We appreciate everyone’s patience as we work through current challenges to make that happen,” he said.
Turning to the LPA, Rutledge reported a total of 7.65 miles of roads received seal-coat treatment this year, with 3.97 miles on the east side of the lake, and 3.68 miles on the west side. The cost was more than $215,000, a 23.5% increase in cost from 2021. Because of the higher cost, fewer miles of road were treated than has been the case for the past 15 years.
The LPA water safety committee recommended and the board approved a limit on personal marker buoys. Rutledge said members now can have just one marker, which must be high visibility, not larger than 18 inches in diameter, and no farther from shore than the end of the owner’s dock. Members who have personal marker buoys have until the end of the 2022 season to comply with the new rule, with enforcement by LPA security beginning in 2023.
A shortage of available boat lifts has caused some members to look for used lifts.
“If you plan to purchase a lift that has been in another lake, remember the LPA requires a 30-day quarantine, and the lift must be inspected before it can be installed here,” Rutledge said. “It is absolutely critical to the health of Lake Panorama for everyone to abide by our invasive species rules.”
Work to bore a new water main under the lake from Sunset Beach to the east side was to begin shortly after Labor Day and should be complete this fall. Rutledge said total cost of this project could reach $400,000. The old water line that was installed before the lake existed will be abandoned once the new line is in place. Another old water line near Christmas Tree Point still needs to be replaced, and plans are in the works to re-establish a line from the west side of the lake to the Boulder Beach area.
A recent inspection of the Lake Panorama dam “did not raise any red flags. We’re very happy with the report, considering the dam is now more than 50 years old,” Rutledge said. “Some short-term maintenance items that will cost less than $200,000 were identified, with another $200,000 in additional items that will need to be done over the next three to five years.”
Rutledge outlined a rule change on what items can be stored on undeveloped lots without homes. The rule now is more specific and is under the category of “Property Care” in the LPA rules and regulations.
The rule states: “Boat/PWC trailers, and boats, PWCs, and non-enclosed utility trailers are the only property that may be stored on undeveloped lots. Utility trailers must have a current registration displayed, be open in design, not longer than a 14’ model, and be completely empty. Recreational vehicles, campers, motor vehicles, enclosed trailers, dump trailers and other equipment storage are prohibited on undeveloped lots.”
A radar sign that flashes a motorist’s speed has been purchased for use by LPA security. It can be mounted on the same posts as speed limit signs within the Lake Panorama community or on a movable trailer.
“The plan is to move this around to various locations,” Rutledge said. “We aren’t trying to use it to write speeding tickets; in fact, we’ll be happy if no fines are collected because of this new tool. What we want to do is use it to correct behavior.”
With the annual LPA deer hunting program beginning Oct. 1, Rutledge reviewed results of the 2021 program. Last year there were a total of 100 hunters, with 72 of those being LPA members and 28 being guests of members. A total of 119 antlerless deer were harvested, and hunters were provided with 73 free deer tags. Since guest hunters pay a fee, the net cost of the program in 2021 was $680.
“We’re proud of how this program operates and how LPA is able to reach our goals for managing the Lake Panorama deer population in an ethical manner,” Rutledge said.
Results of a membership survey regarding low-impact recreational amenities that could be made available on the south shore of the lake’s main basin were reviewed. At its August meeting, the LPA board approved plans presented by Friends of Lake Panorama to enhance existing walking trails and allow the Panorama schools cross country teams to use trails on the south shore. Friends of Lake Panorama representatives and LPA staff will continue to discuss disc golf, a shelter house and a fishing dock, and Friends will return to the LPA board in spring of 2023 with related recommendations.
“No commercial or residential development is planned,” Rutledge said. “And no substantial removal of trees will be done. Trees that do need removed will be scrub trees or dead trees. We will retain mature hardwood trees unless we absolutely have to remove an isolated tree.”
Turning to RIZ, Rutledge said a pre-bid meeting to outline plans to repair the rip rap along the south shore was well attended. The project is estimated at about $750,000. LPA will sign an agreement with RIZ that in return for this investment, the south shore will not be used for anything beyond recreational purposes for the next 15 years. Completion of this work is expected late this year or early spring of 2023.
Rutledge reviewed some ongoing projects being funded by RIZ. Expansion of the old CIPCO basin, which has been renamed the 180th Trail Basin, is underway. This expanded sediment basin is where dredging spoils will go once the current basin is full. Two additional wetlands also are in the planning stages.
The fiscal year 2022-23 RIZ budget includes about $3 million of annual tax increment financing (TIF) revenue. RIZ is a government entity and is managed by a board of five trustees.
One more GM coffee is scheduled for 2022. It will be Friday, Dec. 2 at 10:30 a.m. at the LPN conference center. 

Dr. Spray credits two local businesses for making it possible for him to start a practice right out of dental school. 

Posted 10/12/2022
By Susan Thompson 
Lake Panorama Times

Lakeshore Family Dentistry, owned by Dr. Larry Spray, is nearing its 10th anniversary in Panora. Groundbreaking for the building at 709 East Main was held Oct. 6, 2012, an event Spray missed because of the birth of his first child the night before. The business opened April 2, 2013.
Spray says he knew from a young age he wanted to be in the healthcare field.
“Initially, I wanted to be a physician, but my youngest sister suffered from a tumor on her jaw bone that resulted in lots of treatment from oral surgeons and dentists to repair her jaw,” he says. “This was an eye-opening experience, although it didn’t solidify my decision.”
Spray grew up in Dallas Center, graduated from Dallas Center-Grimes High School, and attended Simpson College in Indianola.
“I took a year off after graduating from Simpson, debating between medical and dental school,” he says. “The work-life balance of a dentist seemed more appealing, so I went that route.”
Next up was the University of Iowa College of Dentistry.
“I started the practice in Panora right out of dental school,” Spray says. “I filled in here and there for other dentists, but once I graduated, we broke ground on the building.”
Spray credits local businesses Panora Fiber and Downing Construction for making it possible for him to start a practice right out of dental school.
“Panora Fiber helped secure a USDA loan that focuses on getting people to practice in rural areas. The money that was paid back now is in a fund that can be loaned again to others, in an effort to encourage growth,” he says. “Downing Construction had an investor who paid for the building, and I leased it back. Both of these were very helpful to me, and I would not have been able to start a practice without it.”
Spray says he is glad he was able to build his business in Panora.
“Being in Panora reminds me a lot of growing up in a small community. The hustle and bustle of a large city is not something I am familiar with,” he says. “The community is great because everyone supports everybody. Small businesses support other small businesses. There is a general interest in seeing that everyone succeeds.” 
Most of the patients for Lakeshore Family Dentistry live in Guthrie County.
“Occasionally there will be a patient who is visiting Lake Panorama from further away who has an issue, but, in general, most are from Guthrie County, with some from Dallas County.”
Spray and his wife, Mallory, live west of Dallas Center. Mallory is a fourth-grade teacher at Dallas Center-Grimes. The couple has four children — Parker, Lincoln, Reagan and Spencer — and two German shorthaired pointers, Cooper and Tucker.
“We spend most of our time running kids to sporting events,” Spray says. “In the off chance I’m not at a child’s event, I can be found outdoors, exercising and training for my first triathlon, or volunteering for True Impact Outdoors, a nonprofit organization that takes disabled veterans hunting.”
Spray has five employees who help keep the dental practice running smoothly. Sue Bump is a dental assistant who has been with Spray since Lakeshore Family Dentistry opened. Bump assists Spray with dental procedures.
Misean Hernandez, a dental hygienist, has been with the practice more than six years. Kassidy Voss, also a dental hygienist, has been at Lakeshore for a year. Amanda Vogel also has been with the practice about a year. She assists with dental procedures and fills in at the front desk. New to the practice is Samantha Wilson, who works at the front desk.
Spray says people should be seen by a dentist every six months, although those with periodontal concerns should see a dentist more frequently. He recommends young children make their first visit to a dentist when the first tooth comes in, or at least by their first birthday.
Lakeshore Family Dentistry is accepting new patients and has recently started offering Invisalign orthodontic treatment. The office is open Monday 8 a.m. to 3 p.m., Tuesday 7 a.m. to 5 p.m., Thursday 8 a.m. to 6 p.m., and Friday 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. The office is closed each Wednesday. The phone number is 641-755-3030. 


Posted 10/12/2022
By Susan Thompson 
Lake Panorama Times

A bid of $295,000 was accepted June 17 to bore a new water main under Lake Panorama from Sunset Beach to the east side. The winning bidder was TIMCO, a company based in Oklahoma. The TIMCO bid was much lower than what both engineers had estimated, and lower than competing bidders, because the company was already mobilized in Iowa for projects in Council Bluffs and Guthrie Center. Total cost of this project, including design and engineering, is estimated at $400,000.
This line will connect to the existing water main on the east side of the lake in the 4300 range of Panorama Drive. TIMCO mobilized to the site after Labor Day and drilling began soon after. Once the new line is in place, the old water line installed before the lake existed will be abandoned. Completion is expected the week of Oct. 17.
This project is similar to the last water crossing installation that took place in 2020 in Burchfield Cove. Another old water line near Christmas Tree Point needs to be replaced, and plans are in the works to re-establish a line from the west side of the lake to the Boulder Beach area.
These water crossing projects are part of an ongoing effort to update critical infrastructure and improve the Lake Panorama Association water distribution system. 

Flu and COVID booster shot clinic Oct. 14

Posted 10/12/22

Guthrie County Public Health is holding a Flu and COVID booster shot clinic at Lake Panorama Conference Center on Friday, Oct. 14 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. The COVID booster shot is Pfizer. Guthrie County Public Health has advised this booster is compatible with previous vaccines, even if those original shots were not Pfizer.
 Anyone interested should call Guthrie County Public Health at 641-747-3972 to schedule a time. Bring insurance card for flu shots.